Month: November 2006
French countryside, A stone house with a fireplace, Painted boats listening to gentle waves, Autumn coat in bright colored leaves. photos: Moments of our time in the North of France.
Honey Bee with Angel Wings
Bonjour Mes Amis, Susanna said, "There is no doubt that when "I" grow up, I’ll be crowned The Bee-autiful Queen Bea. As for why I had my back turned away from…
Beaujolais Nouveau
Beaujolais Nouveau, is the first wine of the season to be uncorked. It is a big deal in France. An honored tradition. Every year on the third Thursday of November, you…
#3 Guessing Game
You might say this is a paper doll who has been dressed up to look like a bee. You might think she is shy since her back is facing us. (I…
The Well Dressed Woman
My chic Belle-Mere (Mother in law,) knows how to pack. Whenever she comes to visit us she arrives with one small suitcase. It doesn’t matter if she is staying a weekend…
1988 The first time my Mother came to visit me in France her impressions were: 1) The beauty of the fruits and vegetable stands. 2) That surely she had died, tripping over her tongue due to the antiques she was…