The Magic Wand


…of the things we call life,

of the moments we label divine,

of those beginnings and endings,

the ebb, the flow, the ache, the challenge.

Life doesn't stand still,

not even for a second.

Instead, it grabs us can you feel it?

 Oh, glorious surprise this glue of us, that holds us,

giving us a daring ride in all these things.




31 responses to “The Magic Wand”

  1. very thoughtful…miracles, they happen every day I think, we just don’t recognise them.

  2. Britt-Arnhild

    ….blogging, writing a diary, praying, walking (preparing for a pilgrimage), living and loving, music (I’m listening to Verdi’s Nabucco while writing this), my youngest daughter’s goodbye when she left for school this morning – “Mom, I’m going to miss you during the day”……it all helps to see the magic of life……and tomorrow is epiphany, really the day of The Magi.

  3. You bring magic into my life each day my lovely friend with your beautiful words and photographs.
    I thank you
    for you~ Sweet Wonderful YOU!
    Love and hugs

  4. You have a most amazing inventory of “things” and words!! And I love ’em!!!

  5. Every day is magic, if your eyes are open to see it and your heart is open to receive it. One of these silver tipped walking canes would help us walk a little further to finding it perhaps..?

  6. I love “…miracles are most unseen”. That is so true — many times we’re experiencing a miracle without even realizing it – until later when its all over. To keep our eyes and hearts open — that’s the secret.

  7. cruststation

    The miracles of life is not magic but a grace of God. Blessed are those who acknowledge and give thanks.

  8. shabbyinthecity

    A riddle:
    What walks on four legs in the morning,
    two legs in the afternoon, and three legs at night?
    Answer: Man!
    The morning represents infancy (crawling), afternoon is the person walking, the third leg is with a cane…

  9. Mmmmmm… your words and thoughts are absolutely lovely….to be savored.

  10. Miracles have been on my mind of late. I believe we are surrounded by miracles–all of nature is full of miracles.

  11. Miracles come in all shapes and sizes and every day brings a fresh assortment – just like a big cosmic candy box!

  12. Pauline Clarke

    We ARE life, n’est pas? Beautiful post.

  13. “Miracles are most unseen” — I’m turning that lovely, poetic phrase over in my mind, on my tongue, considering the possible meanings. Your words and pictures sometimes work magic.

  14. I love canes. My Dad
    has Parkinsons and
    he loves to collect canes –
    to look dashing with
    his cute Irish caps –
    so i am always looking
    around for unusual ones:)

  15. Corey, I just read Annie’s story, and I love it! That lady has guts! She’s wearing a very pretty ring on her ring finger, too.

  16. This post will have me smiling all day. Happy truths.

  17. see if your annie would like to trade with this american annie for a few! would love to be in her shoes just to be with you and your jaunts…she would love my little piece of america! xo…annie

  18. What a lovely thought! My grandchildren are truly magicians. They make me feel younger and wiser each moment that I spend with them. They are three of life’s miracles.

  19. Novel Nymph

    Keep waving your magic wand!

  20. Teresa Sheeley

    Corey your words are always such a pleasure to read. I hope one day you have a book published!

  21. Corey,
    Every day is a miracle.
    every breath
    every heartbeat
    every touch

  22. Hello, gorgeous Corey! Happy New Year 2007!!!
    Thanks for bringing joy and inspiration to 2006, I’m sure you’ll continue to do so in 07 as well. I’m sending my kind regards to you and your lovely family, keep well and smiling, you fabulous lady!

  23. “this glue of us” What a wonderful thought and image!

  24. I put a post up on my blog and used some of your (beautiful) photos (credits are at the bottom of the post). I hope that’s okay.
    If you read my entry (which is supposed to be a short journey through France by way of photos)you can probably correct my (awful) French.

  25. Ok girlfreind, you can write! Are you a closet poet? 🙂

  26. Annabelle

    Life is a miracle, we only have to remember.
    Annabelle~^..^~ xo

  27. So well spoken,rather written……..breathtaking thoughts..

  28. Maryam in Marrakesh

    Oh yay for magic wands. I believe in them, you see.

  29. yes i believe!

  30. Marie-Noëlle

    My husband and I used to walk (mountain-walk) every single day during our summer holidays, taking our 2 chidren with us…
    even when they were very young.
    One day, in the Alps,when the path got very very steep and strenuous, our son stopped, sat down and asked: “is the mountain top still far?” and we could sound he would not be satisfied with the usual answer “a little further up”… My uncle found an ordinary stick, cleaned it a bit and said:
    “here is a special walking stick for you, it will help you reach the top, sure”… our son stood up and carried on for another couple of hours and we reached the top !
    On the way down, at the very same place where our son got his stick, our daughter stopped and said she was too tired (!). We knew what she meant! My uncle made another walking stick for her, and we reached the gîte without any more stop. AND we put the 2 sticks aside for the next days.
    And from that day, their walking sticks were never forgotten, either to walk up the Alps, the Pyreneas, the Snowdon,… They were their magic wands !

  31. I will tell my patients from now on..
    I will prescribe a magic wand for you.. instead of saying you need a walking stick or canadian stick.. will tell you the impressions later..=D

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