French Kissing

Mvc014f_4 "Mommy, do I have the right to kiss a girl?" Sacha asked me with a semi-hopeful look, on his sweet little boy-boy face.

"The right, to kiss a girl? Is there a wrong way to kiss a girl?" Teasingly I winked with my words, though it wasn’t funny to Sacha… changing gears I continued on with a serious tone, "Son, are you asking me permission to kiss a girl?"

"Uh-huh, is it possible? Do I have the right to do that?" He was serious! (I love how French words translate sometimes!)

"GEE!! I never asked my Mom permission to kiss anyone. How do I respond to that…as a friend I would say, Yeah kiss her! As your Mom… ( oh these are those tender memorable moments that make childbirth worth it!) Your first kiss is the one you will remember the rest of your life, it is a freeze-frame in time. You only have one first kiss to give…If you want to kiss her, do it with all sincerity, in a moment worthy of the memory!"

"So that means I have the right?" Sacha repeated.

"Yes, you have the right." I said in plain talk.

The days that followed had me asking Sacha, "Did you kiss her?" Each day there was a different reason why he hadn’t. The kissable girl was either chewing gum, or there were too many friends around, or the bell rang for class to start… days turned into an empty week.

Finally, with tons of friends around, the bell ringing, and gum in her mouth, she grabbed Sacha and stole his first kiss!

"Did you like it? " I wanted to know.

"Our teeth hit and then she put her tongue in my mouth…"

"STOP! I don’t need to know more!"


Update: I posted this story about Sacha, one day short of a year ago. I am re posting it because it is one of my favorites, and I thought for those of you who haven’t read it, you might enjoy it too.

Kisses xx (though not French ones, to you xx.)


When writing this story I had the fondest memories of Sacha (then 10 now 13,) and that time…"Do I have the right to kiss?" is one of my favorite memories…

I saved two parts of the French Kissing story for those who might write a comment to my blog. So for those who wrote here are those two parts not mentioned….

I said to Sacha that famous day,
"Maybe you could start by holding her hand?"
His reply was, "Mommy, her arm is broken."
"Sacha doesn’t she have two hands, is the other hand broken too?"
"Mommy, she wants to kiss me, not hold hands! She said, "Sacha, kiss me!" She broke up with her other boyfriend because he was too shy!"


When I asked Sacha if I could tell this story he said, "No!!" at first. Then Chelsea came into the scene and said, "As Sacha’s agent…WE agree…on one condition…for every comment you must give Sacha 1 euro and Sacha will give me 20% for this idea."

I am glad you liked the story because it is worth every penny!!

Thanks, Corey


77 responses to “French Kissing”

  1. Your online journal is fabulous!
    I am thrilled to visit each day!
    Love Jeanne
    Ontario Canada!
    Kisses to you all!

  2. oh dear. too much info.
    isn’t it funny how we want to know…yet…don’t want to know?
    Such is the joy of children.

  3. patty van dorin

    How cute and how true about the first kiss. I remember mine like it was yesterday even thought it has now bee over 35 years! we were at the library and he bent over the book I was reading and kissed me. I responded by punching him in the arm and calling him stupid. Didn’t matter a couple of years latter we married. It is a cherished monent frozen in time that I like to revisit.

  4. cruststation

    aww…what a sweet son you have!

  5. Shannon Lewis

    I am laughing hysterically right now!!!!!!!! That poor boy, he must’ve been traumatized.
    It reminds me of a story my husband told me (I always seem to have a story that relates to yours…have you noticed ๐Ÿ˜‰
    There was a girl who he had a crush on and since he was such a “good boy”, her mother didn’t mind him hanging out with her daughter. One day they were in the girl’s room and she leaned over and kissed him just the way the other girl kissed Sacha. My husband said he was so startled he jumped up and bolted out of the house.
    How ironic it is that boys can be so tender and vulnerable when society sees them as assertive and bold. Hahaha.

  6. Wow, that IS a kiss to remember! And what a terrific relationship you have with your son that he’ll ask you for your opinion on kissing a girl!

  7. jann mumford

    ones of lifes sweet stories! I can not remember that far back…I hope I did get that kiss!!Or, did I give that kiss….hummmm.Enjoyed the blog today!!

  8. Oh. my. god…that was the funniest thing! Hysterical!!
    You must tell us how old your son is. My oldest is 10 and I suspect this may not be too far off…oh dear. I hope I am as graceful and delicate as you were.

  9. It was just recently that my 11 year old asked ‘what is the difference between a real kiss and a french kiss mom?’ I quickly replied well one is done in France… Guess I better warn her… Delightful as usual Corey…

  10. expatraveler

    Too cute but funny at the same time.
    The right…not allowed…
    But I guess I’d do that too in translating the French into English… ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. lauren Mumford

    So she kissed you Sacha? Then that means you still own YOUR first kiss to give! Your snippet of delicious memory is still waiting for you to claim it. And with a heart that is so tender that you speak to your mother regarding that special moment, then the first kiss you GIVE to a very special girl will be her memory of a lifetime, I’m sure. That is if it hasn’t already occured…? hmmmm? (I can see your cheeks pink from here…)

  12. hello!
    i stumbled across your blog recently
    and fell in love – and this story is just too sweet not to mention it. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. oh corey,,how sweet and innocent sacha is,,i love how he came to mom for such and important question,,,great story

  14. josephine

    Ahhh! That’s so precious!!!!

  15. Oh dear Sacha … It was a [very] long time ago but I remember my first kiss just as clumsily. Too many teeth in the way, huh? Thankfully … the first time … no tongue. There’s plenty of time!

  16. oh corey. i had myself in stitches reading this. that is priceless. these moments and the beautiful way you recapture the stories.
    but even in the grins and smiles of reading…
    i found myself captured by the simplicity, the honesty and the beauty of reading… “You only have one first kiss to give…”
    me adores you.

  17. I love this story… big/little
    boys are so sweet…

  18. I LOVE your blog!!! Thank you for visiting mine. I will be back often.
    So Wonderful. Young love… I have 2 teenage boys… ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I have a 13 year old boy and your story made me smile.
    I know his day is coming too!
    Love to read your blog, it is truly a treat.

  20. LOL! You do have a good kid, the fact that he is willing to, and wants to communicate with his mother regarding kissing!

  21. Mary Jane

    Once again you’ve sent me back to memory lane….I’ve been laughing along with the rest…what sweet innocence…..

  22. Thomas and I both had a very good laugh about this one! I can only imagine your face at his statement! hehe

  23. What a funny and sweet story. We only have one first kiss.

  24. snowsparkle

    tica, this is like an elixer…this window into the mother/son conversation. i have a 13 year old son who completely clams up on the subject of girls, well because honestly, i got too enthusiastic when he said he was thinking of asking a girl on a date. i blew it. i’m so glad your sasha feels able to talk about these things with you. what a gift to all of us! xxoo- snowsparkle

  25. Tongue in Cheek

    When writing this story I had the fondest memories of Sacha (then 10 now 13,) and that time…”Do I have the right to kiss?” is one of my favorite memories…
    I saved two parts of the French Kissing story for those who might write a comment to my blog. So for those who wrote here are those two parts not mentioned….
    I said to Sacha that famous day,
    “Maybe you could start by holding her hand?”
    His reply was, “Mommy, her arm is broken.”
    “Sacha doesn’t she have two hands, is the other hand broken too?”
    “Mommy, she wants to kiss me, not hold hands! She said, “Sacha, kiss me!” She broke up with her other boyfriend because he was too shy!”
    When I asked Sacha if I could tell this story he said, “No!!” at first. Then Chelsea came into the scene and said, “As Sacha’s agent…WE agree…on one condition…for every comment you must give Sacha 1 euro and Sacha will give me 20% for this idea.”
    I am glad you liked the story because it is worth every penny!!
    Thanks, Corey

  26. What a great story and I’m happy to contribute my comment to the entrepreneurial fund!

  27. la vie en rose

    i love it! oh i can’t wait for…

  28. It wasn’t my first kiss,but I remember such a kiss I will never forget it! It was just one never to another from him.

  29. What a precious story–and what a great maman you seem to be!
    I love this blog–I save it to soak in when the buzzing of busy days gets too loud in my head.

  30. jinxthegypsy

    Thats so sweet and funny! thanks for sharing it with us!

  31. LOL! Very cute story!

  32. What a sweet little boy … isn’t amazing how fast children grow up and start to “taste” life !
    These “first times” should remind us of how important each moment is !

  33. What a great story!! And thanks for visiting and giving me advice on my spring flower. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great day!

  34. PainterWoman

    With the ghastly news reports in the US of out-of control “entitled” athletes, and kindergartners being suspended for kissing their crusshes, I’m not surprised he asked… It soundes like he’ll manage to be respectful…

  35. Marie-Noรซlle

    I love this story, Corey…

  36. Marie-Noรซlle

    I love this story, Corey…

  37. i am a 13 year old boy i am experiencing kissing. i would like to know how to ask my parnts how to french kiss..
    p.s i lved the story..also if you have tips for me tell me plz ๐Ÿ™‚ thxu

  38. Marie-Noรซlle

    Corey, I still like this story! I will write a “3-part” commnt:
    Have the prices gone up for this second edition?
    My new concern is that 13-year old reader: Josh -who left a request to you…
    Did you cope then?
    Can’t clearly make out why those kisses are qualified as “French”.
    I can’t believe that the rest of the world waited for the French to show the way…

  39. Corey,
    I didn’t ask for my mom’s permission, but I do remember my first kiss with a girl.

  40. pascaloune

    souvenirs, souvenirs… et pourtant comme c’est bon un baiser!

  41. Pauline Clarke

    and one on each cheek for you for sharing such a delicious story!

  42. MyMelange

    How adorable!!!!

  43. I knew I recognized this post ๐Ÿ™‚
    Jeff has a funny first kiss story. There was a girl he had a crush on in H.S. He was at her house, they were both sitting in a bean bag chair watching T.V. She suddenly leaned over, kissed him and stuck her tongue in his mouth. He was surprised and embarassed, got up and ran home! I laughed and laughed when he told me that story. Just the image of him leaping up and running away had me hooting in laughing. In fact, I’m laughing as I write it.

  44. One of my faves, too. And Chelsea’s obviously chosen a suitable course of study in business, she’s a natural! So how much did she wrangle for round two?

  45. shabbyinthecity

    X’s and O’s …Ohs!
    I’m glad he didn’t have to sweat over it too long LOL! I’ll bet he is an old pro by now ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Alison Whittington

    I hope that I am of sound mind enough to give such well-thought-out counsel should my future children ask me that question…
    …I didn’t feel comfortable talking to my mother about any sensitive issue, least of all kissing… fortunately my first kiss was lovely and memorable and worthy of the occasion, although I was quite old, comparatively (the day after my 18th birthday)…
    And bravo to Chelsea… I am still trying to find chutzpah like that. Do you think if she boxed some up and sent it to me, I’d have to pay duty?

  47. Kristen R

    This is so very heartwarming and dear, what a wonderful thing for your son to feel such a bond with his Mother, to talk about a first kiss. Truly endearing.

  48. Such a sweet story! Does Josh get royalties for the re-telling? ♥

  49. angela marie

    Oh, I remember my first kiss… sigh~ ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Chelsea has proven once and for all that girls ARE smarter than boys!

  50. Give that boy another Euro! I didn’t read the story the first time around.
    Chelsea is going to be a CEO of something or another.

  51. Another euro, Sacha! I hope that kiss will be, as your mother says, never-forgotton! How can it be, with the whole world knowing!

  52. patpaulk

    Too funny!! I do remember my first kiss and how I slept that night with wonderful dreams of love. She dumped me the next day.

  53. Gypsy Purple-Chamara

    Oh my….I can so relate…my teenager turned 14 this weekend and I had the kissing question a while ago….seems just right…in France or South Africa….this is the age…

  54. what a lovely story! Thank you for a wonderful blog, I am new at this and what a treat that yours is one of the first I have found! a real treasure.

  55. Willow Grace

    I am still giggling over your wonderful heartwarming story! Especially over the entrepreneurship of your children!
    Here’s to another euro!

  56. How brave of Sacha to allow the story to be told, even with the promise of richesse! You have such a wonderful trusting relationship with your children, I hope mine is as strong when my kids are older.

  57. FrenchGardenHouse

    Corey, you could go broke with the Euros…this is such a sweet story that we will all want to comment!!

  58. constance

    Maybe I can score Sasha another Euro. Tell him I like him very much.

  59. cruststation

    Ah, Chelsea the business woman ๐Ÿ™‚ I love you and your family so much! You are a bunch of fun-loving people.

  60. The story is so cute – and they are so enterprising~ How funny! Oops, now you owe him another euro ๐Ÿ™‚

  61. Catalina

    I LOVE THIS STORY! so cute your Sacha and fun!

  62. Fabulous story writing and loved seeing your family pics also. So little time I have with work beginning again for the new season but htis morning I wanted the comfort of you blog Corey and as usual it gave a spur of uplift to the soul.

  63. What a fabulous story! I have a house FULL of boys… my oldest will be 13 this autumn. I haven’t been asked that question by him yet, but there is a girl in our neighborhood who comes by almost everyday (she’s been in his class since 1st grade), and I just have to wonder whether she’d like to “steal HIS first kiss”!

  64. Oh, Sacha! Mais si, tu as le droit.
    Merci for this delicious glimpse into your family, Corey. xoxo

  65. liannallama

    oh, my! I had to comment if only to make sure your poor children got some spending cash, LOL!
    How sweet to think of a first kiss!

  66. I will have to remember your wise words to your son….
    tucking them away…

  67. What a sweet and funny story…I had to “donate” to the comment box!

  68. Chelsea’s smart!

  69. Anastasia

    What a great story…he’s a sweetheart! they grow up so fast huh?
    I had my first proper kiss at 16…a late bloomer!

  70. Now adding on Euros here lol! I loved this story when you posted it last year and I still love it!

  71. This is hilarious, especially with the added backstory. It’s also very sweet and reminds me of talks I had with my sons when they were younger.
    I wanted to make sure to comment for the cause$.

  72. simple me

    Here is another 1 euro out of your pocket … I think you’ll have to stop doing this or you’ll end up being broke ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. simple me

    Here is another 1 euro out of your pocket. You’ll have to stop doing this otherwise you’ll be broke ;D

  74. So are you still paying up? My 15 year old hasn’t asked permission yet. Not that I know if he will even tell me.
    Yes!! And I am thinking I should have never agreed! There goes his college education!

  75. I’m so sorry to cost you another euro, but this is such a great story I just had to comment! Sacha and Chelsea – cha-ching ๐Ÿ™‚

  76. Delphine

    Correy, your Sacha is just… incroyable! Et je rajoute mon commentaire pour sa tirelire ๐Ÿ˜‰

  77. Marilyn

    It astounds me the kind of info that my teenage niece and nephew share with their parents. When I was a kid, the LAST people you’d share your romantic urges with were your PARENTS! ๐Ÿ™‚

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