Happiness is…


Being loved,


…and celebrating it every single day!

photos: Dress-up dresses thrown in the air like confetti!


47 responses to “Happiness is…”

  1. LisaOceandreamer

    I don’t think I have EVER been first to comment here. WOW!
    These are GLORIOUS photos….you are like the family treasure keeper…the lens and you are recording precious moments stopped in time.
    I just adore these.

  2. Marie-Noรซlle

    Those smiles and sparkling looks … and those pastel fluffy balls of happiness being thrown up in the air make these two shots gorgeous !!!
    I particularly love the second one…
    I think it could be a picture for a new commercial (ie: Hollywood chewing gum)
    “Fraรฎcheur de vivre !
    Hollywood chewing gum…”

  3. Cleopantha

    A picture certainly speaks a 1000 words. l see such love, beauty and joy all captured in one of lifes precious moments.

  4. These posts are enchanting.
    Love you

  5. rochambeau

    Your words and photos convey such joy! Love, a perfect reason for celebration!

  6. dkmp9293

    this is how i want my grandchildren to feel when they are with me.your mom is lovely and i can just see how much your nieces adore her.great photos, Corey!

  7. pam aries

    Your photos yesterday and today! Wow! Awesome ! I can feel the fun and love ! THe colors! THe girls are all bee- utifull! ….!! ps: since you are in the states…This morning the ‘Early Show ” is filming from here in Charleston!!!

  8. Happiness is catching – thank you for sending some our way!

  9. Beverly

    I love these pictures! You need to frame a few…one for each niece and nephew who was part of teh princess party!
    Treasures and keepsakes from a wonderful time!

  10. Darlene

    I love the way your family embraces life.
    By the way…you look like your mom.

  11. Karen Cole

    What an incredible eye you have. It doesn’t matter where you are, they are simply beautiful.

  12. shabbyinthecity

    Oh I hope those dresses fly back home…

  13. Pauline Clarke

    How much you look like your mother! What a love fest, eh? And that second photo made me sigh and smile – this is a wonderful place to come first thing in the morning…

  14. FrenchGardenHouse

    Love LAughter Joy Fun Parfait!

  15. Rosemary

    Looks like great fun!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. martina

    Those photos are unforgettable. Oh that every family had so much love and fun in it! Your Mom looks so very happy to be at the party.

  17. Oh Corey! Your mom has such a warmth and tenderness in her face. And we all know that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree in the Amaro family. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I adore the photo with the dresses in the air. They look like enormous flowers in the air, such fun!

  18. So Beautiful Fairies Corey!!!!! (you included of course!)
    I feel the hapiness! Thank you! gather all those treasures

  19. Paris Enchante

    What an enchantin’ post !

  20. What a delightful set of posts! California just brings out the ‘fairy-godmother’ in you!!! Love the smiles, tears and tulle! What a wonderful set of ‘princesses’ you have to spoil this summer!!! Hope I get to see your sunny face soon???!!!!

  21. Cre8Tiva

    i propose no more suffering to be beautiful…be beautiful as who you truly are…free to be me as i am…yeah…for dress up and dres down…barefoot princesses rule…blessings, rebecca

  22. What wonderful photos to cherish. Next time you are planning a trip to Willows, if you think of it, let me know & I will try to come up to meet you. I will bring either my friend Pamkittymorning or Shirley along for the ride.

  23. Chantal

    Beautiful photos. Your people know how to live!!! You and your mom look so alike ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. It is something beyond words to cherish.

  25. shivers
    and goosebumps
    at this exuberant joy
    love energy popping
    like a cork
    from a bottle
    so sweet
    so refreshing
    so contagious
    you have
    shared this joy
    100 fold
    xox – eb.

  26. Mary Anne Davis

    Life is long, thank god. Each day choosing love over negativity, that becoming a practice then a habit then who I am…thank you for being part of that choice, that journey. You are blessed and a blessing! xo-

  27. Corey, I can hardly stand how BEAUTIFUL your family is!! And you must be the most favorite auntie, I bet.
    Check email!! I wrote you back. I want to see you.

  28. oh what a lovely happy picture, corey!!

  29. OMG! I just discovered your site today… Such beauty and reverence for those simple things of the heart. I cried when I read your Lance Armstrong story. I will visit regularly from now on. Absolutely Beautiful

  30. It’s so lovely to see Grandmother and her sweet little princesses. ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. AnnieElf

    This is just the BEST. Such joy. Such exuberance.

  32. BEING LOVED . . . .
    Is there anything more wonderful???
    Blessings to you and all the dear ones that love you!!!
    Bonne journee,

  33. Oh these pictures are a perfect postscript to yesterday’s selection.

  34. ally bean

    Such fun. Nicely captured in photos and in words.

  35. Beautiful pics! Aunt CoCo? How French!;o)

  36. theparisapartment

    oh it looks like heaven on earth!

  37. Happiness is… Life in the Amaro family! =)

  38. How awesome is that first picture. The looks on their faces…I love it… ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. tommiea

    I think that is what makes each day go by that much easier….being loved.

  40. Colette

    Love is in the air. Always.
    I keep repeating myself, but I love your Maman!
    and you too. xoxox

  41. ~jolenemarie

    Would your Mama adopt me?
    I am quiet, and I don’t eat too much and I promise to be good ๐Ÿ˜‰

  42. lauren Mumford

    I LOVE these photos! Of course I love them all, but the second one most definitely speaks of a celebration of life, love and happiness. And I can just picture you being there orchestrating the shot. And hey Missy, your week of sleeping is almost up! Come see me!!

  43. Stephanie

    confetti…balloons, they look like they are rising to great the sun!!!
    What a happy scene!

  44. cruststation

    Wonderful photos of happiness, yay!

  45. Regina Clare Jane

    I want to get in on that hug!

  46. i love your hair color corey. i since i was a child and still hope that i go gray like that. my father also went prematurely grey and he looked fantastic. so galant. so i decided,since there is a higher chance that it will happen to me, i will welcome it and start wearing bright red lipstick for my pleasure. would rather go grey than bald.

  47. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    What wonderful pictures!!

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