Place du Tertre in the Montmartre


There is a hill in Paris where the cobble-stone streets twist and turn, and the many, steep stairways lead you up and up, to a square where artists gather to paint portraits and scenes of Paris.

The Place du Tertre, is behind the Sacre Coeur, in an area of Paris called the Montmartre.


The painters set up their stands in the open air: Two fold-out stools (one for the artist and another for the subject,) a large umbrella, their wooden boxes of paint, and an easel.


If you want your portrait painted or sketch, you need only to go to Place du Tertre, find an artist whose style appeals to you, and ask. A portrait cost about 80 dollars.


There are also many artist who paint scenes of Paris. You won’t find Monet, Renoir, van Gogh nor Picasso… but you will be amused, and chances are you will have a sweet souvenir painted in your mind’s eye.






This painting held my attention. I liked his painting tools, he was very quick and the sepia tones he used on that grey evening, seem to POP with texture and depth. We didn’t buy anything, though when my niece came to Paris she had her portrait painted.



The Place du Tertre, is behind the Sacre Coeur, in an area of Paris called the Montmartre.

Photos: Taken last week in Paris.

Note: I have a whooper of matching-making adventure stirring up!! One that will certainly paint my small town red, and knock your socks off! I am not kidding. So stay tune, the affair starts to unfold Thursday.



63 responses to “Place du Tertre in the Montmartre”

  1. Corey,
    Montmartre is one of my very favorite places in all of Paris, and we never get away without a purchase! 😉
    You’re ever the tease; I can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up.

  2. Miss Sandy

    Now THIS is where I would shop and come home happy and broke! I love all the art you featured, the last piece was awesome! I can’t wait to see what you are up to next, good tease.

  3. Love Montmartre Corey!!!!
    The pictures are great! Thank you! I really NEED to go to Paris 🙂

  4. Wonderful paintings! I love the ones with a punch of red…can’t wait for Thursday!

  5. Maurelita

    Hello & happy new year !
    I’m delighted to discover your blog (via Susu ; another blogging Finn in France) and especially Montmartre ; I lived my first years in Paris rue des Martyrs and adored this area…
    My favourite museum in Paris is Espace Dali up there, and despite all the tourists the magic atmosphere still works for me.

  6. Oh wow. Those paintings are fantastic!! The whole atmosphere of artists out on the street, selling and painting…it’s like you see in the movies!!
    I especially love the textured one, it’s almost like sculpting on canvas…very inspiring! Thank-you for sharing the photos!
    Thursday sounds intriguing….

  7. Fabulous portraits and stories as always.
    I always leave enriched and enchanted to say the very least.
    I love you dearly!

  8. Di Overton

    LOVE that painting of Sacre Coeur. I would have bought it and that would be a first as I have never ever seen anything I liked there before. You should be a scout for shopping, you go first like the they used to do in the Wild West.

  9. Miss Maddie’s

    It is 6:15am here and already I have been treated through a lovely stroll of an art market in Paris no less.Your tours are always picture postcard perfect!
    And talk about luring us in, using words this time instead of photographs.Can’t wait ’till Thursday!

  10. Paris and Artists, synonymous to me. Thanks for the walk through with the pics.

  11. Travelingmama

    My husband said this was his favorite place in Paris. I’ve been to Paris three times and somehow missed it, though Sacre Coeur was stunning! Hmmm… Paris isn’t to far away…maybe time for another visit?

  12. Alison Whittington

    I think that must be heaven.

  13. Dee/

    Girl, that was fun! I can’t wait to go to Paris, and the south of France. Even the comments to this post were really creative.

  14. Ooh, you have my interest piqued!

  15. I love this! I could have strolled around watching these artists all day long! Thank you for the tour! Here I am in Jamaica and I feel like I’ve just walked through Montmartre, plus a promised adventure!!?? Life is good.

  16. Marie-Noëlle

    Your palette about Place du Tertre illustrates well what it is like…I was preparing a comment when I came to the last part of your post dealing with match-making…
    My comment switched off my mind… and I started to wonder about Thursday story…
    Has it got anything to do with…
    – the village-butcher and the post-office lady ?…
    – the lady behind Fauchon’s desk and the lorry driver ? …
    – a Napoléon III-styled silver tray (or Monteith) and six 21st century stemless champagne flûtes (or pomponnes) from Biot ? …
    – a noble lass from Louis XIV’s court and a young duke ? …
    – a Paris cat and a country mouse ? …
    – a bottle of champagne and a Fauchon cake ? …
    I CAN’T WAIT …

  17. Seeing your pictures makes me realize anew, that there is so much more “out there”. Some folks are content to spend their entire lives within 20 miles of where they were born, due to fear or laziness or perhaps just a lack of adventure. Even if you live in a beautiful place filled with history – there is an “out there” for you too.
    I hope your pictures and commentary – will push some of us to actually make plans to experience something new, rather than just dream about it.

  18. Thank you for a trip down memory lane. I have been to Paris only once but the area around Sacre Couer was magical for me. All these years later, twenty years to be exact, I am still in awe of what I saw there. It made a life long impression on a 16 year old. Some day I will go back. Maybe with my 16 year old daughters.

  19. Toni Brown

    These pictures made me weep, and I still am. I visited Montmartre, Sacre Coeur, and Place de Tertre at night, the only person who participated in a night tour that Wednesday evening. The artists then were bundled against the cold; I was walking alongside the gorgeous tour guide, Jacques, and we talked about art, literature, and the Tango (of all things). Not that I’ve ever forgotten that evening, quite the opposite. As if all my loves [Paris, books, art, a gorgeous guy speaking French with a Catalonian accent-ha!)] converged. Your photos, as ever, eviscerate my memory holding banks, turning me inside-out & leaving me gasping!

  20. A Monday morning and the “tease” is on to stay tuned for the rest of the week!
    Wonderful photo trip to Paris this morning!…all from the comfort of my home! Thanks Corey!

  21. What would I give to be able to see Paris? One day, I hope to go, and breathe in all the beauty that is found there. Let’s see, if I start saving now, maybe when I turn 60…..hahahahaha that’s 10 years away. I should be able to do that!!
    Corey- You have my curiosity piqued to say the least. I cannot wait for Thursday!

  22. Can’t wait to find out what it is!!!

  23. Wow, that is awesome! I think I would have a hard time choosing my favorite and picking only one or two to take home. What a fun little place. Must get to Paris someday!

  24. Many years ago…a few years ago :)…when I was a teenager I had my portrait sketched on copper at Montmartre. I had a camellia blossom in my hand so the artist did a sketch of it in the right hand corner right above his signature…I wonder where that sketch is now?

  25. Ah…this hurts my heart! This was my FAVORITE area when we visited Paris. I can still feel the mist on my face, the scent of the air…and yes, I had a charcoal portrait done, at my husband’s request. The artist made me about 20 years younger, but it’s still delightfully well done.
    Thank you yet again for these glorious memory triggers!

  26. ohhhhh! It makes me want to pull out my palette of watercolors and paint right this minute! The oil painting done with the palette knives is stunning! I had to take a class in oils as part of my major, and the only way I enjoyed oils was by using a palette knife! For some reason, my paintbrushes FROZE on the canvas when I tried using oils!

  27. I love these photos – they remind me of my dad who was an artist. My parents traveled a lot, and he’d always take along his folding easel, paints, and stool, and would set up and paint a picture in every city he visited, weather permitting. Then my mom would have to shop or something! Thanks for bringing it to mind.

  28. Lovely photos, all of them.

  29. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    Oh my stars, I love a good intrigue!

  30. stephanie

    Love all the images and I think I spotted some familiar tourist faces in that crowd!
    Oh you are a tease! Can’t wait to see what you have cooking…

  31. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Corey thank you for sharing this wonderful place to visit. The last painting that you liked was incredible. I LOVED IT!! Can’t wait for the romance to begin.

  32. I totally fell in love with Montmartre years ago. I would go again just to visit Sacre Coeur and enjoy the artists.

  33. The first time I visited Paris, aged 13,with my school we were free to wander through Montmartre.I absolutely loved it.I spent nearly all of my pocket money on a pastel portrait of myself as a present for my parents.It looked nothing like me or so I thought.Now years later it looks just like me.Maybe the artist knew who I would become? xxx

  34. I love Montmatre – it is so quintessentially French (if anything other than English can be “quintessentially”), I have wandered many a time through the stalls and the creperies of the area!
    I am now intrigued and cannot wait until Thursday!!

  35. I love all the pictures…they are so different and unique. Thank you for sharing. I always enjoy visiting here.

  36. Christi from Charm & Grace

    Corey… this is my first visit to your blog, and I can assure you there will be many more to come. Your photos of the artwork are delicious! I WILL get to Paris one day, as it is one of the longings of my heart. The closest I have come is the France exhibit at Disney’s EPCOT (don’t laugh). I saw their movie about France (are you familiar with it? beautiful classical French score!) for the first time in 1986 and decided that someday I must see it for myself. Each time I visit Disney I see the movie again and again, but someday I must get to Paris and see those lovely places for myself. Your photos and blog have encouraged me to want to do that all the more.
    Blessings from the U.S.,

  37. i love to stroll among the artists there…can’t wait for thursday…an affair to remember no doubt…blessings, rebecca

  38. Corey,
    I love it. So many artists!! What a wonderful place.
    Can’t wait for the juicy details.

  39. This could possible be heaven for me. Plein air painting!!! Oh my goodness I cannot wait to see this someday. Thank you so much Corey for sharing this, I may have to look at these pictures over and over.

  40. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio

    I would love to be there! How wonderful to see all of these artists painting.
    Looking forward to the matchmaking.

  41. Too much temptation….

  42. ooOOOhh, what a wonderful place. I doubt I will ever actually go to Paris but I love dipping my toe in here.

  43. cruststation

    I spotted some wonderful pieces in your photos, you have a great eye.

  44. Bejeweled

    What a wonderful place to spend the day! I also stopped by to say congrats!! I saw you in Somerset Life and then picked up my other magazine, Victoria, and there you were too! Congrats!!!!!

  45. CanadianCarrie

    Oh, Montmarte! Another favourite… I loved walking up the cobble stone path. I remember I bought a tshirt at a little store on the way up, I let a friend wear it later that year, and I got it back with a stain on it, I was so disappointed!!
    Now I need to go dig out my pics of Europe, it’s been a while since I looked at them!

  46. I could totally spend a lot of time on these cobbled streets of Montmartre. What beauty in all the paintings that you share. I feel as if I’m there now. And….can’t wait to see what delights you are cooking up!

  47. melissa @ the inspired room

    AAAHHHHHH!!!!! I bought art in that very place. Oh what fun I had! I bought art in every city, but this was such a special place! Thanks for the memories, and I am eagerly awaiting what you have up your sleeve next!

  48. Elaine L.

    My favorite place in Paris. I, also, remember the wonderful mimes and the guy playing the bass, as though it is a cello. He makes the most wonderful music.

  49. the farmers wife

    How wonderful. It reminds me very much of the square in New Orleans. Artists set up much the same. I had a pastel portrait done many, many years ago. Maybe someday I’ll have one done in Paris.
    I’m anxiously awaiting the matchmaking tale.
    – Suzanne

  50. I am a shallow gal. Forget the pretty pix and tell me all re the matchmaking…can’t wait until Thursday.

  51. Last time I was in paris , I forgot ( can you believe FORGOT) to visit this area…if I ever go back, I want to visit these artists. Thanks for sharing and you reminded my how stupid I was to forget to visit Place du Tertre 🙁

  52. Bill ~ Loving Her Beautiful

    Hi, Corey,
    Thanks for visiting today! I don’t know about being the “best,” but I’ll keep trying. My wife and I love reading your blog together.

  53. Gee, Corey, how beautiful!
    The one picture you titled “Place du Tertre” – which held your attention – reminded me of some pics painted by Bob Ross. At least in a certain stage of painting, when you look at the videos. The pics normally end up somehow kitschy, too colourful (IMHO) and overloaded, but there’s a certain phase when you’re just flabbergast how some details stand out.
    To come back to the painting you photographed: I’d buy it in this stage on the spot. Marvellous. Thanks for sharing!

  54. Oh my gosh, I would love to stroll around that square with you, Corey. So much inspiration in one place – ahhhhhh! I like the same painting as you do and the messy sketch above it is terrific, too.

  55. Someday I will sit and absorb this scene first hand. Heaven!

  56. I am so, so happy to see that some things (places) never change!

  57. that’s it!
    i am off to paris to buy that painting!
    lovely lovely photos ~ pure bliss for me

  58. I loved walking through Montmartre with you!
    I can’t wait for Thursday, and I’m not there, how can you do this to me!!!!

  59. I went their and got my portrait done…But I was waiting for the lady I wanted, when another artist came up and showed me his “work”, so I said okay. Well, it was HORRIBLE!! I think he showed me another person’s work! And when Kory told him it was horrible and didn’t look anything like the other work– or ANYthing like me!– the guy started yelling at us in French. LOL! I was so sad. It was a gift for my dad. 🙁

  60. I’ve known about this area for ages but never seen it so well photographed as you mnaged to capture it. Some of those photos make me want to emigrate!

  61. Michelle Ward

    You have such a trained eye for the unique. I adore that photo of the BACK of the painting. My bid is for that gem.

  62. Have been there twice and the first was a bit overwhelming with everyone coming up and asking to paint your portrait and I felt so bad declining the offers. The second time we visited Paris I soaked it all up and enjoyed seeing all of the paintings and politely smiled and declined while admiring their work and complimenting them in the best broken French I could and they seemed to appreciate it. Fabulous place! To climb the stairs there at the Sacre Coeur ~ oh my ~ that is another story!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  63. Per Lustig

    Great Post, I love this city. Place du Tertre is one of my favorite squares in the world!

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