Latest French Fashion


The other night Chelsea was talking about school and what she hopes to do when she graduates. Afterward, as we walked back to Chelsea's studio, Sacha stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, something came over him, he mimicked while saying…

"You mean Chelsea you're going to put your hair in a chignon-

Sport small, square, black-framed, glasses that will make your eyes look big- 

Wear a tailored, dark-navy pin-stripped suit, with a skirt that will reduce the size of your steps-

Walk-in black high-heel shoes that will clack-clack-clack when you walk,

You mean to tell me Chelsea you are going to carry a portfolio like a flirtatious fan?

A businesswoman who eats sushi and chit chats about tea in China?


Photo: A la Mode French vintage dress patterns for the chic Parisian woman.


21 responses to “Latest French Fashion”

  1. Oh brothers! Mine was always free to mimic me, too. And you Corey? You have lots of brothers, that must be fun!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh wow! Very brave, verging on the foolhardy. I checked my insurance policy and it specifically excludes death resulting from baiting young women. I assume his will too.

  3. How sweet is every ounce that you share………
    Merry Christmas my lovely friend.
    I love you
    May we always be blessed with only the best.
    Love you

  4. Corey, your Sacha is such a visionary – how lucky Chelsea is to have a brother like him ….and with a sense of humor too! Those vintage mags. are beautiful.
    Yes, brothers are special, I have just that one who is near you in the Minervois, enjoying a life so different from our original home in England. I long to join him, not for just a quick vacation like last year………but an entire month to really get the feeling of living in a French village.
    Greetings to you all – enjoy each day together.

  5. Miss Maddie’s

    That young lad of yours is certainly aware of his surroundings.Both comical and endearing I imagine he leaves you in stitches at times.
    As for his advice perhaps the world of fashion will be Chelsea’s calling.
    You never know!!!

  6. Brothers can be such a drag to their sister’s fantasies.
    He should be thankful that his sister is the nicest girl I know and didn’t wallop him like I would’ve ;p
    This post makes me miss you all more than I already do.

  7. What a funny boy Sacha is!
    I love when you share family moments. It’s always so sweet!

  8. oh your ids are precious. 🙂 and i love that they are clever and have a sense of humour.
    😉 delphine

  9. opps i meant “kids” sorry about the slip…what would freud say now? 🙂

  10. Ellen Cassilly

    Very astute of Sasha. Speaking of what one wants to do with one’s life, I see him as a commentator of popular culture – possibly an improv. comedian. Ellen

  11. naturegirl

    Corey hip hoping by to say:
    May the spirit of Christmas leave its rich blessings in the hearts of you and yours!
    hugs NG

  12. Oh that boy! What was Chelsea’s response?

  13. let me tell you what, with a mom like you, chelsea can do and be whatever she dreams of!
    i wish you all a very merry, peacful christmas!
    Joyeux Noël!!!!!

  14. Oh, what fun!! Merry Christmas to you and yours and wishes for a peace filled 2008!

  15. Gillian @ Indigo Blue

    Oh and so she shall! Go for it Chelsea. You have to live your own life after all, make it what you want!
    And Corey, I’ve read back the last three posts…loved the soup one. There is nothing like healthy, home cooked food on a cold day.
    Book. Blanket. And yes, crackling fire! You know how to live. Keep inspiring us!

  16. I love your children Corey!!
    Have a very Merry Christmas!

  17. I love the way Sacha expresses himself! You have such a FUN family, Corey!!!

  18. I love the way Sacha expresses himself! You have such a FUN family, Corey!

  19. wishing you and your beautiful family a merry christmas from the bottom of meow heart. mwahhhh

  20. happy christmas to you and the family corey! these are such marvelous times with our children. so much excitement and calm all together again as a complete family.
    hugs to you all and a kiss on both cheeks!

  21. It’s true that sometimes the people closest to us must be brave enough to ask if the life we are creating for ourselves is as exciting or as fulfilling as it should be. . .Chelsea is blessed to have a brother who apparently knows her so well!

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