

While waiting for happiness to bloom she painted flowers in her journal. Page after page. Dipping her paint brush in colorful dreams that would cause envy amongst real flowers…she stared out the window wondering if….

photo: A page of a 1930s journal I found at the brocante fair last Sunday.


30 responses to “Wallflower”

  1. ParisBreakfasts

    What a beautiful journal page. Another brush dipper too..

  2. It must be so fun and lovely inside your mind. 🙂

  3. cruststation

    Oh my goodness, what a lovely find. I love the painted flowers they look gorgeous against the brown and what a beautiful sepia photo? I love Lisa’s comment, can we have a party inside your mind?!

  4. Happiness blooms before our eyes with every breathe of life.
    It is a gift to be treasured.
    Love you ……
    Happy is the home where love resides and good friends visit often!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  5. You have a knack for hitting me in the gut (in a good way of course).
    I have a tendency to do the same as the woman in the picture.

  6. Corey I love the “wondering if…”

  7. I never felt like happiness was ever going to bloom for me. I have to learn to apprciate things to bring me joy. Who is to say those flowers, while was painting, were not really her happiness…

  8. susan@artstream

    what a pretty journal page… i wonder what the others looked like.

  9. teresa (maggiegracecreates)

    Maybe the link will work today.
    I waited so many times for the happiness to come. Then someone said “the sun comes up everyday, you just have to decide whether you are going to get up with it.” Now I get up everyday expecting something beautiful.
    Fab post once again.

  10. Oh my goodness what a find! Lovely!!!

  11. lisa(oceandreamer)

    again with the heart skipping a beat at the magic you seem to come across at the Brocante. This photo, this photo conjures up stories and art and the imagination of her whole story. I love that you see the things you do in objects and moments….that your thoughts are like paint brushes on a canvas and we stand in the gallery, hand under a chin and the other on a hip and pause…..reflect…..ponder and bask in the artistry.

  12. Corey, I love the way your imagination brings these old things to life.

  13. wondering if..she would be accepted for the position she applied for.. =))
    it is funny.. I can hear that your mind is buzzing ( I dont know if it is the right word.. I mean making a bzzz niose) while you are looking around.. seeing objects.. cards..
    enjoy.. and never loose your vitality..your love of life

  14. wondering if…she dared dip her brush into the colorful dreams and paint herself into the picture as well, there to run freely through fields of imagination, reveling in the freedoms therein.
    I wonder of pictures of us will cause such speculation 75 years hence.

  15. …if her life would bloom as the flowers in her journal. …if her paintings would lead her to the life of fulfillment that she so desired. …if her talent would take her to places she had only dreamed.
    Aww, the if’s of our lives. Have we really changed so much?

  16. …being sent to the naughty corner was still appropriate at her age!

  17. Please excuse my silly comment it matches my mood!
    Lovely find Corey. I am sure I could spend hours if not days admiring your treasure. xxx

  18. how beautiful!!

  19. lisa(oceandreamer)

    I am amazed at all the things you find at the brocante, how your eye is drawn to these perfect objects/photos and what it conjures up in you and for you. This most recent photo, the woman looking out the window is something I cannot seem to stop looking at. The imagination soars with who she was, what her story was. Was she caught looking out the window in longing or was she posed for affect? The room looked like it was painstakingly decorated, the floral wallpaper to the ornate lace of the window covering with its tassels. Her clothing is simple and so is her hairstyle, as though she wasn’t rich and fancy, just lived in a home of comfort and beauty. What must she have been thinking that moment? If she wasn’t posed what was the photographer thinking to find her there, looking to the outside in contemplation? If she was posed the photographer had a great eye for setting…what must she have been told? “look out the window pensively” or “just sit facing the window light” or “stop, there, that’s the pose!”. Isn’t it interesting how one photo of a time long ago can so capture ones imagination? Thank you as always for sharing it and everything else you share, as well as your perfect words that always accompany them.

  20. “While waiting for happiness to bloom she painted flowers in her journal.”
    I really loved this….

  21. la vie en rose


  22. Pauline Clarke

    She looks contemplative, sitting in the light amid the lace, her eyes closed. Your wonderings reminded me of a game my siblings and I used to play with old photographs. One of us would create a sentence to start us off…”She sat at the window, her eyes closed against the light, the sun warming her cold hands…” and the others would be off and running, all of us contributing to a story that just might have been partly true. What a great post…

  23. wilsonian

    Once again, joy and tears from the same post. The next theologian I meet, I will send here. You make truth plain and beautiful.

  24. What a terrific
    Old photos enchant me
    as well as spook me-
    the odd light that
    glances off the picture –

  25. It takes a lot of time and care to paint such perfect flowers.
    How do you find such treasures?

  26. To me, she is meditating, day dreaming, getting in touch with her spirit.
    It’s such a beautiful photo (yours).

  27. this is beautiful…and makes me want to sit and paint flowers in my journal as i wait…

  28. if… each time I paint a new flower, am I creating more life and more love in me?

  29. peace and quiet…a place just to be. Nel

  30. What is she thinking? Is she thinking of how to paint the rose her lover gave her last night in the garden? How to capture the purest white of the petals in the moonlight? Corey…your pictures and prose transport me to other times and places…you bring good stories from all of us.

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