French Santon


French Christmas Tradition

No. 1- Provencal Santons.

The Provencal creche is similar to the nativity scene except it includes the entire village, not just a handful of shepherds, drummers and angels. The Provencal santons are made of clay and are either painted or dressed. The creche (nativity) includes over a hundred characters depicting a Provencal village and their occupations.

This santon shows a Provencal woman carrying to large baskets of cabbages. She is bringing the gift of her labor to the Christ child. The Kings brought gold frankincense and myrrh… she brought food. Each of us has a gift to give, and each gift is needed. I wonder what I would bring? A vintage boutis perhaps, maybe I would ask Mary if she needed to do something… I could watch the baby for awhile. I like babysitting. What  would you bring?

Photo: A Provencal Santon from the turn of the century.


25 responses to “French Santon”

  1. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I am so happy to write the 1st comment on this post ..Santouns our common passion …
    I wanted to write a post about provencal tradition : you have opened the way.
    I will write about 13 desserts and sainte barbe …next week after the party
    See you tonight

  2. Well I thought I might be the first because I am still at work…1:00am! Excatly WHY? LOL Almost done then home to my bed and pillow…hoping the children will sleep in tomorrow!? That is one big navity. We put up our advent wreath in the front yard and tonight Steve had the girls help him hang some lights and put a few of the yard decoration out. He will probably finish next weekend with the navity sence. Slowly it is beginning to look like Christmas. Shelley’s house diffenently has the Christmas spirit.

  3. Miss Sandy

    I may have just found my next thing to collect! I love the idea of the whole village celebrating and each bringing a unique and humble gift to the Christ child. Thank you for sharing this wonderful French tradition.
    Miss Sandy

  4. I love nativity sets. I have 3 of them that I cannot bear to put up so I leave them out all year. But this! I love it! The whole village! And can you possibly imagine babysitting the Christ child? Mary was the first to kiss the face of God. I cannot wait to see His face nor can I wait to sit and talk to Mary. What to bring Him? All I have is my heart.

  5. Miss Sandy

    I am back, I had to pop back in and tell you that this post touched me so that I started to look for the history of these little figures and found something I wanted to share in case your other readers are interested. I found this site on Santons and Their Christmas Lessons, and it is wonderful and touching and I quote, “This charming French traditon reminds us that we, too, have a role to play in the Incarnation, bringing Jesus our unique gifts.”
    Miss Sandy

  6. This is so beautiful. I love the thought of an expanded village… of the opportunity to see ourselves at the fringes of the manger.

  7. oh must be really wonderful to see. i love that the Christamd lights are everywhere now.

  8. Corey,
    You introduced us to Santons, and this year they will make their appearance in our Nativity village. An addition to our tradition.
    I would take Joseph to the local cafe for a coffee, and listen to him share his concerns about becoming a father to Our Father’s son.
    Hey what the heck, your baby sitting and Mary’s gone shopping; why not?
    I’m glad he introduced us to You and Yann and Sasha,(Chelsea by proxy) and Christian, and Rachel, Malanie and her folks. The village just keeps on growing!

  9. This has to be the sweetest santon ever – I love the colors, and the old twine used for the basket handles adds another dimension.
    What would my basket hold? I think a mix of Winter pears, my favorite fruit – the shape, the colors of the skin, green, yellow and blush, juicy and ready to bite into……….or poached, standing hugged together in the pan, a gentle wine poured over……..or sliced thinly on the top of a cake. Fresh from the hand or cooked later – I think pears would be welcomed at the creche.

  10. Erin Perry

    As a child I loved the book “The 12th Night Santons” and I was thrilled on my first trip to Paris 5 years ago to find them at the Porte de Vanves flea market. I bought quite a few and then even more a couple of years later when I was back in Paris on my honeymoon. They are one of the decorations I most look forward to putting up each season. My favourite is a tiny little baker with his big bread paddle reaching for the oven.
    Erin in Morro Bay, California

  11. That little statue is lovely.
    As to your question, I really don’t know…I have been asking myself the very same thing lately. What is the fruit of my labors? hmmmm….

  12. My Melange

    I’d always bring the wine 😉

  13. Sharon at American Harvest

    Hi Corey,
    I love Santons too. I found a small handful in Paris this past May. What would I bring to the Christ child? Time, talent, treasures? The answer is found in my heart.

  14. How beautiful and lovely is all that you share.
    Love Jeanne

  15. I would bring them food and warm blankets and hot tea and prayers and share the time with them.
    The best things in life are NOT things
    Love Jeanne

  16. Marie-Noëlle

    We were told on the news Yesterday that a santon craftsman from Marseille has created a new santon for this Christmas : l’abbé Pierre.
    Have you met that craftsman on the market in Marseille, by any chance?
    His last creation seems to be very successful already !!! Shall send you a link…
    I guess I would bring a blackboard with some chalk to teach Jesus how to write his name…(maybe too early though)…
    OR a basket full of cross-stitched sheets to replace the straw on which the baby lies…

  17. What a lovely idea of having the Nativity scene include everyday people! What would I bring? Probably something warm for Mother and Child … and perhaps some rest for Mary. Thank you so much for your comments on my snow photos, Corey! ~ Lynda xo

  18. First I would give thanks for the many blessings in my life, thanks to Jesus.
    I’d bring a soft cushion for the manger and then clean the stable and feed the animals.

  19. I’ll bring food. That’s something everyone appreciates! 😀 Hot soup…..warm fresh bread….apple pastries…. (11:40 PM and I’m sitting here making myself hungry…LOL)

  20. I’m in love with those Santons…I’ve always wanted a creche to display during the Christmas season, and it took me a couple of years to really find the one that spoke to me, a Fontanini creche set. Hmmm, I would probably help Mary with whatever needed to be done. Jack of all trades, that’s me! 🙂

  21. I would bring my journal and ask if each person might share a bit of their experience – maybe some watercolors for a little color – paw and footprints with the animals – yes – I know – a bit silly but first hand documentation you know…
    xox – eb.

  22. My best friend gave me one. We were 15. I treasure it. A wise question you’ve asked,here…Hugs, perhaps, and a song, and being a Mary Magdalen stand in.

  23. that is a hard question. . . .what would i bring. a knit blanket maybe (better than that stiff straw). sometimes it’s hard to think what i can give to God except my will, because he already owns everything. giving my will to him is a struggle, as i’m so independent (maybe stubborn is a better word?), yet he always knows what i need better than i do – and i still get the good things i wanted anyway.

  24. Britt-Arnhild

    She is beautiful.
    A colleague gave me a gift today, a nativity scene made in Lego.
    Photo in my blog 😉

  25. What would I bring? Perhaps I could read the baby a bedtime story…or crochet Him a blanket – hmm, the way I crochet, it might not keep Him very warm – if only I were better at it…or perhaps some silly toys to bring a smile?? Or I could just sign up for alternate babysitter, in case you needed to go to a flea market…

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