Le Train Bleu. A Tale of Romance.


The table was set. Crystal clear and inviting.


He had ordered her favorite flowers. Pink and delicate like her lips.


His coat…her hat, the details fell into place.


Her bare leg teased him. "Only red shoes worn underneath my dress."


The napkin unfolded, he held his dessert.


The waiter was not part of his plan.


Every picture tells a story. How does this one end?

Photo: A watercolor for sale at the local French antique shop down the road.


49 responses to “Le Train Bleu. A Tale of Romance.”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    A painting can tell more that a thousand words.
    Did you buy it? Is it still for sale? Can you please buy it for me? I’m booking a ticket for The Blue Train to come down and get it……have tea, and some champagne please, ready for me;-)

  2. Françoise

    lorsque le serveur s’approcha de la table, la dame laissa tomber son mouchoir, qu’il ramassa…
    ils échangèrent un regard et elle sut, à ce moment là, que c’était lui…
    romantique, n’est-ce pas ?

  3. What more does a young lady need than red shoes and pink roses?

  4. Marie-Noëlle

    They seem to be on a good foot … Sooner or later they will lose their foothold… She will probably end up bare-footed and he will end up… wigless !

  5. I love your imagination, corey! And your closeups are more than just visual…

  6. Oh love and romance and beauty and pink have always moved my soul.
    I love you darling one.
    Jeanne ^j^

  7. Paris Parfait

    Such a romantic bit of whimsy! Delightful.

  8. shabbyinthecity

    She lifted the glass of champagne to her lips…whats that? a sparkle, a clink…a diamond…a tear. A kiss. A promise. A yes!

  9. My kind of dessert!! I hope it ends by having seconds!!

  10. Corey, I like the way you’re taking a post about real life (already told as a narrative) and changing it into a story. The way you used parts of the watercolor is ingenious!
    Keep going in this direction.

  11. Alison Whittington

    Wigless, Marie-Noelle… ahhh, the scandal!
    Are there are women in another corner shaking their heads and pursing their lips? And that waiter, so sinister. Surely he knows this young lady’s father?
    Delicious, again, Corey.

  12. In a canopy bed?

  13. I love the way you interpret things! So poetic!
    A beautiful piece of art!

  14. ….The waiter, seeing the passionate embrace and a slip of a hand under the table, thought to himself, “I thought this gentleman said she was his “niece”. I wonder what his wife would think of this. Perhaps he can ease my underpaid life as a waiter and give me a VERY generous tip.”

  15. How delightful the tale continues… and red shoes and lips… Ah dreams do come true, even when in watercolor!
    Did you buy it???

  16. The waiter has no doubt seen it all and is well-tipped for his silence. But still he can’t resist a private peek. I would love to read HIS journal.

  17. I love Marie-Noelle’s comment–wigless!
    I see newlyweds who are honeymooning. He has made every effort to spoil her in the manner to which she can become accustomed with fresh flowers ordered for the table and a private area away from other diners. In typical newlywed fashion, they have only for each other.

  18. stephanie s

    oh corey, thank you so much for seeing the story… all i saw was the technique of the work. the story is much more fun.

  19. “The waiter was not part of his plan.”
    …But he seized upon the moment and made an improptu toast to her radiant beauty. And she swooned with love for him!

  20. kristen robinson

    WOW your words took me up the hill to the top I am dying to know what happenson the other side…is it a tryst I wonder or perhaps an everlasting love.

  21. Do YOU ever run out of loveliness? my goodness you need I MEAN REALLY REALLY need to publish something so we can get our hands on you! I love this post a LOT! xo
    are you back in cali yet? thinking of you and your family very much lately xoxox

  22. lovely story ….so did you buy it? We strated collecting local art on trips on our honeymoon.

  23. Gypsy Purple-Chamara

    He could`nt understand why the waiter keep on looking…but she, with him between them couldn`t see her father…..

  24. ça y est Corey, tu as une nouvelle addict ! à Marseille cette fois-ci. où vas-tu trouver toutes ces idéees adorables ?
    N’oublie pas de venir me voir quand tu viens à Marseille. A bientôt ? bbb

  25. cruststation

    Beautiful images that you so cleverly put into storyboards, oh you should make a movie! Fantastic story teller, I’m head over heels captivated.

  26. Flights of Fab Fashion Fancy


  27. Franca Bollo

    Alas, we know how it ends. He wears the red pants. Her hair turns white. Le fin.

  28. sophie 🙂

    she evaporates leaving only a red shoe…

  29. sophie 🙂

    she evaporates leaving only a red shoe…

  30. Di Overton

    How can you resist buying that painting Corey it’s fabulous. Great post

  31. And how about tea in Marseille? 🙂

  32. This was a real delight!
    Thanks and thanks again for sharing

  33. la vie en rose

    oh my imagination could run wild…

  34. Regina Clare Jane

    Que romantique!

  35. herhimnbryn

    She probably says,
    ” Enough of this ma chere.
    I am famished, where are the macaroons?”

  36. the waiter is the lady’s lover… sold into marriage far too young, the girl is now trapped in clandestine trysts with her true love while enduring the advances of her much older, albeit disgustingly rich, husband!!

  37. Soooooo beautiful, I just love the colors. COREY!!!!! I happened to pick up Cloth Paper Scissors today and was lying in bed getting ready for a nap before my night shift…and there you WERE!!!! I had no idea you were featured in it (must have missed that post.) I’m off to read it now. It wasn’t until I read about French husband that I happened to look down and see your name. What a funny moment.

  38. Oooo La La!

  39. Teresa Sheeley

    I love this painting. You know the look on her face to me looks like she is actually looking at someone else, possible her lover!

  40. What an enchanting view of this painting. Thank you!

  41. What a wonderful story you’ve constructed; the photos are perfect!

  42. so delicate and romantic!!

  43. Janvangogh


  44. Linda Harre

    You are the queen of story-telling……….you always carry me away to another place with your words…..Thank you:)

  45. Mary Anne Davis

    Your seeing is so amazing… Thank you!

  46. What a lovely painting. And you wrote so eloquently about it. I’d love to own this one.

  47. This is stunny Corey – such a treat! Thank you!

  48. bluevicar

    Pictures tell stories as do the days of our lives. There are so many stories…I like this one! Thanks.
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  49. That’s not just a story–that’s a book! That place should let you publish that as a book! 🙂
    (Can you tell my ability to comment on TypePad blogs is back?…) 😉

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