French Decorating Skill

French Hammer and Hips…oh!

Img_2399_1"No no no, that hammer belonged to my Grandmother, that is why I know it is mine." Says French husband.

"Okay, it was your Grandmother’s hammer, but I like it and I think it has my name all over it. And anyway, what’s yours in mine and visa verse, right?"

Hanging pictures is a knack you either have or don’t! I have it, and French husband…well he has more important gifts. It makes sense that his Grandmother’s hammer should be mine.

"Give Corey a hammer and the whole house changes. I don’t know how anything stays up, because she uses nails the size of a pin as not to make holes in the wall.

Nevertheless, she is the, "Queen of my hammer," she can drive a nail anywhere!" French husband says with admiration in his voice.

Honestly, I always thought he admired my hammering skills…until I saw this vintage image…maybe he admires my hips, more then my hammering? Oh my!

Note: Re posting today. Due to the fact that my cousin Julie mixed up her dates to catch her plane back to the USA. She thought she was leaving tomorrow, and in fact she lives NOW! Aurevior!


42 responses to “French Decorating Skill”

  1. Corey, that image made me laugh out loud.
    French husband should admire your hips (and ‘m sure he admires your hammering skills as well)!

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    Let’s all applause:
    “Hip hip hip hourra!!!” (translation into English unknown ! Maybe only “hurrah”)
    This picture makes me think about Guy de Maupassant’s short stories…
    Many of his male characters turn “marteau” at the view of hips.
    (“marteau” meaning “hammer” in French and “crazy” in colloquial French).

  3. ParisBreakfasts

    OH MY…
    Simply shocking my dear!

  4. Blessings
    If I had a hammer
    I’d hammer in the morning…….
    I’d hammer in the evening………
    Song by Trini Lopez
    Love you
    Good luck on the flight!

  5. Pauline Clarke

    lol – leave it to a man to find a good reason to put a hammer in a woman’s hands…

  6. patpaulk

    I’m much better at holding hips, than a hammer. Love this!!

  7. My Melange

    he he he…Corey you little vixen!

  8. angela marie

    This is to cute! LOL!
    I think that you may have something there! We (women) think that it is our skills, when all along it is something else. Very cute! *giggle*

  9. tut-tut

    I think you’re able to find an image for any occasion!

  10. Letitia

    The man in the image looks frightened of her hips!!

  11. constance

    Yes, I know what Frenchhusband is looking at!
    Hope you get Cousin Julie to the airport on time! I did that once too.

  12. carolyn

    I think if I was you I’d be delighted he admired my hips rather than my hammering skills! Such a funny post, you always put a smile on my face Corey.

  13. I keep smiling, that is all I can say!
    Corey, could you please share with us your favorite eating out spots? And your favorite dishes, perhaps?

  14. Shannon

    I remember this post.
    “Queen of my hammer”….oh my!

  15. Merisi’s Vienna

    It’s all about the hips, and I am so grateful for once, because Carol over there at Paris Breakfasts is carrying on a food affair that is ever so slightly turning up on my hips, if I look at her pictures any longer! 😉
    I love the slightly, hm, what does one call it, “Tongue in Cheek”?, image you have selected. Reminds me of the times, when I was still a good girl, and did hang my curtains myself. 🙂
    I hope you got to the airport in time, wheewie, that is exactly the nightmare situation we frequent flyers are scared of.

  16. pam aries

    Ummm…I’m still drooling over your last yummy post..which ironically brings me to …hips.!

  17. martina

    One of my favorite gifts came from my cousin five years after my Grandma passed. It was an old hammer that had belonged to Grandma. I’m named after her and she would now be over 100 years old. No one is allowed to use the hammer except me.

  18. Rosemary


  19. Knowing how cute French Husband is, I am SURE you don’t mind what he really likes, as long as he catches you if you fall. 😉
    Perfect picture! lol

  20. Sue McG

    Corey, I’m LOL – perhaps your hubby admires both your hips and your skill with a hammer, yes, I think he loves the whole package that is you!

  21. Oh I’m sure it’s the hips, Corey! He is FRENCH after all! =) hugs!

  22. I always had a set of hammer and pliers where I could find it at my house, and my husband was always taking them and losing them. Then one day, I bought a pink set. He goes and finds his own now. LOL

  23. French Husband: That’s it, a little higher, a little higher…

  24. You’re delightful! Simply delightful!

  25. cruststation

    Oh yes, the devious streak is a character trait of the ‘Tongue in Cheek’ family 🙂 Picture perfect view dear …

  26. Jeannene

    “Love your site…I see your name commented everywhere I go. You are amazing!! Very nice to meet you, am (Garb-oodles Soup’s sister in law). She also, is very amazing too!

  27. Di Overton

    It’s the thighs Corey! I hate to admit this but in our house Harvey is the one who is the best at arranging pictures and objects on the walls. My ideas look great on the floor but seem to go to pot when the layout is on the wall.

  28. Regina Clare Jane

    I saw the picture first and I wondered to myself what was coming! Oh, Queen of the hammers, I offer you my homage for all the joy you bring us every day!

  29. Another delightful post Corey! Your French Husband sounds just too cute!

  30. constance

    Dear Corey CONGRATULATIONS!! Susanna saw your article in Spare Change, the Somerset Magazine!! I’m so proud to know you! Check out her sight!

  31. Liz Ness

    What a great find…(hammer and photo) and yum on the previous post. I’m over here in the states drooling (virtual, not icky drool, heh-heh). Seriously, love your blog (as always).

  32. I think he admires everything in you specially your good humour.

  33. Frenchgardenhouse

    You are so cute!! Love that image, and isn’t it wonderful that all it takes is a nail and a few things to totally Rearrange our houses??
    (Saves our European husbands just a TON of money in moving costs!)

  34. Mlle Smith

    You two are wayyy too cute! MMRRROOOOWWWWW!!! Heehee! :0)

  35. tommiea

    What happens when you run out of wall space??

  36. Oh, Corey, my husband always teases me that I can’t have a single inch of wall space that doesn’t have something hanging there. 😉 Oh, well.

  37. It happens sometimes that we mix up dates and flight hours,especially if the plane is at 0.30am or 1am, good if we discover the mistake in time, if not, it costs a lot of money.
    This song “if I had a hammer…” is not ” si j’avais un marteau..” par notre cher Claude François?
    Who sang it first?
    Bonne journée.

  38. “maybe he admires my hips, more then my hammering”
    ..LOLOL 🙂

  39. “Queen of his hammer…” Oh la la!

  40. Stephanie

    Love that photo!! That’s helping the Hammer Queen for sure!

  41. susanna

    Hah! You made me chuckle out loud with this observation, Corey. I can imagine French Husband saying in his French accent, “Well, of course!”

  42. Linda Harre

    You have such a gift…..always putting a smile on our faces!!!!! THANK YOU!

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