Month: June 2007
Tend to the Garden of Your Dreams
Have you ever wanted something for such a long time that you cannot remember when you started wanting it? The desire has been there almost as certain and constant as the heart beating in your chest. Is there anything you…
Father’s Day
This cool vintage motorcycle I saw at the flea market. I thought how my Dad would love it, his laughter of pleasure filled my ear. I could see him bending down to check…
Wear a Fig Leaf
He hadn’t much to wear so he threw on a fig leaf, creating a new way of life. It doesn’t take much to change our world… and very few things are carved in stone.…
How to Celebrate your Inner Child
The inner child within each of us longs to be heard, to be embraced and followed. Our inner child is creative, innocent and holds the keys to our true desires. Though over time our…
Pin on Love
Take a pin. On a strip of paper write the word love. One word, one gesture, can change the way… Our smallest actions are worthy of greatness. Photo: Vintage hat pins with glass tops.…
Felix the Cat
Is there a story behind your name? I was named after a woman who had a dance exercise show in the 50s. My Mother liked to dance. French husband has a very typical…