Life’s Dance


After John's death, life seemed to spin in a different circle; questioning the meaning of life became my new pastime, along with spewing angry words at God. I felt lost in a very dark cave called depression.

As time passed, my friends and family tried to set me up with dates. They had good intentions of trying to find me love and happiness. But I wasn't in the mood to fall in love. It was a risky business that love thing. Death seemed to lurk behind the eyes of those I met. Maybe I was bad luck; perhaps they would die on me too? Fear became my new best friend, and it sat by my side unbecomingly.

In response to those who encouraged me to date again, I would tell them, "When the time is right, someone will walk up to me unexpectedly and tell me his name is John. That will be my sign."

I honestly believed my chances were next to none, which suited me fine.

So imagine how shocked I was when dancing at the I-BEAM that a young, handsome man danced by my side. I-Beam was a place a woman could dance unnoticed for eternity; it was a gay club. What was this guy doing dancing by me? Gee, couldn't he tell I was a woman? His flirtation was blatant, causing me to blush. Nervous and caught off guard by my feelings of attraction, I decided to leave the dance floor. He tapped my shoulder. A rush of warmth went through me, causing my friend Fear to melt. He said in broken English, "My…name…Yann." I repeated, "Yawn?" His following words changed my world. He said,

"Yann…is John in French."

Photo: Part of a 17th-century hutch door carved in walnut at Chateau de Chenonceau.


73 responses to “Life’s Dance”

  1. Your stories move my soul deeply.
    Love you darling one.

  2. herhimnbryn

    Never go looking for a love. S/he will turn up right in front of you (or dance along side you) when you least expect it!

  3. Oh Corey…goosebumps! You knew to wait, such a beautiful story.
    I have a feeling Yann is still flirting with his beautiful American wife!

  4. Gardengirl

    Your post yesterday was so moving. You told the story so well. Today your post makes me smile when I picture the two of you dancing into each others hearts.

  5. Corey,
    If you did not believe in fate/karma/kismet before…I bet you did after that! It was your destiny!

  6. So glad you went to go to the I-Beam that night and met your dancing partner for life! You never know when your going to turn the corner and bump into the rest of your life.
    It’s strange to think the I-Beam is no longer tangible, but a memory.

  7. cruststation

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story, fate has it’s way of travelling in circles and coming back to you when you least expect. I say God has a fantastic sense of humour.

  8. The universe is amazing!
    All smiles here for our dear Cory and Yann.
    Hugs my dear,

  9. Holy Moly! I have goosebumps all over after reading these posts!

  10. Beautiful!! Sometimes our deepest wishes and dreams come true (even when we don’t know that we’re wishing and dreaming of them).

  11. such is life, such is love!
    you are a lucky woman…

  12. What a perfect romantic story for the most romantic month. Beautiful!

  13. shabbyinthecity

    You couldn’t make that one up! That is just incredible. God is good.

  14. I just got the chills………wow. You blew me away.
    And now that I’m recovering, I’m LMAO about you and Yann meeting in a gay club. What the…..
    I’m really laughing over this.

  15. ParisBreakfasts

    I always thought Jean was John in French..?
    Never mind.
    If his name had been René..?
    What’s in a name?
    That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet…
    Corey Responds………………………….
    Yann is from the Brittany region of France.
    In France (until a few years ago.) You had to pick a name for your child that was listed in the City Hall registery. Yann was a name from Brittany. In Bretagne Yann is John. So is Jean.

  16. Beautiful Corey…le sigh…

  17. Isn’t life truly amazing?
    I have yet to meet my “John” but you give me hope!

  18. Paris Parfait

    Corey, your story brought tears to my eyes. If ever there was a sign, it was that meeting…it’s wonderful that you found love again.

  19. Gypsy Purple–Chamara

    And God answered you…..and the meaning of the name John is: Gift from God!!!

  20. Yann YANN sent by God and John too:) FOR YOU & only you. Just when I feel like you’ve moved me you write another! This post has moved me like no other. love to you and Yann! xo

  21. Regina Clare Jane

    Oh, my heart is all a-flutter, Corey! It’s moments like these that make me believe there really is a God- just kidding, sort of. I can so relate to your first few sentences- losing my dad has been so difficult…
    I am so glad Yann walked into your life and that you have walked into mine…

  22. What an amazing follow-up to yesterdays words… Oh Corey, you are magic and grace wrapped up in pure wonder!!!

  23. My oh my Corey you’ve got me into tears here!

  24. Aaaaaaaawwwww! That is such a great story, Corey! I’m impressed that Yann met you at a gay club. So many straight men are afraid to go into gay bars or gay clubs. It certainly shows that your Yann is a self-confident and open-minded man. Lucky lovebirds!

  25. Lola is Beauty

    thank you for this corey x

  26. Picture this Corey. I sitting here and just grinning like a goonie bird at my monitor. This has got to be right up there in the top five most romantic “How We Met” stories EVER.

  27. Teresa Sheeley

    Coolest love story ever!!!

  28. Marie-Noëlle

    Reading your words ( “When the time is right someone will walk up to me unexpectedly and tell me his name is John. That will be my sign.”) I straight away thought about the name Yann – saying to myself : she must know Yann means John in the Breton language…!?! STRAIGHT AWAY !!!
    I’m so pleased you’ve joined the dance !
    “Comme une évidence
    Entrer dans la danse
    Rappeler la chance
    Entrer dans la danse
    Retrouver l’innocence
    Entrer dans la danse
    Comme une renaissance”
    (Words written and sung by Gildas Arzel in “Entrer dans la danse”)
    = (trying a translation into English)
    In the face of evidence
    joining the dance
    Calling luck back
    joining the dance
    recovering innocence
    joining the dance
    like a rebirth)
    Yann must be a very skilful corey-ographer!!!

  29. Love you my dear.

  30. Perhaps your first John lead your second Yann to you. How wonderful to have felt so much love for them both and to have received it in return! virtual hugs to you my friend.

  31. Di Overton

    I had no idea yesterday that John who you spoke of was so close to you. How wonderful you have found another.

  32. I am speechless. Stunned, and yes, I do believe these things happen…Funny, I have had two very big romances in the past with men who were European that were at places that didn’t make sense… Like IBT’s gay night club. Hmmm, interesting. How wonderful this story. thank you for being so open and sharing…

  33. There is always a second chance-and more-at finding happiness again. I did it too in a most unexpected way. Glad you found yours.

  34. This is such a beautiful story. Why on earth were both of you at a gay dance club?!
    I issued a “challenge” to God also, that if he wanted me to marry he must do the work and bring him to me. He did.
    I’m so glad Yann was persistent 😉

  35. sniff.sniff. such a beautiful story.
    St. Yann. sniff sniff

  36. I feel almost guilty experiencing such intense personal gratification from the details of somebody else’s life.
    This is such perfect addition to yesterday’s post. It’s beyond generous of you to share this level of yourself and what matters most to you.

  37. Your story and mine continue on the same path:
    After some unworkable relationships, I said “No more. I will only consider someone who will love me like John.”
    And in an unusual circumstance, he came into my life and wrapped me with love and normalcy. I knew in that deep-down place that he was the one.
    His name was Jon. Without the H, I joked, so I could keep them apart in my head. He gave me a ring, we made plans for our life together.
    Then he left without a word. I saw him in my dreams. I have too much baggage to sort out, he said. I don’t want to lose you.
    Now I live my life, having let go, and open to whatever is planned for me. Love will come. I just don’t know when.

  38. Corey, you’ve taken these scenes from your life and constucted a breathtaking work of art.

  39. Corey, You brought tears to my eyes, in a good way.We never know for sure what will lay before us. Thank you for your story. rue

  40. so hard to remain faithful at times when life seems so unfair…what a sad and lovely story of hope, love, and faith knowing that there trully is a plan for each of us.

  41. So true of life’s turns and spins…Heartbreaking-heartwarming story. It must mean so much to you to share.Thank you.

  42. Interesting. Coincidence or fate? Pretty wonderful either way.

  43. Corey,
    Loved the story. That is an amazing story I can’t believe how that happened like that. It gives me goose bumps.
    Enjoy your day.

  44. Alison Whittington

    Corey, these two posts are truly incredible.
    This might sound odd, but I used to read hundreds of love stories, particularly “how-we-met” stories, a day for my job (working in television). I’ve heard so many great ones, but yours is extraordinary.

  45. Willow Grace


  46. Shiver ran up my spine when I read this. Goodnes and love meant to be.

  47. This is too fabulous for words…..miracle and joy come to mind, though.

  48. Oh my gosh, am I emotional today or is this just a super touching story?
    This is amazing.

  49. Talk about a romantic/enchanting/intriguing story. Fate, my friend. Fate.

  50. what a lovely story, corey. from something tragic … that the universe could bring yann smack in front of you.
    oh my! i’m getting goosebumps.

  51. Corey,
    Wow, that is so cool!

  52. I want to draw up a chair by you, Corey. A comfortable chair. So I can listen to your stories for three or four years. lol. That’s barely exaggeration.

  53. I have a similar story-my story started on the dance floor too. It is so hard to love again but the love of your life died — you did not. No one understands until they have been there!!!

  54. Corey, what a beautiful story! It made me smile…I am so happy for you and the life you have been blessed with. Isn’t it such a beautiful joy to have a second chance?
    Thank you for sharing.

  55. That is so sweet!

  56. Corey- that gave me chill bumps! You have a gift of putting emotions down on paper….thanks.

  57. You never fail to bring me to tears..
    amazing story..

  58. kristen robinson

    Oh Corey this moves me to absolute tears, what a wonderful story of LOVE! your words always uplift me.

  59. Your blog is wonderful and the vignettes you write are touching. I have to admit I enjoy reading your readers’ comments as well. A wonderful place to visit during my day.

  60. stephanie s

    isn’t it so amazing that your words can make some many of us feel? i had goosebumps too… so very cool.

  61. I see the work of angels here.

  62. “Yawn?”, “Yann”, “John”… ♥
    take care, g xo

  63. Crashdummie

    Wow, you’re story gives me hope. And trust me, thats a huge accomplishment!

  64. Tara Larsen Chang

    Oh Corey! Goosebumps and welling eyes… Wow…

  65. A beautiful post.

  66. And isn’t it wonderful that Yann is still there by your side, and his name is “John” but in another language, because the two will never be the same but nonetheless occupy a place in your heart. A very moving story, beautifully told as ever, Corey.

  67. the way in which you presented the story and especially the unfolding of your life is delightful. you have touched my heart corey.

  68. a beautiful post!! Yann was meant to be and to have found each other whilst jouous and dancing is even more spectacular!

  69. aaaah that’s so unbelievably cute!!

  70. shelley Noble

    Such a great romance! And how wise to know your own heart, Corey! I thank God for you to have found your French husband!

  71. So God had been listening that entire time. That is a wonderful story.

  72. Veronica TM

    beautiful, moving, meant to be.

  73. The I-Beam?!?!?! I could have never guessed in a million years that was where you met Yann! Boy, your angels were really working overtime… 😉

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