A Crown of Roses


Give of yourself, expect nothing in return…how hard that is to do.

The song of songs…to love without counting the cost.

Photo: photo: A small detail of a painting in the Basilica of Saint Maximin.


35 responses to “A Crown of Roses”

  1. Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.”
    Elizabeth Bibesco
    Love you

  2. Gardengirl

    You give to us everyday with the beautiful messages & images you post.

  3. Corey,
    Sadly, giving without taking seems to little appreciated today. At the least those traits are buried under the multitude of sories about the bad side of humanity. Thank you for helping us refocus!

  4. Pauline Clarke

    But how restful, when you don’t have to anticipate disappointment. If we give for the sake of giving, we receive more than we give.
    Did you buy that French armoire?

  5. There’s a giving siding to love?? I looked through my “male” handbook and didn’t find a chapter on that. Must’ve been an oversight…

  6. Here is a secret that so few people seem to have discovered — that in giving you ALWAYS get back so much more than you’ve given. At least that’s been my experience, how about you?

  7. ally bean

    Love the photo and the thought together. I try to do that. But some days I fail miserably. The “I wants” get me.

  8. ah yes. words to live by!

  9. Anonymouse

    A rose crown,
    Will melt a frown.
    Corey gives crowns every day.
    She digs deep down.
    She finds a way.
    Corey touches our hearts
    With what she has to say.

  10. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with Penny.

  11. Penny beat me to my comment…so I’ll say this…We can choose a role model, like Mother Theresa for example and love like they do!
    I understand she had one change of clean clothes.

  12. Marie-Noëlle

    “A little perfume always remains on the hand that gives you roses”
    sorry for not writing this proverb in its original version : Chinese!
    … Your blog is fragrant of roses …

  13. To give and have the gift accepted with grace is a gift unto itself.
    Sometimes the best gifts are memories, these don’t need to be displayed or dusted, just held in the heart for when they are needed.

  14. and thank you for your daily gift corey !

  15. Having the ability to love is the gift….even if nothing is given in return.
    How sad it would be to only love in anticipation of receiving something in return. It’s certainly a perk, but shouldn’t be the motivation.

  16. I love your words, Corey…..”to love without counting the cost”….so beautiful. Wonderful comments, too!

  17. this is something i am really really working on. it is very hard, for i find even if i don’t expect anything material in return i am always hoping for some positive verbal feedback or something emotional in return. working with teenage boys at a drug treatment center has helped as some of them cannot give back right now…

  18. Smart words.
    How many times I’ve driven past that basilica and never been in, your photos are tempting me to finally make a stop to visit St. Maximin.

  19. Good advice, Corey. Doesn’t it often seem that when we give freely of ourselves, without expecting something in return, we DO get something back in the end?

  20. constance

    When a person is willing to give and love freely, the blessing of abundant love and kindness bounces back.

  21. Indeed it is hard to do.

  22. Giving without expecting anything in return immediately gifts the giver with the joy of sharing with another.
    That crown of roses is precious–as are you, Corey.

  23. cruststation

    The return I get for giving is a smile on your face, that’s more than I could possibly want from anyone.

  24. I always live by this…And, if I start to feel like i am just giving too much. I say a little prayer and throw my hands up in the air. I am so much happier giving…

  25. But when you DO freely give, you discover that it is the easiest thing in the world to do. Amazing isn’t it?

  26. shelley Noble

    Ah, but I’ve understood (since today) that in reality, one can only receive what one is capable of giving. So, dear Corey, get ready!

  27. so hard to do…but there is freedom for the one who can, and blessings in return.

  28. herhimnbryn

    When I do, I am always repaid ten fold…and it is always such a glorious surprise!
    thankyou dear C, I needed your words to provide the insight today.

  29. Veronica TM

    It is very hard to do and often forgotten. But when I remember and give without expectations, it is the feeling I have the best reward.

  30. Corey, truer words have never been spoken.
    And yet, when you give of yourself and expect no reward….reward does come, what a feeling!

  31. Gypsy Purple–Chamara

    How very true!!!!
    Thanks for having the right message for this gypsy on your blog today

  32. I’ve been thinking of that a lot lately and feeling how hard it is.

  33. I’ve got to admit–I don’t know how to do this. If I did, I’ve forgotten. Maybe being a mother is this.

  34. Lori Witzel

    What I love about your blog? Your eye for, and attention to, the Big Story in the Small Detail.

  35. I will never forget the Christmas that I bought every little thing I thought someone would like, even if I had already purchased them a gift. If it’looked’ like them or was something I had heard them wistfully mention, it was theirs! I became excited and giggly. I wanted to make dreams come true! I thought, “You’re going crazy, Sheri! No! You’re going broke!” but I couldn’t help myself! It was, paradoxically, also the first Christmas that I couldn’t think of anything that I wanted or needed for myself. I felt full and couldn’t take in one more gift! That Christmas I learned what true gift-giving is – it is when giving a gift feels like getting a gift. It happened when I gave with reckless abandon, deep love, and the desire to give joy to another. The joy of giving filled me up and has become my modus operandi – I call myself the selfish giver. Because of this technique, each time I give I feel the wonderful pleasure of receiving a gift.

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