Bartering with Myself


I have a thing for French antique papers when I spot them at the flea markets my feet stop moving and my heart starts racing like the feeling of falling in love. Instantly I want to grab them. Then the long drawn out bartering with myself begins.

You don't need any more old papers.
I know, I know but I want them.
You don't NEED them.
I'll use them, I promise.
You won't, you never use them. You can barely tear new paper, let alone old paper. You'll stuff them in the armoire with the other paper by the way the armoire is bursting at the hinges as we talk. Put those papers down. I'll create something this time.
You won't!
I'll sell them, I'll make paper bundles and sell them.
Now, there is an idea.

So I have bought them over and over again…and now I must sell them! Or my armoire is going to explode!

photo: French antique papers covering my coffee table, rendering it impractical to use! As my children say: "Mommy please buy things that have a real purpose and that we can actually use!


52 responses to “Bartering with Myself”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    But of course this IS something you can actual ues; to create memories, to write blogs, to remember tales from long lost times, to sheherazade mesmerizing tales……and as you say, to sell these great gifts of old times.
    Good luck with Corey’s Flea Market.

  2. Marie-Noรซlle

    After barking you are now bartering…
    and now I write “bonne annรฉe” messages and letters every single day to my relatives and friends in France…
    Maybe making more bundles of French antique papers which will be bartered and barked by generations to come… as years are fleeing and fleaing…
    Now Corey, I’d love to buy some of them. Just like you, I can’t help coveting them when you display them in your blog and shop. But I have no idea of how to use them and, furthermore, no idea of how to store them !
    Would you sell them with THE armoire? you know…
    … the armoire in which you hide every evening… ___________________________________________________________
    Would you like Yann wrapped in red or blue velvet shorts? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. More than words letters mingle souls I love letters…..and papers with beautiful words.
    I am sure you have quite a collection.
    Treasure troves of the finest kind……….
    When your heart speaks take good notes.
    Love Jeanne

  4. I have just started to rip up my collection of magazines – they are not vintage, only 5 or 6 years old – I love them but I will love them more in my journal. But it was so hard to start to rip them up
    I love your paper fetish – I have one for religious relics.

  5. ParisBreakfasts

    Ah the voices in your head…
    And the ensuing battle..
    Don’t we all know those %$#@! voices.
    Your posts never disappoint!
    Always bright and enchanting!

  6. But if you (we) don’t collect these kinds of things they may be THROWN AWAY!!
    Corey Responds:
    I’m going to tell that to myself when the other voice in me, is telling me,
    No no no you cannot buy more paper!!
    Well it might be thrown away!
    That will certainly hush the other side!!

  7. I had a hearty laugh with this post! My prayer is that the good Lord lets me live long enough to use up my collection of beautiful and luscious papers…and all the art supplies I’ve collected. Oh, the guilt!!

  8. Clothes and food, wine and shoes. Naw, take a video of the armoire exploding and put it on utube.

  9. I can just see that little devil on one shoulder and that little angel on the other…bickering in french!
    Since you have them for sale now I have the little devil and angel on MY shoulders!

  10. You are so funny. I used to buy little tables at flea markets thinking I’d refinish them and use them as plant stands or side tables.
    Jeff would get so frustrated with all of these junky tables sitting around our tiny apartment waiting for my touch.
    I finally came to terms with my addiction and had to give them away because no one would buy them ๐Ÿ™

  11. cruststation

    Sounds familiar, I have half filled my wardrobe with magazines I’d like to make collages out of, but to have the time? (love the ‘Everyday Matters’ link, it’s so inspirational)
    Must have been hard for you to let go of the beautiful papers, but just imagine the new life they can have in the hands of an artist, renewed in a journal, collage or even jewellery. I vote for getting the buyers to show you their art pieces (papers recycled in the most beautiful way), then maybe you will feel better for selling them.

  12. What I want to know is… Why do all of your antiques, papers included, always look so CLEAN!?? The old things always end up so dusty in my house.
    Corey Responds:
    Because the fairygodmother waves her magic wand over them! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. So, ummm, where do I send the check?

  14. Paris Parfait

    This is a strangely familiar story! Love it! And my husband and daughter have made exactly the same comment to me “please buy things that have a purpose and that we can actually use” rather than just admire (and take up space). ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. herhimnbryn

    They look so soft C. Do they feel soft?
    Corey Responds:
    Yes, they feel like a baby’s blanket!

  16. Gardengirl

    Buy what you love, love what you buy. One day Nature Girl and I were shopping at a little shop when we saw something we were both attracted to. We both said ” oh I want this but what will I do with it? The shop owner said you take it home and love it. Now we only buy things we love.

  17. Corey – I want some but how do I actually purchase these from you? Please email me with the specifics. My mom has had a stroke and the cutting and working on collage is one of the things we will work on together as a part of her therapy.
    Once again a post everyone of us will see ourselves in.
    God bless
    If you see something you like (look over in the sidebar under Corey’s Fleamarket,) send me an email with your request and I’ll send a paypal invoice.

  18. constance

    It’s great that you are sharing your “finds” with your readers! A nice addition to your stupendous blog!
    I have a textile ailment much like your paper condition.

  19. Corey have you heard of Etsy? on online shop… simple to use and classy… very inexpensive. There are some really amazing things for sale. I thought you might like to set up your own shop. Some other friends of mine have and they love it.
    Corey Responds:
    Maybe I will one day…

  20. Gorgeous photo Corey! Love the coral and starfish, I want that exact display on my living-room table – what will you trade for??? You know, one of the comments mention – ‘how does one use these papers?’ – theres an idea! Show us some creative ‘Corey’ decor, using antique papers. I can think of a few ideas, I am sure you have a million up that French sleeve of yours!!!

  21. As Yann would say, “like Jesus in velvet shorts”……that is what vintage paper does for me ~ I feel your pain, Corey (in a comical kind of way). I cannot tell you how many times I’ve thought of that phrase since you posted it a few days back.

  22. You completely fascinate me.

  23. Corey, this photograph is one of my favourite images of yours. I just love it! I think selling bundles is a terrific idea and I’d keep some of the bundles wrapped up exactly like this one. There’s something mysterious about this one in particular. Does it contain a fisherman’s story, a love lost at sea..?
    Corey Responds:
    Oh this one…I wrapped it up, and tied it with twine. Then I added a piece of coral I bought (with a box of shells,) from the flea market years ago. The papers are letters from the 18th century…I’ll sell my arm before I’d sell these! Though over in the sidebar, I am selling papers that are old too, not just this old! These are hard to find, and never wrapped like this!

  24. Maryam in Marrakesh

    I have bought old French journals and old French letters on ebay, too. Many times. No time for making art any more these days, though. ~ sigh.
    Your bundles are wonderful

  25. swampgrrl

    hey girl. i loved hearing your inner dialogue about french papers. i can definitely relate! i have those talks with myself about:
    1. music
    2. shoes
    3. watches
    4. books
    5. empty journals
    6. french soap

  26. My goodness you are selling so very many gorgeous things, I want them all.

  27. Oh, Corey — this is my second post today because I’ve been haunted by your offerings of luscious papers. You have become a near occasion of sin for me…..first, all the books and CD’s I’ve had to order (and am thrilled with!), and now the French papers…..sigh. I’m so, so weak……how I can I purchase my precious little bundle? Please let me know, so I can sleep peacefully tonight.

  28. No, no, you must not ever sell…just find better hiding places!
    Corey Responds:
    Now, I like that idea!! Hum, maybe if I move the velvet shorts I can invade Yann’s closet! As my brother Orama once said to me…Does Yann live here? Where is his stuff?

  29. stephanie

    I will be back to shop! I can pretend I am in France at these wonderful flea markets via your blog!

  30. Pauline Clarke

    Could be worse – you could have a thing for antique Frenchmen and then where would you be?

  31. Of course you must have them. Banish the dialogue.

  32. bea at La tartine gourmande

    I think this is a great habit to buy these cute pieces of papier!

  33. Deryn Mentock

    Hey Corey, do you still have the time pieces and crosses? If so, I’d love to take them off your hands…

  34. Pam Aries

    Tee hee! I have the same bantering going on with myself all the time…Why..Just today, I well ….yes I did .! How could anyone in their right mind pass up a chance to buy Old French Papers… i am going to your Armoir to have a looksee! …BTW: ATC means Artist Trading Card…..(art the size of a playing to make and fun to trade!) THink of all the incredible art you could make from all your magnifique French finds! You can always photocopy !!! That way you can keep the originals ! Merci!

  35. Pam Aries

    After thinking …I guess my proposal didn’t really help with your overstuffed Armoir, huh?

  36. I have the same discussion with myself… about blue and white dishes and linens…aghhhh

  37. Oh my!! Being a fellow “collector” myself, I do that every time I come across a new treasure. ๐Ÿ˜‰ lol. But how can one resist such pretty and alluring (and old; that is always a factor for me!) things?!
    Goodness–you have so many beautiful things. Hmmm… quite tempting. ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. I’m thinking. I’m thinking. The religious medals are divine (pun intended). I’m thinking. I’m thinking.

  39. naturegirl

    I have that conversation with myself every time I am out shopping ~is this a need or a want?~ hummm that is the question! :)NG

  40. Yes, but one must have what one wants.

  41. Mrs. Staggs

    LOL! I’ve been looking for an excuse to enjoy my “treasure hunts” too! I think it’s a great idea for you to sell some of the things you find. You have such a gift for finding the most marvelous things and inspire us with your wonderful eye.

  42. Teresa Sheeley

    When you sell them, I will buy them. How sweet that would be! If I had them I know I couldn’t tear them either, but I would just love to look at them in admiration.

  43. Many little shops here put a French touch in their decor. One shop last year had every display table covered in French antique papers with the items for sale on pedestals on top. Could you use the papers that are damaged to do a screen collage or maybe decoupage them on serving trays and cover with glass or seal with poly?

  44. Oh sweet Corey… I can so relate to your dilema! Yes…I am a paperholic! Dear… buy another armoire…fill it till the doors won’t close…then another…magnificent obsessions!

  45. shelley Noble

    I LOVE the way you present these bundles, Corey. You have such exquisite taste and true style, in any language!

  46. Linda Harre

    Corey….your papers are priceless and you MUST keep them!!!!!!!! Somethings are just for our personal enjoyment! You are entitled and you must find another place to store them:) Surely you have an old trunk or hamper!!!!!

  47. Linda Harre

    Corey….your papers are priceless and you MUST keep them!!!!!!!! Somethings are just for our personal enjoyment! You are entitled and you must find another place to store them:) Surely you have an old trunk or hamper!!!!!

  48. Corey,
    I have this same converation with myself at flea markets here in the US. It is a constant battle…but I ALWAYS manage to talk myself into it! If I love it, I will find a use for it, even if it is…someday. I have a hard time resisting French and Italian linens, especially the monogramed ones. I just love wondering what the initals stand for and who the person/people were that slept on them….I am a sucker for the “story”!

  49. Tara Larsen Chang

    Good luck with both your aquisition and divesting! I have fetishes when it comes to books, paper and children’s woolen-winter coats!(of all things! How practical is THAT?)
    Corey Responds:
    …And I thought I was the Queen of unpracticalities!! Children’s Woolen Coats! You got me beat, I am giving you the crown!

  50. I LOVE this post, this everywoman’s conversation with self…Thanks for the chuckle.

  51. These papers are BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I can not wait to travel in Tunisia in spring and look some French things at there.
    Your blog is always so full of love for old things and inspiration.

  52. Emma’s Closet

    I came across your site from Miss Alicia Posie. I just love those papers. SO, if you do decide to sell them, oh my, please let me know. Those are incredible!

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