

Details of love.  Do you share them? 

Sacha asked, "How does a girl like to be treated?"

I said, "Listen to her.  Share with her.  Notice who she is."


Sacha replied, "Mom, Mom, Mom… we are talkin’ my age,  nowadays,  not eighteen century whatever. "

(Photo this summer of my friend Ulla and her jewelry that she creates.)


I asked Sacha if he remembered when Molly (his cousin and my four year old niece,) dressed up in a vintage dress said, "I need a Prince."  I asked him if he remembered when she asked him, "Cousin, will you be my Prince? I need a handsome boy?" He nodded yes.

Photo: My niece Molly dressed as a Princess.


"Sacha," I said, "Girls at any age, whether four, fourteen, forty or more, want to be loved and appreciated. They want to share life and laugh and enjoy the freedom to be loved as they are. They want a Prince of a man to believe that they are worthy of everything true and beautiful.  A fairytale can be real life.

Isn’t it true?

Sacha you have the golden slipper in your hand.  Send positive thoughts to the woman of your dreams.  She is there, and she too is dreaming of you. Your time will come."

Photo: A vintage small golden shoe.


I know deep down Sacha heard me, though he still shook his head and said, "Mom, Mom, Mom, I was kinda hoping you would say something like offer them a piece of gum and say "Hi" when you walk by. You know something normal day to day stuff like that."

Yeah that works too.


40 responses to “Dreamgirl”

  1. cruststation

    I love the conversations you have with your children, they show innocence, purity of heart and genuine thirst for knowledge. I am sure he heard and understood, he has a wonderful mum to set a perfect example of what love is.

  2. What a beautiful lesson of like you gave to Sacha !! I ‘m sure he got it !!
    Every french boy or even man will need a mother like you

  3. Miss Maddie’s

    Ahhh the lessons of life and your son has such a wonderful teacher.We lead by example, so as he watches the relationship between you and your husband he will gain the answers to his questions. Susan

  4. Very sweet. With a mother like you, he will be charming.

  5. What wonderful advise you give your children.
    How sweet and special is all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  6. A piece of gum and saying “hi” sounds pretty good to me.

  7. Ellen Cassilly

    Sasha is living with wonderful examples of loving relationships. He’s a smart boy. I’m sure that he gets it deep down inside – he just doesn’t know it yet.

  8. Ellen Cassilly

    PS My words of advise to those in the search of love has always been. “Do what you love. Do what excites you and engages you. You may meet someone who loves what you love but more likely you will meet someone who is drawn to your energy for life.”

  9. We all have our pieces of gum to offer…want some???

  10. Sweet post, dear Corey…

  11. ParisBreakfasts

    Dear Matchmaker,
    Provencal gent..
    Preferences: Flowers and macarons offerings rather than gum.
    Ms. Lonely Hearts

  12. Don’t teenagers email or text each other? Tell him to ask for the girl’s email address. Merely asking for it shows he’s interested. And if she gives it to him and replies to his email, then he knows she’s interested too even if they talked about nothing in particular about how they feel about each other.
    What about calling his sister for advice? My brother always asked me about how to deal with girls.
    And what’s wrong with offering a piece of gum? He should follow his own advice.

  13. Wise words, Corey, I’m going to try and remember them for when my son is a teenager, though I’m not sure that he’ll ask me directly.

  14. Ohhhh Corey if the Mother’s of boys listen and learn from your wisdom what a better place for women the the world will become … you’re brilliant!

  15. Britt-Arnhild

    With a mother like you and a father like French Husband…..o la la, Provence and California is not a safe place any more for sweet young hearts.

  16. The Fairy Godmother

    Your such a romantic, one day Sacha will be too.

  17. I love your stories of your children! The way you guide them with your sweetness and kindness…and they way they respond, with their own brand of sweetness and kindness!
    I hope Sacha takes your advice to heart…if not today, then when he has grown a little!

  18. Corey, They are always in such a hurry to experience life, aren’t they? My 20 yr-old son believes he has met “the one” and it happened unexpectedly. That’s the best time…when you’re dreaming that it will happen one day, but not really looking for that day…then voila, that day is now! Cheryl

  19. Paris Parfait

    Wise words and wonderful photos! I suspect Sacha will find his own way with the ladies. 🙂

  20. What a great answer! Sacha yes listening and sharing are very important even if you males think it’s crazy. Cory he heard it, but it may take a few years to actually accept that maybe Mom did know what she is talking aobut.LOL

  21. I must bookmark this post… my two oldest boys are nearing the age when they will be asking these same questions, and you have given such an eloquent response!

  22. How lucky Sacha is to have you as his Mom. The part about the slipper and putting out good thoughts gives me the chills. It is so so
    Sage advice.

  23. You would think that your son would realize that you are indeed a woman and full of knowledge about other women, no matter what the age. One of these days he will get it.

  24. Sacha is truly blessed.

  25. Sacha, Sacha, Sacha…speak to French Father about this question, too!

  26. Sacha needs to talk to FH, who obviously knows how to treat a lady. We all love to be listened to and to be told when we genuinely look nice (no brownie point compliments), to get unexpected little gifs-maybe just a flower, or a chocolate, or gum.

  27. Hi Corey,
    I’m sure he really listened. When the time comes he will know.
    Very sweet!

  28. Corey, It’s very sweet that Sacha is comfortable enough to talk to you about girls…and your answers to his questions are so right on. They are not the right answers he might be looking for right now, but they will be when he finds the right one. 🙂

  29. What a wonderful story and with you as his mom, he will indeed be a prince!

  30. You go, mom! He’ll make a wonderful husband someday, even if it starts with a simple, “hello” and a stick of gun. Good opener for a teen, BTW. What a nice boy. 🙂

  31. What a prince you’re raising there – already he’s thinking about how to treat a girl right.

  32. Hi, I have been reading your blog for a couple months now. Just love your photos and insights. I just loved your post today about the conversation you had with your son about girls. Just loved it! I have an almost 12 year old boy who is just barely starting to like girls. You offered such good advice to your son and his response about the saying hi and giving gum was just perfect!
    P.S. Was in Paris last summer and just loved it. Next time I plan on visiting your area.

  33. Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

    What a beautiful relationship you have with your son, and wonderful advice for a man of any age!

  34. The light always shines bright when we ‘believe’ in what we ask for… Sacha will have no trouble ‘receiving’ when he has your council! Love to you and yours sweet Corey!

  35. someday this prince will turn a corner on a crowded street and there she’ll be sacha!! you’ll know it in an instant!!

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    Sacha, just be ready if the girl walks to you and offer you a gum with a special “hi !”…
    Nowaday situations too….
    Perfect situation for a shy boy! Awhile back I wrote when Sacha asked about kissing girls. The story goes that he wanted to a certain girl, and was waiting for the right moment. After awhile the girl tired of waiting, ended up kissing Sacha.

  37. I hope that I can talk to my son like this when the time comes!

  38. I keep joking with my husband that my prince is 4 legged and furry. *grin* Well, it’s true….my dog listens, loves me no matter what I look like and never argues with me! LOL

  39. Tamara Giselle

    Just the fact that Sacha cares enough to ask his mother the deep questions of his heart shows he is on the right track. What a wonderful thing to have this type of relationship with your son. I have no doubt the woman that wins his heart someday will be blessed such as you are. I am fortunate enough to have a son to share this type of relationship with as well, though grown and married, we still have opportunities to share our thoughts on the more important questions of the day.

  40. Somewhat this post passed by and I didn’t see it! Fortunately you brought it again.
    Thank you, because this is such a lovely and tender piece of writing. I hope Sacha grows with your words in his heart and actions.

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