Subtle beauty, graceful exposure, with a pace that lends a lightness to your steps.
Since this summer August 30th, we have had (unless I have forgotten someone in the count,) 17 guests. Many people have said I should open up a B&B. In response to that I say, "If we opened a B&B it would be filled with our family and friends and we would go broke!"
Shannon arrived yesterday. After a journey that is only experienced in movies. Let me explain–First her plane, which arrived in Paris from the USA arrived late, and she missed her connecting flight. She had to wait three hours for the next connecting flight it was then canceled. Therefore she had to go to another terminal to retrieve her bags. They sent her to another airport by bus. When she got there the flight was canceled. She waited for the next flight that ended up having technical problems. Finally she caught the 5:00pm flight, arriving in Marseille after 6pm. Only to find a traffic jam that held us prisoners for two and half hours. Shannon arrived at our home 12 hours after the predicted arrival time. Red eyed, tired, hungry and with the biggest smile.
Shannon doesn’t speak a word of French, and had never traveled overseas. The French call a first time experience that goes awry a "baptism." She had a full dunk baptism that is for sure!
After spending 12 hours waiting for her at the airport in Marseille I now know everything there is to know about it… Shannon was/is worth every second of that long wait!
Photo: Terre cuite statue in a fountain in Massauane.
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