Easter Sunday


Life is stronger than death.

Happy Easter and may you find the golden egg.

photo: Victory angel in Rome.


45 responses to “Easter Sunday”

  1. angela marie

    Thank you Jesus ~
    Happy Easter Corey
    Beautiful photo!

  2. ~jolene marie

    Wishing you a beautiful Easter celebration with your loved ones.

  3. happy easter to you too.

  4. cruststation

    Happy Easter Corey, have a blessed one!

  5. ana rose

    A beautiful Angel that makes you feel as though you could soar.Soar Corey. Soar on blessed winges.
    much love

  6. Corey,
    Happy Easter ma cher, to you and the family all!

  7. ana rose

    I have just noticed your picture on the right, ‘about’, it could almost be you as the angel! I think you are!

  8. Mountain Dweller

    Happy Easter Corey!

  9. ParisBreakfasts

    A wonderful Easter Corey to you and your family 🙂

  10. Anastasia

    Happy Easter to you and your family!!

  11. Happy Easter Corey. x

  12. Happy Easter to you and your family Corey.

  13. Happy Easter sweet Corey 🙂
    I’ve got my golden eggs gathered closely around me today 🙂

  14. Pauline Clarke

    Happy Easter, TICA! Trading you all my pastel colored eggs for that one golden one, thanks 🙂

  15. constance

    That angel with the bird on her head looks like you.
    Happy Easter Corey to you and your family.

  16. Have a happy Easter Corey!

  17. pam aries

    Joyeuses Paques! THat is quite a fabulous angel! …If you ever get to the south(US)..please visit Charleston! I will have more pictures of my tour this week!

  18. Beautiful sentiment! and that blue . . .

  19. Happy Easter to you!

  20. mymelange

    Hoppy Easter(pun intended)!! I’d rather find one of those delicious chocolate eggs from Paris that you showed us…can’t devour a golden egg…..mmmmmm

  21. patpaulk

    Corey I hope you do too!!

  22. AnnieElf

    Easter Blessings to you and your wonderful family, Corey.

  23. Annabelle

    A Very Happy Easter to you too Corey and thanks for the lovely pink roses.
    You uncovered my secret!
    Luv Annabelle

  24. Happy Easter to you Corey. Do they have jelly beans in France?? Something tells me no 🙂
    Clarice-who is having jelly beans for breakfast this morning !!

  25. A blessed Easter to you and your family!

  26. I already have! YOU!!! Blessings to you and yours dear Corey!

  27. Regina Clare Jane

    A blessed and happy Easter to you and yours, Corey!

  28. snowsparkle

    happy easter to you and your family corey! performing acts of kindness and love can be a way of rising up and transcending death. i need to remember this powerful inspiration at the start of each day. thanks as always for the beauty of your posts that serve as reminders of just this thing.

  29. Rethabile

    Another froggie! How many are we out on the blogosphere? Happy Easter to you.

  30. I hope your Easter was joyeux..!
    Your victory angel appears ready to take flight into that glorious blue sky..!

  31. Happy Easter~~~ and thank you so much for the music (sax player) photo
    simply beautiful
    just like you
    xo darlene

  32. Gypsy Purple

    I did Corey…..

  33. Marie-Noëlle


  34. shabbyinthecity

    Happy Easter! JOYEUSES PÂQUES!
    Triumph over the grave is life for all of us 🙂
    My husband’s mom went to be with Jesus just as we arrived at church this a.m.

  35. Merisi’s Vienna

    What a beautiful beautiful and uplifting image!
    Happy Easter days,

  36. naturegirl

    A blessed Easter to you and yours this Easter Sunday dearest Corey. hugs NG

  37. The French Nest

    Happy Easter to you and your family, Corey!

  38. Happy Easter to you, dear Corey!

  39. Simply stunning! Happy Easter to you and your family Corey!

  40. Happy Easter, Joyeuses Pâques, dear Corey.

  41. A Blessed Easter to you, Corey.

  42. Tara Larsen Chang

    Happy Easter from me as well. I love all the sculptural angels you’ve posted of late. Gorgeous stuff, as always.

  43. Unfolding Rose

    You have such a beautiful blog; I’m so glad I found it. Thank you for your daily dose of inspiration!
    Happy Easter!

  44. You are right…for even in death is hidden life…like the seed in Spring after a winter’s sleep.

  45. beautiful…

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