Tend to the Garden of Your Dreams


Have you ever

wanted something

for such a long time

that you cannot remember

when you started

wanting it?

The desire

has been there

almost as certain and constant

as the heart

beating in your chest.

Is there anything you have ached for,

really ached for?

Having passion is a gift in itself.

photo: The peeling door panel on a cupboard in my home.

Note: A re-post from when i first started blogging.


55 responses to “Tend to the Garden of Your Dreams”

  1. Anne-Marie

    Chère COREY!
    Quel plaisir de visiter ton site, c’est un régal pour les yeux et le cœur, vous avez, lady, le don de donner une âme aux beaux objets qui vous entourent qui ne sont que le reflet de votre bonheur de vivre si intensément. Quel plaisir de voir que vos cauchemars d’enfant vous ont permis de rêver et de faire rêver toute éveillée !.
    A votre disposition.YANN et vos enfants ont beaucoup de chance de vivre à vos cotés, c’est tellement rare de rencontrer des personnes qui savent rendre la vie plus belle !

  2. you know Corey – I can’t think of one thing that I passionately want – is that sad? I am quite happy with my lot – there are many things I would ‘like’ but can do without. like a cappucino machine! years ago, I guess there were things I passionately wanted but I either forgot them or ended up getting them. life goes on….. what is that you passionately desire, Corey?

  3. Corey is it possible to lose sight of why we wanted something to the degree that when we are close we realise that we don’t want it at all. That the dream was nice, but the reality isn’t what you imagined? That passion can be a driving force that leads us determinedly down a path that could gently, surely, destroy us?

  4. Yes Corey I did and my chest still hurts when I think at it and that I can never get it, because you can’t get love from someone who doesn’t love you back enough.
    The other thing I’m aching for is to have more time to develope the creative part in/of me.
    I’m intrigued now about what is that you desire so much?

  5. Oh yes… I wanted a child for years. It hurt to see women with babies, children running to their parents, and my own siblings having babies. The passion was very intense. I cried enough tears to fill an ocean. Lifes lessons did not grant my wish until I finally let go and began to think about adoption. A week later I was pregnant! My daughter is a beautiful flower in my garden of life. A true passion come true!

  6. la vie en rose

    i love the way you wrap your questions up. passion is a gift! thank you for the reminder.

  7. Ok, I’m going to be horribly shallow and just say: I LOVE the crunchy paint on this piece, it’s too wonderful, LOVE!

  8. What you say is true. I have been somewhat numb to my passion for a little while now, and am fumbling my way back to them. None of what I want is material, which makes it sometimes even harder to come by but so much more fulfilling when it’s received.
    And I’m as curious as the others: what does your heart long for?

  9. Tongue in Cheek

    Over the years there have been made things I have desired, some come true, some did not. There was a time I was seriously ill…I was passionate then about living, simply living. Since then I haven’t experienced that type of passion…many of you have asked what do I desire…I desire to be a loving person, I desire to have that gift of passion without having to be ill to feel it! To live each day as if it were my last.

  10. This is regarding your post ‘tend to the garden of your dreams’. Yes, I
    have. I have wanted it so much and for so long that I don’t even know when
    and where it began…may be it has always been there, in my heart. And I wait
    and wait and wait for it to come…and when it did not, then I travelled in
    search of it… I still did not find it …now I just live my life, everyday
    with an ache in my heart and with hope. I wait for it…I’m still waiting. So,
    I pour my passion in to my art, cooking and various causes. But, the ache
    does not lessen. But there is hope, there is still hope 🙂
    It felt like déjà vu to come across your post. And I hope whatever you
    desire comes your way.

  11. MaryBEth

    ((( Corey))
    reading your beautiful words and staring at the wonderful peeling door, I am reminded of how very much i have wanted wonderful colors all over the walls of my home.
    THis week the process begins.
    Thank you dear soul for the reminder.

  12. i cannot imagine living without passion and dreams.
    to me, realising dreams filled with passion is the ultimate goal and almost a form of life art when succeeding.

  13. Francoise

    que serait la vie sans les rêves de vie ?
    que serait la vie sans la passion de vivre ?
    merci corey
    oh j’oubliais de dire : j’adore le panneau et la peinture craquelée ! est-il toujours comme cela ?

  14. Corey,
    Sometimes the wanting is better than the having.
    Passion, like the roaring fire, must be banked from time to time to prevent its burning out.

  15. freefalling

    I’m just happy to be alive – can’t get enough it!
    Love the photo – it looks crunchy!
    Do you think any of your readers could pop over and help me out identifying some plants on my blog?

  16. Tara Larsen Chang

    I love that door.
    Passion is a gift, yes – but it can be exhausting if it leads to unremitting aching!

  17. Be careful what you wish for darling they just may come true…………..
    I have always wanted to be a wife and Mother and have a family.
    My Wishes came true and my loved ones are all happy and healthy. I am truly blessed…………
    It all begins and ends with family!
    Love you

  18. Saint-Ange

    Bonjour Corey
    I love this photo..
    In my house I have a peeling paint door..
    In another day in my blog, I put a photo of this…
    sorry for the fault..

  19. Cre8Tiva

    i have been commissioned to paint many a door as peeling paint…this is the most beautiful example with the roses…i am sure i will eventually borrow the idea…thank you for sharing and inspirng…blessings, rebecca

  20. cruststation

    To rediscover that passion and desire is something I am finding slowly, after having lost and almost given up. Passion is a strange thing, what drives it, reasons to hold on and for letting go…To have it defines our goals and gives hope for the future.

  21. My Melange

    Corey….I beleive I have passion for life….but also for wine, good food, friends and family, travel but specifically anything French and Italian.

  22. kristin

    Merci Corey, c’est le genre de chose que j’aime regarder et qui apaise mon esprit !

  23. Um. No. Now I feel like an under-achiever!

  24. rochambeau

    Yes I have, and sometimes I have brushed up against it witih glory and sometimes it has broken my heart.
    It has taken on different forms at different times, but I can say this:
    My passion is the thing that keeps me marching forward.
    What about you?

  25. daniela

    yes. i have had a passion beat with me since I was a child … and perhaps soon, it will come to me.
    ever since I was a child, since traveling to italy a few times, all I knew I wanted was to live in italy with my husband and family.
    my adult mind and habits of life sew seeds of doubt in the dream that never germinate, giving my long long long-standing dream room to grow, in a pure way.
    in april 2008, my husband and daughter and I will pack our lives here in tasmania into boxes, fly to italy, buy a car and drive the whole of italy until we find the place we want to call home.
    this is a dream come true. how lucky i am to have a husband who will love the gypsy caravan adventure as much as me, but in a different way, and for different reasons.
    I’m really pleased to have visited your blog, to be asked this question which helps those ungerminated seeds underground, where they belong.
    thank you.

  26. Sharon at Norah’S

    Yes, I enjoy many passions but I ache for a Labyrinth in my garden. Next year is shall happen.

  27. I would love to stay home and work more on my passion of painting and writing poetry. I ache for solitude sometimes with my colors and writing.

  28. What a pleasure to visit, look, read, think, savor, ponder, read the thoughts of others (delightedly I can still read French – merci Anne-Marie) and then gather the words to respond…
    I have always been passionate, I have always dreamed of a life of tasting and sharing all of the delights that living and being in a sentient body allows. There have been times when fear has caused me to hold back – to withdraw… and there have been times when grasping has burned my fingers. Dreaming is not separate from my living and at this point in my life the willingness and attentiveness to sense and relax into what the day offers is the best of dreams come true. To dance with the glory of a heartbreakingly beautiful day, to be present in the warm glow of those I love – this is my DREAM/LIFE. Thank you Corey for asking.
    xox – eb.

  29. patpaulk

    And what would be the dream in your garden you want most?

  30. martina

    It keeps changing, when I was a kid it was a box of Crayolas. Now it is wanting to live a happy, content and healthy life.

  31. Beverly

    I have a huge dream…to find a cure for Steven. And with a dream comes passion, and courage, and determination!
    Oh, and I think that I need to invest in a piano, because I have normal dreams too!

  32. shabbyinthecity

    Always wanted a little girl…but now realizing she’d be a teenager *scary for me* What do you mean I can’t put you in ruffled panties anymore? And who is Stephan?!

  33. Colette

    Oh, yes, yes, and yes. and the passion never wanes.
    The panel is a thing of beauty.

  34. Rosemary

    I want to visit France.
    I want to get over my fear of flying.

  35. Jeannene

    It is so beautiful, i love your panel, how did you ever do that, did you buy it like this?
    Yes, I have had that feeling of passion before, and actually it’s still there, I long for a new home with a second bathroom, we only have one in a family of five. Although, should not complain when others have none.
    Blessings to you!!

  36. Alison Whittington

    Yes… I want to fly my own plane and soar through the sky… I want to travel and see amazing and wonderful places… I want to tell stories and make a living at it. Those are the desires that have always been with me as long as I can remember. My newer desires are to sail around the world in a boat I build myself and to be an artist.
    All of these things come together into one dream, which is that most of all, I want to make the world a better place by living well, myself. I think that spreads.

  37. Corey, my passion? there have been many thru stages of my growing up years, but there has been one that I truly could say I’ve longed to do, since I can remember, and that is to travel to Europe. (I dread long hours on airplanes though) And in the next couple of years, I will make it happen, for not only myself, but for my Mom. Life is short…
    P.S. I am loving that panel

  38. carolyn

    Now the question is do I confess to my passion?

  39. I love how Europeans let things age beautifully, including people.
    Sigh! That cupboard door is so charming.
    I have wanted two things;
    1) Artist talent of some kind
    2) To climb Everest one day

  40. A desire…passion of mine? To live in England. Since I was a young girl…it has been there. Some day….

  41. madelyn Mulvaney

    it’s perfect somehow – utterly
    perfect –
    well – yes i long and I am passionate –
    it’ s the best way to live:)
    just like YOU:)

  42. Di Overton

    I have a passion for peeling paint. It has so many stories to tell. Next to my cottage are 2 old barns with bright yellow peeling paint and I juts love them

  43. OhSoVintage

    I’ll be flippant and say that I would love to have as many comments on my blog as you do on yours!!!
    Love reading all your posts.

  44. Vanessa V

    Oh yes… So much so that it gets confusing…. And scary sometimes… I have missed my visits. I am back, finally. From going away three times in two weeks…. xxo

  45. pam aries

    Yes..I do have an undying passion and that crazy feeling ..that insane burning , yearning in my heart … only surfaced in the real world about 4 years ago. I suffocated my dream all my life, thinking it was out of my reach. I know now that it is possible and I can DO it! Mostly because of the everlovin’ blogging world!

  46. susanna

    I still dream of traveling the world, seeing different cultures. It’s my greatest desire.

  47. Pauline Clarke

    TICA – last evening I stood on the landing strip of a small airport, having just flown over the sun as it was setting. I looked up to see the first star and said the requisite starlight, starbright but do you know? I could not think of a single thing to wish for that I did not already have.
    Your cupboard door is lovely!

  48. Yes. Absolutely. Bossy has ached for a cupboard with a peeling paint door.

  49. colleen

    The photo illustrates well a long ago passion that may have faded some with time but still remains present.
    I can’t believe how real the photo looks.

  50. couldnt have said it better… yeah we all have that desire waiting to be unleashed… very nice photo

  51. Ariane Cagle

    I think it’s funny (in that bittersweet kind of way) how our passions change as we grow as individuals and as we age. I once had a passion to become a French teacher. I got pregnant with my son instead and put that passion on a shelf. I once had a passion to live in England, but I moved in the opposite direction and ended up going to Arizona to marry my husband. (Which is funny because I saw a psychic before all of that and she insisted was moving to the desert and I said no I’m moving to England. I thought she was so wrong… hahaha) My passion now is to have more time for my artwork and writing… but in reality my job in marketing and my grandchildren consume a lot of my time. So I suppose my passion should be to be the best I can be at my job and to love and cherish my grandchildren during these fleeting moments of their childhood.

  52. Ariane Cagle

    PS I love the your cupboard!!!

  53. Merci for re-posting this. Like the panel in your cupboard door, it has aged well.

  54. tiffini elektra x

    That door is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. . .in my life. But then you are one of the most beautiful people. So it would make since you would have the most beautiful cupboard ever.

  55. naturegirl

    Take care of a garden and it will take care of you! I have the garden of My dream.

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