A weird baseball question thrown at me…


                photo: My nephew Joe playing Little League Baseball.

The other day Sacha was attempting to play baseball with his cousins. After swinging the bat like a madman at any ball that crossed the plate, they told him,

"Hey Sacha, you don’t have any plate discipline, and you have a minus 10 percent contact."

Sacha looked at me as if to say, "What does that mean?" I shrugged, clueless. Sacha groaned, "Mom you’re American and this is baseball, you should know?"

I think maybe I have turned French.




43 responses to “A weird baseball question thrown at me…”

  1. i think what you mean becoming or rather feeling a somewhat ‘stranger’at home. years pass when living abroad and returning only once a year to your home ground. the familiar things you knew before leaving are replaced by new one’s…
    back in time it made me feel sad sometimes, thinking of slowly loosing my home ground…

  2. LOL sounds Greek to me!!

  3. Ummm…I’m with Sacha. 😉

  4. pam aries

    Threw ya a curve, huh?? ..Well, it sounds about like the way I play baseball! hit or miss!

  5. Love you my sweet friend.
    Batters up!
    Love you Slugger~
    Thank God that was the worst curve thrown to you that day.
    Love you
    Jeanne ^j^

  6. rochambeau

    When it comes to baseball, I stand with you and Sacha on the French side of the line.
    Joe looks handsome in his baseball uniform. Please tell him I said so.

  7. I must be French also because I haven’t a clue.

  8. Beverly

    We’re about as baseball-American as you can get in this house…and none of us know what a -10 percent contact is!
    Even my son, with all of his high school playing experience! (And I can guarentee that he isn’t French!)
    “Plate discipline”…that we know!
    Good luck playing baseball with the cousins!

  9. Shannon

    I’ve never heard baseball-speak like that either.
    Poor French Sacha.

  10. Well perhaps you are somewhat French, but my oldest son plays baseball and that’s all new lingo to me! Unless HE could decipher it for me! heehee (Maybe it’s West Coast baseball lingo?!) =)

  11. Corey, Hope you’re having a wonderful time here in Northern California. Aren’t we having the best weather? Isn’t -10% just another way of saying he’s not making contact with the ball? Kind of like saying “on a scale of 1-10 it’s a minus 20” for something that’s not so good? Tell him not to worry, everybody has their own talents and abilities!!

  12. Britt-Arnhild

    Lucky Sacha is getting the best from two worlds……

  13. tut-tut

    Maybe Sacha should get out the petanque (boule) and show them a French game?

  14. Don’t despair or give up your dual citizenship Corey, I haven’t a clue what that lingo means either. 🙂
    Did Sacha enjoy himself at any rate? Good for him trying something new!

  15. I will 2nd your shrug! I have no clue what they are talking about! 🙂

  16. Cre8Tiva

    oh how wonderful to have a foot in both countries…i think they mean swinging too much…but if you never swing, you never have a chance of hitting a homerun…american mon with french children…apple pie and croissants…endearing moments to relive over and over…blessings, rebecca

  17. shannon in oregon

    he’s swinging at anything (the plate discipline) instead of waiting for his pitch. as for the -10%, I think your nephew is making that up. 🙂
    glad to see (and read) you are enjoying your time with your family here in the states.

  18. Sounds ‘Russian’ to me!!! I never understood that lingo either… Have Sacha reply back in French, and I’ll bet it will all work out great!
    When are we getting together?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!

  19. I’m claiming to be French, too. I don’t know what that means, either! LOL I’m lucky I know there’s a bat and a ball involved.

  20. Rosemary

    Hi Corey,
    I really don’t know baseball either.
    Hope you are having a lovely weekend in California.

  21. Franca Bollo

    Am I the only one who thinks Joe bears a resemblance to cousin Chris?
    Hi Cousin Francobollo
    You know he does! For years I have scratched my head wondering WHO does Joe remind me of…. at thought he looked like Chip from, “My Three Sons.”
    But you are right…Joe looks like cousin Chris!

  22. lauren Mumford

    You have turned French! The title of your post should have been “A Curveball” (or “Curveball Question”) instead you gave us a literal translation of the word! That’s funny!

  23. somepinkflowers

    TONS of americans know very little about sports…
    when i watch baseball,
    i can never tell
    what quarter the game is in
    who will make the hole-in-one…
    who the goalie is…

  24. I know those trees!
    Boohooohooohoo. 😉

  25. Colette

    Or, it might be because you’re a girl!!!!

  26. angela marie

    This was funny!
    Tell Sacha, I am too an american and I do NOT know what that meant! ~giggle
    All of your family are so good looking! Beautiful family that have.. in America and in France! 😉

  27. tommiea

    not sure either, but we have only had one year of t-ball!

  28. Brother Mathew

    Nice picture of All Star Joe! Yes he does have a liken to Cousin Chris. Plate discipline is easy. Swings at anything. This 10% thing rest assured baseball people is simply video game speak. It like all video games has little to do with the actual game we all know and love.
    Hey Mathew
    I knew you would come out and strike a homerun.

  29. My Melange

    Though I don’t know plate discipline, I know baseball…some of my fondest memories of my grandfather involved watching the NY Yankees with him!!!

  30. Don’t look at me. I’m Australian.

  31. Barbara Torris

    I found you in Somerset Life. Your blog is wonderful and the links led me to wonderful plaaces. Thank you!!!

  32. So sweet, they are just telling Sacha to be patient at the plate. They are saying not to swing at everything because he wasn’t making contact, thus the low % thing. Ahh, I miss summer baseball with my son so much!
    And I love your Lance Armstrong story, very cool!!
    I just got a yellow bracelet this summer, to represent my sister, do you have one yet?

  33. now…
    my Dad was a
    my son is
    an Ortiz fan
    and I…
    remember returning
    after just 2 years
    in Ivory Coast
    … dear women
    with babies
    on their backs
    and baskets of fruit
    on their heads
    after walking many miles…
    the cellophane/plastic
    wrapped fruit
    at the grocery
    reduced me to tears
    culture shock…
    at any time
    and baseball
    is SO American
    xxxxxxxxoooooooooooxxxxxx –

  34. snowsparkle

    i’ve been a little league mom for years and i’ve never heard that term… but it’s a great one. i use plate discipline at work all the time. patience. yes patience. that and delayed gratification. life affirming activities. wait and watch. as always, your extraordinary posts expand my universe in ways i never dream. thankyou! big hugs, snowsparkls

  35. mélanie

    You are just the best of 2 cultures …I think
    And that’s the same for your kids …Lucky them

  36. I don’t have a clue about the lingo. I remember when Candlestick Park in S.F. opened tho and attended some of the earliest games.
    Sounds like you are enjoying your time here in CA.

  37. I’m afraid I can’t translate the baseball talk either… I’ve absolutely nooo idea what that means.

  38. patpaulk

    When I was playing the only language we had was “HIT THE BALL!!” Discipline has never been a strong suit of mine.

  39. LOL Corey! I have no clue what that means either!

  40. French, with a twist…

  41. Marie-Noëlle

    Well, if Sacha, is lost there, he must keep looking around…
    There may be a couple of pom pom girls on whom you can practice your favourite “basic” questions !
    Won’t be lost for long !!!

  42. Di Overton

    Sorry to burst your bubble but I am a Brit and know nothing about football or soccer as you Americans call it. Your style is so French though!

  43. FrenchGardenHouse

    nah, you just don’t talk “baseball”…:)

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