Month: October 2007
Good Memories
Good memories are like money in the bank, they are a treasure chest to fall back upon. What would you say? Good memories are like money in the bank, __________________. Good memories are like…
Thank You
Thank you for reading my blog, for your comments and for your friendship. I am sorry I cannot respond to each of you as faithfully as you do with me. I…
How to take portraits of children
This is my niece Ka-Ka, the firecracker. The motorized bunny looks dead next to her. Taking her photo was not an easy task. When taking photographs of children have everything ready: the camera, the scene, the props, and try to…
Where are your Wings?
Many many years ago on this day, on the feast day of Saint Francis, I had my first session of Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. (To this day when I walk into a hospital I can taste chemo…
How to use Chocolate Chips when you don’t make Chocolate Chip Cookies
Flour, sugar, brown sugar, butter, eggs, chocolate chips, walnuts, vanilla, pinch of salt and baking powder… The ingredients are usually something like that when making chocolate chip cookies. In France chocolate chips are hard to find, unless you go to…
Here and Now
Celebrate the feast of living this moment. Why wait? Serve cake first, compliment others, give your whole heart away. Celebrate the feast of living your life. Each moment is an extraordinary gift. Live the life you desire by dancing to…