Not a Scratch


Yesterday, I was out with my Belle Mere (Mother in law.) We came home very late. Right before I turned onto the street where we live, a car pulled out of the intersection coming towards my Belle Mere's side of the car. Quickly I swerved but the Mercedes ramped, BOOMED, into the side of my pristine, ten-year-old, very little white car with blue velvet jean upholstery! My Belle Mere and I both screamed in fear-harmony.

Those mere seconds seemed like slow motion, we were okay?!?

I pulled over and my Belle Mere and I got out of the car to see the damage.

The man driving the Mercedes came running to see if we were okay.

The three of us stood dumbfounded as we looked at my car barely scratched.

I asked if his car was damaged, he said not at all. We thought out loud, "How can that be?"

Do you believe in angels?



Thank you for each and every single generous word of kindness you gave to me yesterday. I am speechless, and for me, that is quite unusual. I hesitated to share my news, I was worried that it might sound presumptuous. Have you ever not wanted to share something because it is something dear to you and you are afraid if you share it something bad might happen to it?

I know it is why French husband prefers his old clothes and waits forever to wear his new clothes. He wants them to stay pristine in the closet rather than risk wrinkles and stains. When I see French husband purposefully not wearing his new things, I remind him of my brother Mathew's tactic. As kids,  my brother Mathew use to step on our new shoes scuffing them, then would say, "There you go, now you can wear them without worrying you will ruin them!"

Thank you for hearing my news and giving me a big pat on the back. For jumping up and down with me. I feel like I am in front of the class holding the A plus paper for once….it feels so good.


57 responses to “Not a Scratch”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Of course I believe in angels. The angel story of my son ร˜ystein is over in my blog today. Thank God the angels were there for you and Belle Mere yesterday.
    Corey, congratulations with your words and photos for Victoria. I am not surprised at all. Your blog is THE BEST!

  2. i do believe in angles, yes i do!!!! i am so glad you both are safe.
    about yesterday’s news: i am so glad you shared it. it would not have and is not at all presumptous. i’ve told you before that you should be published and not only for your photos. this is just the beginning corey- i know it.
    and heck yes, it should feel damn good!

  3. So glad the angels were there looking out for the two of you.

  4. My Melange

    Wow, No one hurt? Not a scratch? You do have an angle looking over you. So glad you are OK. That would not be a good holiday memory!!!
    I understand about not saying anything….I do believe in things like that, but once it gets past the point of no return(ie the maga has been officially published) it is already a done deal. So it is ok to share ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. What a great story. I mean, not great about the accident–that must’ve been so scary, but how wonderful that you were fine and your car was fine. Angels abound. And it’s nice that the other driver was concerned and handled it well, too.
    I totally understand not wanted to share something because it is something dear to you and being afraid if you share it something bad might happen to it. I waited such a long time to even mention that I had a boyfriend (on my blog and to people in Taiwan) because I was afraid to jinx it. Now I’m going home and he’s meeting the whole family and we’re talking engagement and it feels scary–once the cat is out of the bag, it seems harder to handle if it’s taken away. What a sorta sad way to look at things, though–I think that is something that living with a chronic disease like diabetes has not very nicely given me–this feeling of always waiting for the other shoe to drop…
    Anyway, so proud of you and it’s wonderful news that won’t be taken away! ๐Ÿ™‚
    P.S. I like your brother’s theory about scuffing up the shoes, though I empathize with your husband and his barely worn new clothes.

  6. yes!!!!! you are blessed corey!! and there is a lot of blessed people around…we just have to pause for a moment and remember that! glad no one was hurt….and yeah i am always worried about junx-ig stuff as well…maybe i should follow your brother’s rules.!!!!
    once agan…BRAVO about yesterday,s news!!!!!
    delphine and nancy

  7. I believe in Angels and I see them every day and you are one of my favorite Angels.
    I am happy that you and Belle Mere are OK.
    Corey, thank you for telling me that the Nisse arrived in California ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. angela marie

    Yes… I do believe in angels. You both had one wrapped around your car. When you walk away from something like that, you have to wonder about days ahead of you. Like, who you are yet to meet, what role you have in someone life. It makes you think and appreciate your moments and incounters with others.
    I am honestly not surprised that Victoria has seeked you out. Your blog and insights on how you see things around you are beautiful, “The Corey touch.” It is time for the rest of the world to see you. Corey, you are not our best little secret anymore.
    Best wishes!
    Bunches of hugs to you

  9. That car of yours is indestructable!
    I’m happy you and Belle Mere were indestructable too ๐Ÿ™‚
    Corey, you’re A+ all the way!!!!

  10. Corey,
    First of all, I am so grateful the angels were with you and you are all safe.
    I also want to add yet another congratulations to all of those that posted (and the hundreds that smiled privately) for the Victoria opportunity. I rushed out after work yesterday and bought the issue and as with your blog, was thrilled and moved to a new quieter space while I visited your home. Thank you for sharing…everything!

  11. Only just read your news – congartulations !!!! Re todays post yes I believe in angels and they were watching over you, your belle mere and your little car weren’t they?

  12. I do believe in angels!! I also believe every once in awhile we even get to see them. I have a picture on my blog of a diving angel of comfort sent on a mission from God. And Corey, there is noone more deserving of a great adventure than you yourself, my dear. Enjoy it!

  13. Your blog is absolutely beautiful and inspiring. I am taking a second look at the small details that surround me. Congratulations on your Victoria spread. Your home is stunning.

  14. More than an A Plus paper…
    You have our attention as students!
    Glad to hear you were not driving faster than your angel could fly!
    you know where that comes from!
    Hi to Chelsea girl!

  15. Miss Sandy

    I am so glad you are both OK! I do believe in angel’s and I believe yours were wathcing over you!
    Miss Sandy

  16. I’m so thankful you and your MIL are alright. Yes, I believe in angels and that yours were protecting you both!
    Thank you for sharing yesterday. It is scary and yo were very brave, both to accept the magazines assignment, and to share your success with us.

  17. I love your brother Mathew’s technique, Corey! I really do! Tell him that it’s a great technique!
    And for you: more than a pat I send you a big hug and I share all of your hapiness for this project! Again*

  18. Oh, your news is fantastic. I am just now trying to get hold of this magazine here in England. LOVED it before and will do so again.
    Thank you so much for all the sharing, love and blessings you bring to us every day.
    Christmas Blessings.

  19. Isn’t it wonderful to know that we are being watched out for. So glad no one was hurt. I had received my Victoria Magazine over the weekend but hadn’t had a chance to look through it-usually after everyone has gone to bed and I can savor every last bit alone. After the post yesterday I couldn’t wait to check it out. I was hoping you would get your things published!!!!YEAH You do have the best blog around and it is a type of daily devotional for me. You look at life as I would like to see it. VERY INSPIRING Lots of love to you and your family during this Christmas Season. Laurie

  20. So glad you and belle-mere are okay. That was very scary! Mathew-is he the same brother that beheads the turkey shaped cookies at Thanksgiving? Still waiting for my Victoria magazine, maybe will have to go buy one at the newsstand in case they haven’t activated my subscription yet.

  21. A. I am so glad you and Belle Mere are OK and that your pritine white horse that carries you and loved ones so well is OK too…
    B. Yes, I believe in angels…
    C. Sharing life with you is pure joy…

  22. Brother Mathew

    Congratulations sister! I can get that magazine here in Chico. Can’t wait. Tell your readers that I am not the one who beheads turkey cookies. That is Marty. Orama. Happy Advent. Merry Christmas.

  23. Oh my gosh, I am so happy you two were not hurt. And yes, I do believe in angels. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Georgie and I were ALMOST t-boned yesterday by a BIG HUGE truck that was driving about 25 mph through a PARKING LOT!! It scared both us us so bad!! We were pulling out of the Starbucks drive through, and luckily I was able to gas it– skidding out, because it was raining,no less!– and get out of his way. HE didn’t even seem to slow down! Grrrrrrrrr…

  24. Corey,
    Oh my Gosh! I am so glad to hear that the two of you are ok. And that you didn’t get hurt. I can’t believe you didn’t have a single scratch on your car. Not only were the Angels watching over you, so was God. Take care.

  25. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    HOW awful !!! I hope you and your belle mere are OK . what about your wonderful little car ?Are you going to still be abble to drive it ??
    I DO believe in angels and I think may be you are one of them

  26. Oh yes, Corey! I DO believe in angels! And I am so happy to hear everyone is safe (and even the vehicles are unharmed is a bonus)! =)

  27. Massilianana

    Hey Corey !
    So happy you are alright ! I am not sure about angels but maybe if the pristine old car you are driving happens to be a Renault 4L , then maybe…4L = quatre ailes . Four wings to protect you and Belle-Maman ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Take care !

  28. Angels are all around you right now!

  29. Tamara Straight Poop

    I DO believe in angels, and I am not surprised that you are watched over by one. I am so happy you and Belle Mere (and the gentleman driving the other car) were unscathed.

  30. Having been in a car accident myself, I know how just a few seconds can seem like 30 minutes. I am SO GLAD no one was injured!! Indeed, your angels sheltered you with their wings. ๐Ÿ™‚
    and if anyone DESERVES that “A+ paper”, it is you! The joy you give out comes back to you many times over, yes? I ran to show my whole family when I saw the article. “Corey’s in here! Corey’s in here!” I said. Only my daughter’s eyes lit up “Corey – French Corey with ‘the son’?!” LOL……ah well, you are a celebrity to me.
    Big BIG hugs for you….

  31. Di Overton

    So pleased you are both OK. Thanks for your lovely email and I’m just waiting for House & Garden to sign you up. Go girl

  32. I do believe in angels – and I am so glad they were there johnny on the spot for you and your belle mere (what a lovely name – much prettier I think than just MIL) – thank heavens no one was hurt – not even really the cars.
    As for your A+ you are so deserving – you have more than earned it – your lovely words and beautiful photos bring so much light into the world, they deserve as wide an audience as possible. Hooray for you and for lucky us too, now we get to see even more of the beauty through your words and camera lens!

  33. yes sometimes a ‘secreat message’ can be that good you want to keep it for yourself as long as possible, hoping it may come true after all!!
    and it did corey!!
    your brother seems to be rather practical than ‘supersticious’. he should come over and practice his familiar ways on fh’s new outfits ;))

  34. Shannon from oregon

    First, I am glad you and your mother in law (as well as your car) did not have a scratch. That man should count himself lucky!
    Second, CONGRATULATIONS about the magazine! That is truly wonderful. I can’t imagine a better person for this to happen.

  35. Corey,
    I am so happy that you and your Belle Mere were both unhurt… and the gentleman in the other car as well….
    Yes I do believe in Angels… there have been several times that I felt an Angel came between me and danger and prevented me from being hurt…..
    Blessing on your and your good news as well!!!

  36. you know i believe…i ask mine to guide me and help me every morning…i am so happy for your good news of yesterday…and your good angel watching over you…keeping you and your mil in my thoughts…when is that mag coming out???…blessings, rebecca

  37. Oh, Corey,
    I am so EXCITED for you! Now, you are going to take off and fly. I do see some books in your future, along with some other magazine offers.
    Isn’t the internet wonderful and magical with the ability it gives us to connect with people we would never in a lifetime have the ability to meet. It makes the big wide world much closer.
    I know what you mean about the Jinx thing. I am always very quiet about my annual cancer tests. I’ve been cancer free for 18 years and I don’t want to jinx it.

  38. Guardian angels, I have no doubt (and have been grateful for, on more than one occasion). I am very glad that you are all OK – and congratulations again on your publishing coup.

  39. Oh my gosh, Corey! How scary! I am soooo glad that you and your mother-in-law and the Mercedes driver are OK. All of your guardian angels were alert and awake that evening, weren’t they? ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. You know what, there is just not enough good news to go around. We should ALL be thanking you for sharing!

  41. Well C,
    First of all, glad you and Belle Mere are OK.
    And many congrats on the magazine feature!
    But, I think it is we readers that should thank you.
    I have to say that your pictures spoke loudly to me the first time I stumbled across your site. Your writing is touching – straightforward and heartfelt.
    Almost every day you serve up a lovely perspective on life in an otherwise crazy world. And for that we are grateful.

  42. Alison Whittington

    Oh, Corey, my heart just stopped. I am so glad you are both okay.
    As for the magazine photos — well, I am in awe. Your home is more beautiful than I could have even imagined. And we are all so lucky that you choose to share it with us.
    I already learned my mistake about throwing out old issues of Victoria, when they stopped printing last time, so I will keep every issue I receive, but this one will get the velvet glove treatment!

  43. I’m sooo glad you’re both okay. My grandson’s car spun out of control on the highway a few nights ago and he decided he better abandon ship and call for help. He was no sooner safely away than another car lost control and hit his head on and demolished it. We are so very grateful he made the correct choice.

  44. of course I do….
    happy you are both ok!
    Corey…the picture….Love it!

  45. SO glad you are both ok!! Cars can be fixed or replaced! And YES, I very much know angels often help us…we have been saved a few times from certain death. I think some days they must work overtime!!

  46. Yes. I believe. Definitely.
    (and I’m glad you are safe).

  47. Cris in oregon

    Thank goodness you both were fine…. and the car too but mostly you two. How scary.

  48. OH Corey, so glad youa re both okay and the car is fine too!! Oh goodness, angels, yes yes yes!! xoxo

  49. Yes, I BELIEVE. I believe in God and miracles. And yes,now I shall start to believe in His Angels, too.
    God bless you.

  50. TOO CLOSE for comfort! Yes..ANGELS! ..I jusrt read your post from yesterday about Victoria magazine! OH MY! THat is so exciting! Woo hoo..can I have your autograph??? What great news. You deserve it.

  51. Thank God for our Angels!!

  52. I do. Very much…you are loved and supported at all times dear Corey! I am so glad you and your mother in law are fine.

  53. Absolutely…We had angels protecting us one winter when our little honda civic went sliding, head first, into the cement divider on the I-5 freeway. We and the car walked away without a scratch!

  54. cruststation

    Oh Corey, how frightening! So glad the angels were watching over you.

  55. I believe in angels ~ I believe you are one of them!
    Thanking Goodness that you were all unhurt!

  56. Yes I do believe in angels. So glad they were watching over all of you that day.

  57. I’m so glad the angels were right there! and do shout your good news from the rooftops – I no longer really believe in those jealous fates just waiting to snatch our good fortune from us.. though I often cross fingers or touch wood just in case!

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