Bonjour Mes Amis,
Susanna said, "There is no doubt that when "I" grow up, I’ll be crowned The Bee-autiful Queen Bea. As for why I had my back turned away from you… Well, I was misbee-having and had bee-n sent to stand in a corner (or most corner-like area) of the beehive for bad bee-havior. Don’t worry, bee-fore long, I came back dancing the bee-bop."
I am not a mechante fillette (bad girl!) Juste un peu timide, and like to dress in costumes like Shelley, (and many others,) said!
Francabollo ,(my cousine Americaine,) guessed my name to be Bee-yonce! I wish I could sing like Bee-yoncé. Bien sur! Mais, I am not a garçon called: PETER!
Sure my chaussures (shoes,) are Mary Jane’s…but that is not my name! I love them, I would wear them to bed if I could! Many of you thought my Mother had named me MARY JANE!!! But no way, shoes are shoes, and girls are girls!! My Mommy liked the name, Maguerite! But, my Papa bear liked Honey Bee better!
Je suis une petite fillette, je m’appelle, "Honey Bee!" Though nobody put those two names together…So since Ricardo said, "Honey," and Lilly said, "Bee," they win!
photo: See my pretty blue eyes! And I do have a bee under my bonnet! Merci beaucoup all of you who played along and gave the most creative brilliant responses!! Until next time, Honey Bee and friends!
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