The first time I gazed into the eyes of my daughter, I sensed that she had been in a place I search for, that she had been looking into the eyes of God. In my arms I held a miracle of life, a thread between here and there, a reality of love. In her eyes I saw the reflection of God. I realize she was still in that place, that her gaze was not looking at me, but radiant of the moments of where she had been.
I felt a humble responsiblity, knowing that as time went on that reflection would be replaced with other images. That she, like me, would search for this moment, this reality that I seen in her eyes. The quest to know something we are born with and yet seem to lose as time goes by.
photo: A collage of a piece of handmade, 19th century lace, a candy box pin, two hearts joined, and words from a fairytale…L’Ange (The Angel.)
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