Speaking in Tongues


Words have power tangible enough to carve a message within our being…words are hard to erase. Speak softly, speak steady, speak worthy those words that will be your stepping stones.

Words dropped at our feet are not meant to be picked up and swallowed whole. If only words could be placed in our hands to create union, where truth lends a hand by buliding bridges letting us see the waters of many rivers blend into the sea.

photo: 18th century letter…a handful of words cast into the wind of time.


22 responses to “Speaking in Tongues”

  1. corey,
    this words left their traces, gentle reminders, soft embraces and a mark of inspiration.
    and in a sense, it almost feels like they left me with no other words, but simply silent thought.
    i thank you for that.

  2. words do have power. these days unfortunately most of them are misunderstood or misleading often placed in a context for fighting the wars of our world.
    words can also become a healing, a form of art, a search within.
    merci corey et prends bien soin de toi 😉 mes bonjours à tes parents!

  3. I read something once that went something like this:
    Before you speak
    Is it kind
    Is it necessary
    Will it hurt someone?
    Great posting.
    Love and hugs

  4. Laura at Blame It on Paris

    How pretty! And I love seeing the pictures of all the happiness in your family.

  5. tommiea

    the letters I have received from husband this last 10 months are so meaningful….I hope to one day wrap them in a pretty ribbon and store them away for many years.

  6. This is paraphrased from my memory, but there is a Biblical quote which goes something like: “The Lord speaketh wisdom, and out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”
    Thank you for this little “nudge” to be more mindful of words today, Corey! hugs! =)

  7. patpaulk

    Always use freash words and season to taste!! And, yours always taste fantastic!!

  8. rochambeau

    Choose with care!
    Kind words can change a persons life forever and give hope and joy, where unkind words can cause destruction and sorrow.
    Thank you for your kind words yesterday. They made a BIG difference in my day and in my life. You’re the best word-smith I know!

  9. pam aries

    Words of wisdom!… It’s better to recall something you wish you’d said, than something you wish you hadn’t.. !!!

  10. Beverly

    What beautiful words you choose Corey!
    It’s been a lesson for me…choosing words that truly reflect what I want to say but don’t come out too harsh or with the wrong meaning.
    It’s a wonderful post.

  11. claudia

    you are a poet and an inspiration!

  12. tut-tut

    How hard it is to edit before we speak.

  13. Beautiful Corey.

  14. Corey – this has special meaning for me – I have very recently experienced the reverse of this – dropping, stacking, scattering words without weighing their potency – it is as if you said this to me directly and I thank you
    this was a special gift
    xox – eb.

  15. Hi Corey:
    My Mom use to tell me “Carole Ann, if you cannot say something nice, do NOT say anything.”
    Much easier to say nice words to anothr human being!!!

  16. a few little words from me to you… all the mountains and oceans in between cannot keep them from making you smile 🙂
    I hope!!

  17. What a beautiful post, Corey. I am putting this in my journal. So wise.

  18. Colette

    I’m so glad you wrote this. I wish people would think before speaking…

  19. “If only words could be placed in our hands…”, what a marvelous visual image.
    take care, g xo

  20. cruststation

    I love this: a handful of words cast into the wind of time.

  21. You are so right, “words are hard to erase” and it can only create!
    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

  22. Steph W

    Good golly! You are a poet with not only the words you write but also the photos you take and post. Thank you

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