Queen of the Night


At the flea market I found an early 19th century collection of, A Thousand and One Nights,’ Being seduced by the royal blue book-jackets, with its gilded lettering, I gently opened them finding perfectly intact engravings, and words that evoke mystery. Words such as….

Prince of True Believers, what-so thou want-est, Hundred golden pieces, exceeding wonder, pomegranate grains, magnetic mountain, wend the way, young man burst, cast thy net, honey fritters, kissed the earth, ebony horse, shaved beard, Palace of Marvels, bade decorate…My Queen of night!

I cannot wait for evening fall, what dreams will unfold upon me?

Photo: Of the opening page of a thousand and one stories told to the heart’s delight!


38 responses to “Queen of the Night”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Your blog is already a Thousand and One Night for so many people. We come here every day eager to find what secrets, what beauty, what wisdom you will share with us today.

  2. You are so lucky to be blessed with these treasure trove findings.
    How amazing.
    Thank you for sharing always.
    I love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  3. Corey,
    I think you may be a direct descendent of Sheherazade.
    I love that litho.

  4. You are the best treasure finder I know! What a beauty and how could anyone sell it to begin with?

  5. What an amazing find Corey!! Wishing you an evening fit for the Queen that you are, abundant in riches and opulent in marvels and delights, Arabian and others.
    I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed your wonderful and warm article on the creative life in the current issue of Cloth Paper Scissors! I hope to see many more of your creative musings in print 🙂

  6. cruststation

    I’d love to visit your home and see all the wonderful antique pieces, must be a museum! Beautiful find, the engravings are so intricate and gorgeous.

  7. And the best treasure of all, is you!!

  8. Rub a lamp, get Aladin, all wishes granted. This is the way to live.

  9. Oh WOW!!! How wonderful to be able to read French poetry and UNDERSTAND it!!! I’m very envious.

  10. Pam Aries

    How wonder full! I love old books! This one looks especially imteresting! Thank you so much for always sharing! ooo…I haven’t gotten the new CPS yet! I will be going to the bookstore today!

  11. Oh Corey I hope your book isn’t x-rated, LOL! I’m a little curious about some of those titles 🙂

  12. Robert (French immigrant)

    A few months ago I was reading about the history of 1001 nights. Apparently it’s worth is hotly disputed in the middle east. Some consider it to be the middle east Shakespear, others look down on it as worthless. One of the areas of controversy is that the original version (in arabic) is very racy; the English translations (which are largely intended for children) have had the extensive sexual bits largely removed. So, depending on how close your French version is to the original, it could be quite a read.

  13. I am continually amazing by the treasures you find, your ability to detect beauty in unexpected places and then convey thoughts so poetically.

  14. Ah..Sheherazade…
    “I’d rather be a prisoner,” said the princess, “than have a husband I didn’t love.”
    What delightful bedtime reading this is…and the illustrations in your volume look dreamy.
    Great find Corey !

  15. Oh my, what very European illustrations.

  16. Stephanie

    What a find! I am so intrigued by your site and will be back to dig through your flea market finds!

  17. I have read your blog many, many times and have always been struck by the beauty you see in the world. I will also confess to feeling somewhat envious at times….wishing that I could possess some of your childlike wonder, your delightful curiosity and your insightfulness. And so it was your post on your lack of “beauty” that finally inspired me to write you. I, too, join the 92 other ‘friends’ of Corey who find you utterly beautiful.
    Love from Upstate New York on the Erie Canal,

  18. What a beautiful book. I love the old books with their plates and leather bindings. I have a few I picked up in Paris many years ago.
    It always amazes me how something as ephemeral as paper lasts for over a hundred years in good condition.

  19. Regina Clare Jane

    A treasure indeed… books are the greatest things in the world.

  20. Wow. What a lovely find!! 🙂

  21. babylonezoo

    une tres belle ilustration pour ce tres beau conte

  22. Paris Parfait

    What a cherished find! One of my all-time favourite books!

  23. herhimnbryn

    Such words…..no wonders she kept him enthralled!

  24. stop.
    you had me at “honey fritters”

  25. You must have a “treasure detector” for flea markets like others do at the beach with their metal detectors.

  26. Judy Scott

    Cory what amazing treasure you always find ~ Jude x

  27. Marie-Noëlle

    “Open, Simsim !!!”
    Whereupon her book instantly flew wide open. She entered into a shimmering world that she had never dreamed of…and which had enchanted so many generations of readers before her…

  28. oh, those wonderful finds from the flea market-and the wonderful books-

  29. Sigh…I would love to visit these wonderland fleamarkets with you, Corey! You always find the best things! I’ve never read a Thousand and One Nights…yet.

  30. leanneshouse

    Oooohhhh how lovely. I can just smell the fragrance of the pages. There is something wonderful about the smell of old books. I’m sure your new find has it too.
    Our flea market finds are rarely so old in a country as young as Australia, enjoy your find.

  31. catarina m.

    lucky, lucky you – what a find!

  32. my mom was visiting me this weekend & she couldn’t believe all the wonderful stuff you sent me! she was AMAZED!
    xo, mary ann

  33. simple me

    One thousand and one nights to spend in a magical world. Wonderful!

  34. thanks for the comment on my mum’s plate wall. We forget how amazing it really is. That picture reminds me of the new Marie Antoinette movie, have you seen it yet? just for the colours, textures and cake alone it is worth it!

  35. Corey, Thank you for the goodies! I love them!

  36. I’d be seduced by those book jackets too… and i love the anticipation of waiting for night to fall.
    see you, g

  37. this is the best book.. on all times..
    it has such a philosophy.. hidden between the phrases..
    happy 1001 gece..
    have fun..

  38. Gorgeous…and surely magical.

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