Strange things about TICA


I am spontaneous to a fault. Most things fall in my lap. I am lucky. Often I can sense things before they happen. I do not need to measure to know things will fit. When telling a story I mispronounce words and mix up facts. School was beyond me, I bloomed too late.


I love cleaning up a mess. I do not follow instructions well. 53 or 35 are the numbers that speaks to me, they are arrows pointing me in the good direction. I like peanut-butter and jam, with cheddar cheese sandwiches.


Photos: An old, large, engraving of a woman with a pearl earring. A spoonful of miniature vintage Mercier champagne die (When buying a glass of Mercier champagne, it was served with two die, ad advertising tool, bubbly enough to toss your dice!) The woman, who has many pearls in her hair, looked at me strangely… Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Tagging you to list any weird skeletons in your closet.


47 responses to “Strange things about TICA”

  1. My Grandmother has the same gifts you do.
    Blessings of love peace and joy and everything good from Heaven.!
    I love you

  2. 53 sounds good to me! what darling little dice

  3. Maryam in Marrakesh

    Oh my. We are so different except I don’t follow directions well either. But although so different, really rather the same…

  4. Thanks for accepting my invitation and playing the blog-tag game in your inimitable way. Always enjoy visiting you. Pam
    Corey responds:
    This is the first meme I have put on my blog. Thanks to Pam and those of you who tagged me.

  5. hmmmm peanut butter jam and cheddar cheese… that is a unique combination… love the silver spoon.

  6. You have to be one of my favorite storytellers Corey!!! An old photograph or painting, an objet or two from the past, a vivid imagination and a sure gift with words… This is an amazingly creative self-portrait.
    When you wrote this “I am spontaneous to a fault. Most things fall in my lap. I am lucky. Often I can sense things before they happen. I do not need to measure to know things will fit” I thought you were writing about me!! 🙂

  7. Among the bones in my closet, you would see that solitude strengthens me and is essential for a time each day.
    I often ‘know’ people before I meet them.
    Old buildings whisper to me.
    Life is but a dream..

  8. Gardengirl

    I could say the same about some of what you wrote but……the peanut butter jam and cheddar cheese sandwiches? I don’t think so. I like peanut butter and jam. I like cheese just not all in the same sandwich. Good post Corey.

  9. Spontaneity is a most desirable trait!! Peanut butter, & bananas, not too weird, but I love it.

  10. cruststation

    Heehee…I just posted about skeletons. I don’t think yours are weirdness at all, they all make you the wonderful person you are and to have 6th sense, now that’s amazing!

  11. I’d love to post about my weird skeletons.
    I’m skatterbrained as well 🙂

  12. Perhaps I am the skeleton in my closet!!
    nah, I’ve put on some weight over Christmas.
    I would love to play with those little dice…

  13. Pam Aries

    Well, I’ll be! As my grandma would say! Those are some truly interesting things! you mispronounce words and mix the story up? I do , but I would never imagine YOU doing that!

  14. Anonymouse

    Pieces of DICE,
    Like grains of rice,
    Once, twice, thrice.
    A girl with pearl earrings is nice.
    As are other forms of ice…
    But I’ll take the DICE!

  15. Paris Parfait

    Cute post, Corey – the dice are delightful, as are your answers. But peanut butter-jam-and-cheddar cheese sandwiches – even in France??!! 🙂

  16. teresa (maggiegracecreates)

    I have posted my weirdness. I am really enjoying reading others lists too. love the dice. I have a string of dice mardi gras beads. and i am slowly cutting them apart to use in projects.
    Have a wonderful day.

  17. Oh I had fun making this my blog post for today! Love the little dice and all the photographs.

  18. LOVE that you consider these things weird! I too made a list, and was just about to tag you:) xo

  19. Brother Mathew

    Me too, except for maybe walnuts and raisins. Kinda.

  20. Count on you to be so clever with this TAG! Love it Corey, Just like I LOVE you!!! p.s. did you sell the dice yet? I’d love them if not…

  21. I eat olives with my chicken casserole and pickles with my popcorn. It’s a family thing.
    Also, my socks rarely match and my mom is forever getting on to me, even though I’m 34! I mean really, how many people notice your socks?

  22. I think spontaneity is a personality plus! Those dice are so small!

  23. I love the little dice. I have a couple of vintage Mahjong pieces I picked up in Italy and some dice. And they don’t take up too much space. But I’ve never seen these mini-ones.
    I am sending in nominations to the contest you sent me.

  24. Corey, why were the die put into the champagne glasses, I’ve never heard of this and quite frankly I’m intrigued?

  25. I’m glad you are spontaneous! So am I! One day we are going to attend some of those marché aux puces together…I’m going to call and say “Corey, I’m somewhere over the ocean…can you pick me up at the airport?” No, I’m going to ask Yann to pick me up:)
    Corey responds:
    That sounds right up my alley! Last minute decisions and plans are what work for me. Though, I’ll tell you a secret…Yann gets lost going to his childhood town, so you better not call him if you want a ride!!

  26. I don’t like driving at night.
    Once every few years or so I wake up with an absolutely compelling drive to do something life changing–and we do it!
    I’d rather have an appetizer than a dessert.

  27. Pearl and Pumpkin

    Kim speaking here…
    love the photo with the spoonful of dice. You really are a very interesting and creative woman.
    I was a late bloomer too. I never really got school and I didn’t become an avid reader until quite late in my life.

  28. This is great! Some of my quirks:
    1. I fly by the seat of my pants more than ever before.
    2. I’m convinced I have an army of guardian angels BECAUSE I fly by the seat of my pants.
    3. The spiral is my favorite symbol
    4. I petition St. Anthony several times a day for things lost.
    5. I lose my keys and direction so often it surely makes St. Anthony’s head spin.

  29. stephanie s

    beautifully done. and such a beautiful collection of dice (ok, ok… die), amazing they don’t get swallowed. i better go read up on them, as i am assuming they are plopped in a champagne glass, but at this point i am making that up. ahh, knowledge, if i don’t know it, i will invent it.

  30. How lucky you are to be a good guesstimator; the only thing I can fairly accurately predict is the need for an extra stamp on a letter.
    My very first peanut butter and jelly sandwich was eaten by accident when a fellow vacation Bible school attendee took my lunch sack by mistake. I’ve loved it ever since. Perhaps I’ll have to try your unusual combo 😉
    You are delightful as always, Corey (skeletons and all)!

  31. Uhmm, uhmm, good. Just like Campbell’s Soup. You know yourself and well, pinpointing the fascinating contradictions, spotlighting the quirks that amuse and engage. This poignant self assessment instructs us all. Love the way in which you differ, rejoice in your unique combination of characteristics.. never long to “fit in”.

  32. What do the dice have to do with champagne glasses?

  33. Di Overton

    I just knew you would do a really original tag which is why I chose you. Superb Corey.

  34. La Vie Arty

    I posted it on my blog. Yours were great!

  35. I think you sound perfectly fascinating and that you would make a remarkable friend.

  36. This is fun! I’ve added mine to my blog as well.

  37. Lovely, thoughtful post!! I really had to chuckle at the part about mispronouncing words and mixing up facts. That is something that plagues me all the time; I’m sure to people who have just met me for the first time think I’m a complete airhead! But its usually because I’m just excited to talk to them. lol. Its comforting to know I’m not alone. 😉

  38. Teresa Sheeley

    You are so creative! I love the things about you. You are blessed for sure!

  39. Marie-Noëlle

    I love your TIC way to talk about those “skeletons in the cupboard” – A new expression to me !!!
    Yesterday while checking the expression up in my dictionary, my daughter (in a frantic hurry to look up a word too) asked me what words I was looking for.
    “des squelettes(skeletons) dans(in) … un boudoir (a closet) ou dans un placard (or in a cupboard) ou …(or…)
    – une armoire?
    – could be… (thinking : there we are back to IT !?!)”
    and within 2 seconds:
    ” Ready for a puzzle, mum?
    – Ready!
    – What is a skeleton in a cupboard?”
    A real puzzle!? Or simply pulling my leg!?
    “I repeat, mum : what is a skeleton in a cupboard?
    – … ??? … !!! NO idea!
    – the winner of a hide-and-seek game…”

  40. snowsparkle

    oh tica! i love this! and how amazing… your odd sandwich is one i eat too! thanks for the tag… i hope to get to post some of my odd things soon!

  41. parisbreakfasts

    Forget the dice..
    Owning those photos would be nice…

  42. parisbreakfasts

    I’m over the moon..
    For that silver spoon…

  43. tiffini elektra x

    Oh that etching and those dice! Yowzer. . .I have got to spend some time in your flea market! Pronto!!

  44. Britt-Arnhild

    I’ve been tagged several times but I never do them because tagging is not what blogging is about for me 🙂
    But your way of solving it is a piece of art!

  45. Marie-Noëlle

    … so finally I had a look into “my closet”…and it took me quite a while to dust all those skeletons !?!
    I am “a little” messy (my husband would add rather ironically: “Are you sure you do mean a little?!?”) … but I like getting a friend/or a relative out of a mess.
    Just like you, I am very spontaneous and so I can be held as a
    troublemaker … or as a troubleshooter, according to situations.
    I love cherries, I can’t resist them, either in a bowl, in a basket or from the tree… (any sign there?)…
    I bet there are many more skeletons well hidden somewhere else… and which I may never seek…
    Good winners, in short !

  46. re school… I would be a good student NOW…too bad my school years occurred when I was young. 😉

  47. Like my mother Sheila, old buildings speak to me.
    Yet, vintage clothing holds an energy I care not to be around.
    Willow trees and I have a special connection, I can “feel” them. They have distinct personalities.
    I adore your blog!
    That last one doesn’t count, I don’t care who knows!!!

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