One Foot on the Ground


When the ground was rocky, dry, barren, and uneven. She bent down and tied a velvet ribbon on her ankle.

"There!" she said, "That’s better."

Knowing where to focus can make a world of difference.

photo: A French antique, 19th century, plaster paris foot.


36 responses to “One Foot on the Ground”

  1. You always put your best foot forward darling one………..
    Lace up your dancing shoes
    and float amongst the stars my lovely.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Pauline Clarke

    A perfect post – a journey made joyful by something beautiful and a linked poem that lifts the heart.

  3. Yeah, I need to focus!!!

  4. this made me smile…no matter what I go through, I need to focus and stay true…I would love that beautiful velvet ribbon as a scarf…just gorgeous!

  5. Britt-Arnhild

    Travelling with a velvet ribbon is always the very best way of going anywhere.

  6. sigh! lovely ribbon, lovely foot!
    what an unexpected combination..

  7. What a lovely thought, picture and words. Thank you.

  8. sognatrice

    Love the photo and accompanying thought!
    I must admit, though, that the first thing that sprang to my mind was Achilles…could be because I just saw “Troy” the other night 😉

  9. constance

    Like the sentiment and the photograph. To me it says : Stay grounded ! Hope you’re well!!

  10. ParisBreakfasts

    Did you know that women make better mountain climbers, because they tend to look at the ground.
    And NOT at their objective -the far off mountain peak as the boys do…
    Food for thought!

  11. Perception is everything. I see it all the time in my daily goings about at the office.
    We move toward and become that which we think about (or chose to see).
    A good reflection for an early Friday morning.

  12. Amen.
    Some times I lack focus. I am a worrier. A dreamer, but a worrier.
    I have the opportunity of a life time to travel this fall, but the question is do I have the guts to take that chance, instead of worrying about financing it, who’ll take care of the cat, can I get off work, etc.
    You are right -maybe sometimes, we should enjoy the frivolous ribbons of life, and ignore the rocks.

  13. So true! And that velvet ribbon would make any journey that much sweeter!

  14. cruststation

    What a wonderful image, a strong reminder to focus on things that matter and to look on the brighter side of life. X

  15. An early version of a Snoopy Band-Aid 😉
    Always best to concentrate on happier things.

  16. patpaulk

    I love these tidbits of solid wisdom.

  17. naturegirl

    You are filled with wisdom
    and beautiful images for posting.hugs NG

  18. stephanie s

    poetry, pure poetry.

  19. la vie en rose

    i LOVE this corey!

  20. I sometimes having to keep one foot on the ground is so boring how much better would it be with a beautiful velvet ribbon?

  21. i adore feet – should have tied a ribbon
    around mine –
    i may have to borrow this idea!

  22. The little toe looks jacked
    up, maybe it was caught in a bicycle chain?
    Corey responds: You remember that day!? My toe never has been the same!
    I’ll have to blog about that bicycle race one day!

  23. So True, as Emerson says:
    Concentration is the secret of strength!
    I wish I had that talent…life gets too busy for a good concentration. I actually use my blog to help me concentrate, that was the main reason I started it…it has help a lot!

  24. Beautiful picture and metaphor, as alwasys!

  25. The perfect place for a lovely velvet ribbon! Leave it to you….. XOXO

  26. Annabelle

    My, my it’s been a while since I’ve been here. ..Love the story of Raphael and this one.
    The vintage treasures are so wonderful Corey…I actually found a Joseph Farquharson this week and I’m thrilled.
    Luv Annabelle

  27. pam aries

    A velvet ribbon always softens the world! Stone cold weary feet welcome softness!

  28. Though she tied the velvet ribbon around her ankle, the ground was still rocky, dry, barren, and uneven.
    That is okay, sometimes it is better to look good, than feel good.

  29. great observation (and life philosophy)…a beautiful velvet ribbon does make things better!

  30. Oui! This is parfait.. one of your postings that is truely Corey-esque..reminds me of a day in the late 70’s we’d taken off in Ellie for points unknown, found a spot to linger and forgot to put her in park before exiting to enjoy some vista… as “she” rolled backward, you placed both hands on her rear bumper and cooly exclaimed ” no, no, Ellie!” remarkably , she stopped.

  31. Gypsy Purple–Chamara

    Oh yes!!!… always makes it better….

  32. Francoise

    Hi corey,
    ce ruban de velours sur la cheville fait toute la différence : superbe mise en scène !!!

  33. Linda Harre

    Corey……this speaks to me considering I just found out I broke my ankle! (I have been walking on if for two weeks:) I will try the ribbon… is so me!

  34. I do not see any connection between the kichen and this post. Am I missing something?

  35. Paris Parfait

    Corey, it’s a lovely photo, but I’m with Guatami – where’s the connection with the kitchen?

  36. Veronica TM

    yes, it can! lovely photo, as usual.

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