Month: January 2007
Bartering with Myself
I have a thing for French antique papers when I spot them at the flea markets my feet stop moving and my heart starts racing like the feeling of falling in love.…
Roses that cannot be Picked
Though my thoughts are many they are not ready to be picked today. Memories lead me down a lane, with roses growing on a wall, Where a soft silence touches my face,…
The Dog Learns a New Trick
I know you have seen this dog on this girl’s head before, but did you know I love movies? Well I do. What does a dog on a girl’s head…
Inner Truth
We have a choice in everything we do. To bloom where we are planted or not. To strive to be our best, or to raise our head just enough. Love creates a circle, seed, soil,…
The Year Began with Lunch…
At one of my favorite restaurants on the Cote d’Azur (French coastline, I think you call it the French Rivera?) Hangs tightly on the cliff side, like a barnacle to a rock. The food of course is the reason I…
Petit Déjeuner
The church bells ring in the morning, the good bakery (there are several in our village, we call it the "good bakery," as not to be confused with the others.) has a line a mile long! Sacha stands waiting his…