Share the Love


Many of you have been Sharing the Love and I am giddy with delight! Because of your kindness Tongue in Cheek is a finalist in the Share the Love Blog Awards. The bloggers nominated are clever, witty and creative (including my friend Tara of Paris Parfait.)

This certainly is better than being voted "Goofiest" in the eighth grade. Goofy did not mean one with humor, nor witty, nor clever. Goofy meant nutty in my school. I was so goofy I thought it was a compliment! The joke was on me.


What a generous gift you have given by nominating Tongue in Cheek. Believing in someone is…the best gift a person can give. Thank you for believing in me.


Please go here to discover the wonderful blogs at Share the Love Blog Awards, before Tuesday, Feb. 13th.

Thank you – Merci Beaucoup. I’m going to go eat a hot fudge sundae for breakfast.

photos: French turn of the century postcards.


51 responses to “Share the Love”

  1. Congratulations Corey!!! Wonder who I voted for??

  2. Paris Parfait

    Corey, ooh yes, a hot fudge sundae! Haven’t had one of those in ages. Your nominations are well-deserved! I’m thrilled to be in the company of you and other talented bloggers. Reading your blog and your wonderful take on life is always a delight! (And your images with this post are adorable – vintage post cards?)

  3. Your blog is certainly inspiring.
    When I voted earlier I saw several of my favorite blogs listed. Each of you deserves a prize.
    Delightful group of images you posted today.

  4. Share the love
    spread the joy
    What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?
    George Eliot
    (Mary Anne Evans)
    1819 – 1880
    Love you my sweet friend.
    Love Jeanne
    Congratulations to you all

  5. Britt-Arnhild

    Congratulations to you Corey, and to Tara.
    Your blog is the best one around: This is my honest opinion and I know I have alot of other people with me on this. Both you and Tara will get my votes.

  6. ok we will all have a chocolate fudge sundae for breakfast in honor of you !! Yumm… it was good! I agree with Britt… you are the best around !!!

  7. Françoise

    bravo corey, j’adore ton blog et j’ai voté pour toi

  8. bravo corey always shares the love!

  9. Pauline Clarke

    A well-deserved honour! Move over, I’m bringing my ice cream spoon 🙂

  10. parisbreakfasts

    YOU ROCK !!!

  11. Anonymouse

    They do not let you vote more than once!?
    What kind of thing is that?
    I’m ready to go to the mat!
    Do not miss the boat!
    May she win hands down.
    May she wear the crown.
    Tongue in Cheek Corey,
    Deserves the glory!

  12. Kudos!!

  13. Well I for one believe that you deserve the “Academy Award” for Blogs! Who else serves up such wonderful pictures, words and thoughts. You get me going every day Corey! By the way “Goofy” is good — the rest of the population just doesn’t realize it (its our secret okay?).

  14. You and Paris Parfait got my votes!!
    Good Luck.
    P.S. I’d rather be considered goofy than have the prettiest eyes or the most popular or best dressed (categories in my H.S.). Goofy is fun and hilarious. The others are B-O-R-I-N-G.

  15. P.P.S. I won for none of those categories I mentioned. At least you won for something 🙂

  16. I just voted. You deserve to be recognized Big Time for spreading so much joy! Your breakfast sounded delish. The other day I was so happy I had cookies (sand tarts) for lunch.

  17. Corey, you deserve your acolades.

  18. You deserve the honors! And a good breakfast idea 😉

  19. Your blog is a winner! (We all win just by showing up to write our own and read other’s,on a regular basis!) the article you wrote for “Cloth, Paper, Scissors” was a winner also!

  20. Congratulations my dear!

  21. shabbyinthecity

    You get my vote aussi!
    I was upset in high school because I wanted ‘biggest flirt’ but someone else got it…

  22. You were nominated for so many different categories, well done! By the way if your serving hot fudge sundae can I come for breakfast?

  23. I was over yesterday to vote already. A hot fudge sundae for breakfast?! That’s just goofy 😉

  24. Who better than you? and hot fudge sounds divine!

  25. Corey, that is my favorite sundae. There is NO OTHER kind as far as I’m concerned. Enjoy!! I’m off for coffee now.

  26. Teresa Sheeley

    So many nominations! And rightly deserved. Share a little of the hot fudge sundae with this girl on The Biggest Loser diet!? Argghh!! Can’t wait to get the goodies I bought from you!!

  27. Corey, I know just what you mean – I waas voted “Most Unique” which really wasn’t a compliment and the joke was on me as well. I’ll go vote, presently.

  28. Lorene Silva

    Congratulations to you! Tongue in cheek is how I start my morning!
    Take Care

  29. Congratulations, Corey! I’m going to head over to Share the Love right now…

  30. Delila Jemaiel

    You deserve this and even more… you and your words are truly soulful <3
    Thank you for stopping by at my blog again 🙂

  31. Congratulations Corey, I just voted –enjoy that hot fudge sundae 🙂

  32. Corey,
    When I was in Viet Nam with the Marines, my nickname was Goofy. I even had a drawing of him on my helmut cover. i thought it was a compliment, still do. It was bestowed on me by my hootch mate “pappy Calta”
    Congratulations on your being in the finals. From one Goofy to another, You’ll always be a winner in my book.
    I only know you and Tara from all the nominees.
    I love you both and hope you both win.

  33. all your nominations so richly deserved, Corey.

  34. I’m here by way of the list of finalists, Corey. Congratulations – your blog is beautiful.

  35. Novel Nymph

    Save a spoon of sundae for me…Your posts make me feel so happy and full of romance!
    Congratulations, you know you deserve it!

  36. Regina Clare Jane

    Congratulations- and can I say, “yum!”
    You deserve it!

  37. cruststation

    Congratulations on being voted in so many categories, you sure deserve the votes! I wasn’t ever any good at multiple choice…oops, my fingers slipped *joke* I voted 🙂

  38. la vie en rose

    congrats…and very well deserved…

  39. Félicitation Corey !
    J’ai voté pour toi !

  40. herhimnbryn

    Congratulations dear C.
    Love your breakfast choice.

  41. Toni Mason

    I voted of course…I can’t believe you were goofy by any means!!

  42. Hot fudge sundae for breakfast…oh yumm! Goofy? I think the joke was on them, you are gorgeous! Congrats on the nomination, will certainly be dropping by with my vote…good luck, you deserve it!

  43. naturegirl

    Oh I have already been there my dear..wink wink!
    Lovely beautiful images!
    kiss..kiss on each cheek!

  44. Maryam in Marrakesh

    We love you, Corey (and Tara) and will vote in droves!

  45. I am going to vote. I am glad I checked my blogs today.
    Good luck, you deserve it!
    Love eminates from your posts!

  46. Gypsy Purple–Chamara

    Congrats!!!! I already voted ……let`s have some hot fudge sundae now!!

  47. Congratulations! You brighten so many people’s days!

  48. It’s 10 PM as I read this but I am just going to have to eat a hot fudge sundae, before bed, without any guilt, in your honor:-) Congrats Corey. The cards are beautiful in todays post.

  49. Mrs.Staggs

    Congratulations Corey!

  50. Marie-Noëlle

    From their earliest years, French children love to be treated on a visit to Eurodisney and on a picture with Dingo (=Goofy) – the king of goofies!
    When they get older many French teenagers do see that goofies only put their wrong foot first on their snow-boards but they do know they are great snow-board mates!
    I wish I could mail all French children and skateboareders to ask them:
    “Votez pour Goofy!”
    I bet they would all rush to the polling booth !
    Put my votes a few days ago !

  51. I voted for you because you are so wonderful!!

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