Mont Viso, Italy


Photos listed below taken by my dear friend G. Hutter, while with French husband hiking to towards the Sunrise at Mont Viso, Italy.

Every summer, actually every chance French Husband can take, he is either roping down a deep dark cave, or hanging from a cliff, or learning to fly.

Therefore, it is only natural to his wild nature, that French Husband goes on an adventurous trip while we are in California. This last week French husband and a dear friend hiked up the rocky, icy, top to Mont Viso, in Italy.


photo by G. Hutter. The rocky face of Mt. Viso with patches of ice. Not your typical walk in the park.

If you want a closer look of their hike to the top of Mont Viso, click here to watch their short video: Mont Viso.


photo by G. Hutter: The two of them on top of the world. Mt. Viso Italy

It is breathtaking… Mont Viso, but not as breathtaking as seeing my husband after nearly two weeks of being in California without him!


47 responses to “Mont Viso, Italy”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Two charming men on top of the world. Thanks for showing us this Corey and French Husband.
    Seeing these glorious photos makes me aware of my concern for the changes our world goes through right now, with the global warming and the climat changes. How long will we be able to enjoy our glorious nature? We have a few glaciers here in Norway, though not as spectacular as what you show here. On our way south to visit my family in law in a few days time, we will drive along the western coast of Norway and spend three days instead of our usual one on the trave, just to enjoy the nature. On the way we will visit one of the Norwegian glaciers to show Marta and her friend which will be coming along, fully aware that we don’t know how many more years we have to share this spesific spectacular nature with our children, coming generation.

  2. carolyn

    Oh Corey that is just so romantic.

  3. Breathtaking photos!!! 😉

  4. tut-tut

    Beautiful photos! French Husband is so very fearless.

  5. Thank you for sharing.
    My son and daughter and their friends in Asia have that same sense of adventure.
    How wonderful for them.
    Long may your hearts be happy and your home full of joy and love………
    Love Jeanne

  6. My Melange

    Wow, incredible shots! It does look like the top of the world, Corey!

  7. somepinkflowers

    every single person in your family looks like a professional model,
    they do!
    i am thinking that Happiness makes them shine…
    what does it say about you,
    that they smile so largely for YOU?

  8. Shannon

    His friend is breathtaking too!
    What an exotic couple of men taking a hike like that. It beats the hike I took with my family on that trail in NH.

  9. Mélanie

    Very nice pictures …Thank you for sharing them with us …

  10. shabbyinthecity

    Looking down on creation! I can hear Karen Carpenter singing! Hehe.
    I used to be the one dangling from ropes and crawling around in caves when I was in college 🙂

  11. WOW, WOW, WOW! The mountain is not the only handsome vista shown. WOW!

  12. Breathtaking views!…both the mountain and the guys! 🙂 (Did I say that outloud?) haha
    Beautiful pictures!

  13. Very very nice. I’ve always admired those who climb mountain peaks.

  14. Corey thank you for sharing the video with us and the photos! Who is singing that song? What are they saying at the end? Their joy is apparent and contagious.

  15. Beverly

    These are amazing photos. They really look like they are on top of the world.

  16. Mount Macaron

    Two risk takers – you and French Husband!

  17. martina

    I second Shannon’s comments. The two adventurers look very happy and handsome.

  18. angela marie

    Very beautiful!
    What was written on the rock? perhaps a message to hikers or directions.
    Corey, isn’t it a wonderful feeling to be so in love with your husband! My husband still takes my breath away after 22 years. My heart still skips a beat when I just think about him. Talking to women, they don’t always feel the same way as I.
    I am very happy for you!

  19. The views, the mountain men … breathtaking! Thank You gorgeous Corey, for being so generous here each day.

  20. breathtaking pictures. french husband on cloud 9!vive les aventures dans les nuages au ciel!

  21. lauren Mumford

    First, he’s a poo for doing something so dangerous (you knew I would think that) secondly he (and his friend) are so sweet for making a video and allowing you to be able to share a part of him/his life while you are away!!! Isn’t the internet the coolest? That must have been so wonderful to be able to see him living, breathing, talking, being his hunky self, and being a poo.

  22. Rosemary

    How beautiful!
    Husband cute too!

  23. Amazing! I would LOVE to do that! I like hiking…although sometimes my knees do not agree with the rest of me. Rock on, French Husband (and friend!)!!

  24. Brother Mathew

    Awesome. Nothing quite like climbing to the peak.
    Whenever I find a path I always want to go to it’s end to see why it is there. Mountain tops are the same. Once at the top that is it. Take a look around, enjoy and let it move you. Terrific video.
    Slap on the back to you Brother Yann!

  25. rochambeau

    Wow Cory and Wow Yann,
    This is so exciting, motivating and moving! It is amazing that technology is such that we can join you as you reached the top!! Congratulation.
    The music goes with the You- tube perfectly!

  26. rochambeau

    PS Corey I meant Corey! I’m kinda tired today.

  27. AnnieElf

    I loved seeing this video Corey. It reminded me at on point of the rock climbing I did when I was 50% younger that I am NOW. The loose rock and sound is so familiar. However, it was high desert and brown. No snow.

  28. Corey – did you add music to the video? My daughter asks who it is singing…??
    Hi Amy
    I will check with French Husband, for the name of the band. I know that the band is from Iceland.

  29. Liz Ness

    WOW! Awesome adventures, indeed! So beautiful, too!

  30. cruststation

    Very beautiful scenery, to take on life’s adventures with open arms is how I see you as a couple, inspiring & romantic.

  31. French Husband has a VERY HAPPY FACE and FRENCH HUSBAND makes me SMILE from over HERE THIS is BLISS
    this FACE communicates LOVE/LIFE/BEing DREAMing and PLAYing and THIS is SERIOUS PLAY YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FRENCH HUSBAND you are BEAUTY LOVE ADVENTURE and all that I WISH for COREY
    xox – eb.

  32. tommiea

    awesome pictures….soon you will be back in his arms and on top of the world together.

  33. They look like they have had a great time! Crazy guys. LOL. I would rather sit in a cafe and people watch…takes all types! 😉

  34. herhimnbryn


  35. Marie-Noëlle

    This is a looonng long way round to reach California and meet you…
    Have you told him the direct way ???
    Beautiful shots, beautiful landscapes… Thank you and your friend for sharing !

  36. Alexandra

    My husband, the fire fighter is much the same, a bit of a thrillseeker. Great pictures!

  37. Not sure which was more breathtaking, the scenery or the Men.
    ::happy sigh::

  38. French Husband

    Bonjour Amy,
    The CD comes from Iceland : Blue Lagoon Soundtrack, by Margeir.
    And the music of the video is : Try (Bugge Wesseltoft/Sidsel Endresen.
    …and thanks to all, for the nice comments. My friend Gaetan – who made the video arrangments – and I got a lots of fun during those few days last week.
    XOXO to Corey + C + S, and all family and friends in Willows.

  39. susanna

    What a great video of an amazing trip between two friends. What a view! What an achievement. They both look so happy and so proud that they made it. Who made the video, Corey? Oh wait! French Husband just answered my question. Awww…he’s answering reader questions and sending you love through your blog…such a sweetiepie!

  40. WEll done Frenchhusband. What an adventurous life!

  41. corey, this is over the top, it was very emotional to be connected by this video and music. you are the leader of the pack in blogging….please share who does the music. fh and friend touched , i can’t till the next YOU TUBE connection xxoo minnie

  42. frenchhusband is so very handsome! i can imagine that it will be breathtaking to see that face again. happy reunion!

  43. lindsay

    Love the video. I couldn’t understand a word of what they were saying, but the look on their faces conveyed it all. Two friends, fulfilling a dream together, proud, full of life…such inspiration!

  44. Spectacular photographs – what an awesome experience!

  45. Loretta

    They are adorable! What a great video about challenge and friendship in under 2 minutes.

  46. snowsparkle

    what a beautiful tribute to friendship and to all the possibilities in life! this lifted my spirits in ways i can’t easily explain. thank you corey for sharing this here! big hugs, snowsparkle

  47. Great and all.. I Watched all Gaetans videos- Caving with Yann…. some very tight they bring a jar of Crisco, just in case they get stuck? Fun to watch , but I prefer to be above me a wimp!
    Happy Holidays to you and your family Corey..and a big hello to Gaetan.

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