The Love Affair








Photos: Sacha this morning claiming his love affair with my home made Cinnamon Cherry jam.

Cinnamon Cherry recipe:

Five pounds of cherries

Five pounds of sugar

Three teaspoons cinnamon


Pit the cherries and put them in a heavy pot.

Sprinkle the cinnamon over the cherries.

Pour the five pounds of sugar over the cherries.

Cover the pot with a lid.

Let the sugar soak, melt into the cherries. This takes several hours. It is best to let it set out over night.


When the sugar has naturally melted into the cherries, take the lid off and put the pot on stove. Turn the heat to medium high. Bring it to a steady boil. Stir often. Then turn the heat to low and stir until the jam thickens.

The jam is ready to put into the sterilized jars when it ripples off the spoon’s edge.

Ladle the HOT jam into the sterilized jars. Tighten the sterilized lids on to the jars immediately, then place them upside down on a wooden counter. Leave them set overnight.


63 responses to “The Love Affair”

  1. Love you sugar plum.
    I love you
    Everything best is HOME made.
    Fabulous photographs

  2. tut-tut

    Sounds delicious; in fact, it all looks wonderful! Sascha is so handsome.

  3. ParisBreakfasts

    The suspense is killing me!
    Did he open the jam jar already? ? ?
    How was it?
    Any good?

  4. sognatrice

    How precious!

  5. Looks like he’s seriously smitten with that jam. It must be pretty special. Did you make it from the cherries you picked from the neighbor’s tree?

  6. cruststation

    MMmm…cinnamon cherry sounds wonderful! I hope you saved me some for my breakfast this morning. The first photo of Sacha look so much like you! (lol on showing off his muscles…)

  7. Regina Clare Jane

    Hee hee- so handsome!
    And I’m hungry now, too!

  8. constance

    I’ve never had cinnamon- cherry jam before, but it sounds delish. Lucky Sasha! I’ve already told you this before but I can’t help saying it again. I love CHERRIES!

  9. meredith

    I have a feeling a few teenage girls will be proclaiming their love for your son 🙂
    Hi Meredith
    Sacha hopes more than a few will proclaim such affection.
    When I took the photo of him I said, “Hey why are you looking at your muscles and not at me? He said, “I was looking at the jam.” I said, “Really?” When he saw the photo he said, ” Man your camera doesn’t miss a blink does it?!”

  10. All luscious home-made stuff by Corey the Bonne Maman, cherry and cheri…

  11. Shannon

    Thanks for the recipe!
    It’s amazing what you can get the men of your family to do in the name of “entertaining your blog readers” LOL.
    Hi Shannon
    Yeah…it is amazing what a little black mail can do to a person when they want jam.

  12. Thank you for the recipe Corey. The one I promised you is on it’s way soon..!
    Sacha shares your sense of humour..he’s shy like you too…

  13. Mary-land

    What a cute boy. The jam sounds yummy, but that bread looks amazing. I heart good bread!

  14. Islandsparrow

    Hey! That looks like one of my boys holding a bottle of my homemade mustard pickles – they MUST have them!
    I think I would like cherry jam – I make strawberry and raspberry and sometimes concord grape jam but I have never tried cherry.

  15. somepinkflowers

    5 pounds of cherries ???
    at my market the cherries would cost $$$$$$$$
    plus, i would need to buy
    7 pounds of cherries:
    eat 1 pound while washing cherries;
    eat 1 pound while sterilized jars…
    Hi Some Pink Flowers,
    Thankfully, I have a good friend and neighbor, who let me pick his cherry tree. Mind you this year it wasn’t easy, I had to pick the cherries from the top, balancing on my tip toes on tiny branches. Wishes i hadn’t gained these extra ten pounds!!!
    Cherries are 8 euro a kilo at our market.
    i could almost fly to your house and eat yours…
    hint, hint, hint 🙂

  16. You don’t put gelatin in yours? I always do or it runs of the toast in a waterfall of red.
    Hi Linda
    No I do not use gelatin. Nor apples to thicken my jam. The trick is cooking it slowly and for a long time.
    The flavor is deeper and not as sweet. Though the sugar content is the same.

  17. My Melange

    Mmmm..homemade jam! Your son is adorable! Quite the ham!!! 🙂

  18. My mom makes homemade jellies & jams. They are the best. I never learned how, but I’m sure I could learn.
    Love that blue 1970’s bookcase you painted a few posts back…it’s remarkable on that stone wall! You do great work.
    Southern Hospitality

  19. martina

    How long does it keep (if Sacha doesn’t eat it all)? Do you store it in pantry or freezer? I made plum jam once and the whole batch had to be tossed out in less than a month as it didn’t preserve right.
    Hi Martina
    Mine keeps for about two years or longer. We usually eat it within a year. I enjoy making jam and make a ton of it. I keep it in the pantry.

  20. angela marie

    Oh Corey! Those photo’s of your son are just adorable! They brought a huge smile to my face. I needed that today! Thank you sweet friend!
    Have a wonderful day and give that growing boy of yours a hug for me! 🙂

  21. Britt-Arnhild

    A perfect son. We call species like him “mother in law’s dream” here in Norway. My oldest daughter already has a boyfriend, my youngest is only 11 yet. But she is very cute, and will grow to become a beauty ;-)………

  22. What a handsome boy! It is true. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…

  23. What a handsome boy holding a handsome and yummy looking jar of cinnamon cherry jam. That bread you have there looks like it would soak up the jam pretty good too.
    Sasha has good taste! I am going to try this one for sure…awesome!

  24. What an exciting love affair!! my kind! I had been hearing your blog names from a few friends, for one, Angela, so glad we got together!!

  25. He’s a cutie – like his hot and funky mama!

  26. phyllis

    Corey! So much to talk about…Sacha is changing so quickly! I probably have that many cherries in my freezer from last year…none this year due to a freeze~how did you pit yours?
    AND Somerset Life! I am actually in a city today and went to a real bookstore…well there you were…shopping with me…I think I memorized the whole thing, cover to cover 🙂 So proud for you.
    Hi Phyliss
    First thank you about Somerset.
    Secondly, I used a pitting machine for the first time. Gee, I pitted those cherries in less than an hour, and before it would have taken a a few hours. It is a slow tedious process to pit cherries and not waste their juicee. I use to pit them using a “bobby pin!” It is an old trick my friend Annie taught me. But the pitting machine is my new best friend.

  27. Beverly

    I’ve never made jam…but I’ll have to try it if it will make a teenage boy slow down for pictures!
    It looks yummy!

  28. Rosemary

    Very cute pictures of a very cute boy!!
    The jam sounds so good, I might have to try your recipe.

  29. MizBooshay

    Hi Sasha!
    Enjoy your jam-your true love.
    What a sweet mom you have to make that for you!!!

  30. Yummm! I’m with Sacha; this sounds so delicious. I always do my canning this way (turning over to seal) and have never been disappointed.
    I’ll bet you’ve made many, many jars of cherry jam with your mother over the years.

  31. I’d say that’s a very safe and tasteful love affair to have!
    I saw your post over at Rose’s Petit Maison… the story you are thinking of is “Make Way for Ducklings”. The “real” ducklings are made of bronze and are at Boston Common near the swanboats.

  32. deirdre

    Oh. Yum. I just started canning again last summer. There’s truly nothing better than homemade jams.

  33. Colette

    Sasha et le temps des cerises… (the good old days).

  34. He looks just like you-well, you know what i mean~ how handsome..lucky you!

  35. Mlle Smith

    These pictures are so cute! He really loves that jam! I would like to learn to cook and make my own jams and such…I shall add this to my list of recipes! :0)
    That bread looks STUNNING. I totally HEART bread.

  36. Vanessa V

    Okay cute boy, now crack it open and hand me a piece of that bread….Let’s go, vite vite, I want a bite…. hee hee….xxo

  37. looks delicious!! i made jam once several years ago, but me and my family, we prefer just eating the fruits =))

  38. Gypsy Purple

    Oh wow…some cherry is going to love this model…..

  39. I followed your recipe this morning and I will taste it tomorrow..thanks this was fun.

  40. Dear Corey, you are creating so many memories. To know the memory of taste is one of the strongest and one of the most longed for memories…I have longed for the taste of my grandmothers pfeffernuesse and have tried in vain to recreate them but that bit of her soul that rubbed off in the recipe is the magic are you! of that I am certain.
    Hi Nicol
    reading your comment made me remember my grandmother’s oatmeal cookies, and that is a taste of love.

  41. Tara Larsen Chang

    Sounds yummy (and looks thoroughly endorsed!) Do you use sweet or sour cherries?

  42. aaah…le temps des cerises..
    j’aimerai toujours le temps des cerises
    c’est de ce temps-là que je garde au cœur
    une plaie ouverte
    et Dame Fortune, en m’étant offerte
    ne saura jamais calmer ma douleur
    j’aimerai toujours le temps des cerises
    et le souvenir que je garde au cœur…

  43. How old is Sacha again? He reminds me so much of my 15-year-old and his own muscles. They are so amazingly cute, aren’t they? And the jam sounds divine.

  44. pam aries

    5 POUNDS of sugar!!! No wonder it is his favorite! hee hee!

  45. lauren mumford

    Sacha is growing so much! Such a difference from when you first started posting… Such a handsome muscle manboy!
    Oh, and bring some jam and hand deliver it this summer k–?

  46. one picture would have been necessary. and by the way, i dont know if any of you guys noticed, its just jam, not baby jesus!!!
    Hi Adham,
    There aren’t that many GUYS who read my blog. But the few who do read my blog, know that it is just jam and not baby jesus.
    But the jam does taste like, “baby jesus in velvet shorts.”

  47. carlene

    ummmm, sounds yummy! and your model is adorable!

  48. Christina

    I macerated some cherries with sugar and cinnamon and ate them with cream! Thanks for the tip– I would have never thought to combine cinnamon with cherries!

  49. I sent this entry to my 17 year old. She said “Heyyyyy.. a cute French boy…and he likes to eat!!” I said “Have you ever seen a boy that didn’t?” LOL
    Hi Amy
    lol! Isn’t that the truth!

  50. Dana Smith

    My 18 year old daughter thinks your son is cute. I think “hot” was the word she used. She’s young…..just graduating from High School and getting a trip to the land of the Eiffel Tower and “hot” dudes for graduation. I think you should keep your “hot son” out of Paris while we’re there…smile

  51. my sweet Boone is near to that yummy age – but thankfully not quite – that jam has my mouth watering – mmmmmmmmm
    now I really enjoyed the interview
    its all so wonderful
    thanks for sharing yourself and your life
    xox – eb.

  52. Betty C.

    I used to make jam…will I find time this year? I was inspired by your post, anyway.

  53. Oh look how much more manly he became! He’s quite an actor your cute son!

  54. Did somebody say Cinnamon Cherry jam? Bossy never even knew such a thing existed and now she’s all over the idea like a cheap suit.
    (cute son)

  55. Alison Whittington

    A shame that I know no young women to send to France. My regrets.
    The jam sounds delicious. It’s making my mouth water and I don’t even like cherries that much.

  56. I can almost taste this – delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  57. susanna

    Oh my lord, Sasha and you had me laughing out loud with this post! I see he shares your terrific sense of humour. 🙂 And the jam looks super yummy. I’ve never made jam before…hmmm…perhaps I should try this summer…

  58. Sacha (aka your son)

    …and the jam is dang good, I have already polished one jar!
    My Mom is making Fraise/Strawberry tonight.

  59. colleen

    I thought it was coffee. Glad not.

  60. Catalina

    ok…I am in love aussi!
    Thank you for the recipe! I am going to run to the free market this morning and make it!

  61. sara, the house of charm

    I can’t decide which is more handsome Sascha or the jam??Too much fun!!

  62. Sounds simple and oh so delicous and your teenaged son’s stamp of approval! Thanks for sharing!

  63. Alexandra

    Yum! Now I need to plant a cherry tree. 🙂

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