The Moment is Now


The upside down glass is neither half full, nor half empty. It waits for someone to turn it over, fill it up, and drink heartily from it.

Life pours out like a waterfall through an open faucet. Begging us not to wait, but to grab a glass, and drink from it in big gulps. Savoring every drop of blood sweat and tear.

Nevertheless, the glass sits perfectly ready, waiting, for the right moment. As the faucet drips, drop by drop… The moment is now.

photo: An ordinary French cafe glass on a pink paper napkin.


48 responses to “The Moment is Now”

  1. Mélanie

    YES I ‘m the first to leave a comment !!! Yes ! Yes ! YEs
    For me a glass is always full…

  2. herhimnbryn

    Full of promise:)

  3. We must savor every precious ounce of life…….
    It is fast and fleeting.
    Love you

  4. That’s just what I needed today, Corey. The glass was feeling very empty, now I know I have to turn it over and hold it out to turn things around.
    Thanks for your encouraging words!

  5. So simple yet so overlooked.

  6. Betty Jo

    What a gorgeous photo! I enjoyed reading your thoughts about the glass too. My glass is full. xoxo

  7. tut-tut

    I’ve never seen it expressed quite like that! We should all turn our glasses over and get going.

  8. My Melange

    I’ll fill mine with french red wine… 😉

  9. Fill it with wine. California wine, French wine. You can savor both worlds Corey and delight us with your ideas.

  10. Di Overton

    I am just getting over having drunk too much from a glass at the weekend.

  11. rochambeau

    Think I turn mine over today and fill it to the brim!

  12. the moment is now! thank you for the reminder. i will make sure i share these words of wisdom today.

  13. Cre8Tiva

    nothing ordinary about this vignette…blessings, rebecca

  14. Thank you for your visit and your Birthday wish.
    My glass is filled to the brim…life is good and filled with promise

  15. Bossy thinks this glass would be perfect for catching the bee that is swarming her porch table.

  16. Alison Whittington

    That’s a fantastic analogy, life pouring through a faucet. I love it.

  17. I love all the swirly shadows in the facets on glasses…great to draw or paint!

  18. angela marie

    Oh yes Corey!
    The moment is now, embrace it.
    Embrace ~ Cherish!

  19. martina

    and may your glass always be full

  20. ally bean

    I love photos of the ordinary and words telling why the ordinary is anything but ordinary. This is just lovely– and true. Thx.

  21. Yes the moment is now – what an inspirational post, thankyou.

  22. Paris Verite

    Wonderful imagery to stimulate our creative juices!

  23. What a wonderful description to a beautiful visual! How refreshing…

  24. somepinkflowers

    with a glass that light-catching,
    a napkin that pink…
    i would not even mind
    if it was full or not!
    PS–you encourage me to view even simple things differently.
    thanks ever so!

  25. awareness

    a toast to our cups filled with all that life has to offer….may we always have the fortitude and courage to drink deeply.
    enjoy your day.

  26. Rosemary

    Not so ordinary.

  27. delphine

    I am trying, I am trying!

  28. stephanie

    Halleluiah!!! Drink up!

  29. Hi Corey:
    The water is trickling down my chin : )

  30. Beverly

    You’re so right Corey! Seize the day and enjoy every moment…and isn’t it sad to think about the drops that go down the drain!

  31. To flow with moments instead of letting them slip.
    Now is all we have!

  32. Miz Booshay

    Beauty is all around.
    And always here at your blog :o)

  33. destinationmetz

    Very nice sentiments- reading this entry was a good start to my afternoon 🙂

  34. Donna O’Brien

    Hi Corey- My dad taught me that the glass is ALWAYS half FULL. I thank him everyday for that. Maybe that’s why I feel my life is so blessed and “full”.
    Donna O’Brien

  35. Karen Cole

    I’m always overwhelmed when I visit.
    I’m all about the fabulous distortion in the glass.

  36. Mountain Mama

    Very nice post. And a great reminder to enjoy today.
    Thank you

  37. I will never look at a plain empty glass again in the same way.

  38. raspberry cream and caramel sweet/tart and creamy rich dark butter chew savoring these colors this moment drinking it down
    xox – eb.

  39. looking again… deep blush shiny ice silver glint and a tiny but robust corner of Mediterranean blue swimming in it now
    xox – eb.

  40. oh my…there is also a swath of dark bittersweet chocolate therapy (as in Ben and Jerry’s) it is…
    and you must have somedelicious!!!!!!!!
    xox – eb.
    ps – Romping through this color magic… (I am reduced to my inexcusable word stacking) Boone and I had this ice cream on Sunday after a bike ride – tho not an ice cream girl – but yes to chocolate – it was real – REAL chocolate therapy. Mmmmmmmmmmm

  41. Cheryl Dack

    Lovely, Corey. In the end, we will look back on THIS DAY longingly; we’ll wish to have this glass to drink even ONE sip from. Thank you for the SWEET reminder. 🙂 hugs, cheryl

  42. Marie-Noëlle

    I want to turn the glass over and to fill it up with all your words… then I shall drink it to the very last drop …

  43. bluevicar

    Stories, stories everywhere,
    Nary a one to miss!!
    It’s all in how you look at them…
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  44. Regina Clare Jane

    Just lovely, Corey dear…

  45. Camilla

    Hello again Corey,
    So sorry have been away due to personal reasons. Lovely photo’s again, indeed glass to fill with French Wine, nothing finer! Thank you, I have lost picture of painting cannot find the link again of your friend’s painting, info will be appreciated, merci.
    Hi Camilla
    My friend Melanie’s blog, who has the painting for sale is:
    The link on my blog with the painting is here:
    Hope you are feeling better,

  46. cruststation

    To be ready to savor life in trials and tribulations even of blood sweat and tear is not easy, but every moment is worth trying for.

  47. Great post as usual…blessing come to us only when we are ready to accept them…thanks for reminding us of that.

  48. marybeth

    ((((oh Dearest COREY)))))
    your gift ogf reaxhing the soul in just a few sentences is such a blessing to me.
    I e-mailed you twice to try to get your mail address in CA, so that i can finally send of these items that can only be yours.
    I dont remember ( plead lack of estrogen here) just where you are in our big state- i would so love to take you to luch or share a wonderful coffee together.
    MB in Jtree
    If your read this in time please e-mail it to me.

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