The Last Day of the Match Maker Tale?


Unpolished silver bucket with a lion head handle, holds bits and pieces of a song that wants to be sung.

A man and a woman took a chance and stepped on to the dance floor… Hoping for songs of love, feeling the rhythm in their blood, experiencing a longing as their music spun: Into the groove, rock and roll, a hopeful slow dance into the night.

As the music played many notes, mixed tempo, tango and a slow two-step. "Baby do you want to dance?"

As only falling in love can do, every dip, turn and swirl, feels like the first time-


Exaggerated and new. Remember those first moments? Time stands still and races forward seemingly all at once. Where you look at something you have seen a hundred times before and yet you notice it as brand new- golden, true, and somehow made just for you? Is that perfume in the air? Certainly it is! Where the unnoticed mundane things take on new meaning…singing, yes singing for your ears only.

Tell me has the sky always been blue?


Ah falling in love, where walking is called waltzing and you hope it never stops. . .

What will this music bring?

——————————-more later as the day plays out……………………………….


The art of making coffee for someone is knowing exactly what they like, and how they like it.


In the beginning we do everything for the other person, don’t we?

Please let me..

No please allow me…

No no no I can, please let me..

Oh but I really would like to do this for you..

Aren’t you kind!

No you are the one who is kinder!

————–in the beginning it is this way, very polite and nice and sweet and GOSH am I the luckiest for being able to witness this beginning… It made me look at French husband with a newer sparkle too.


Mattieu brought coffee to Eva, one dark and one cafe au lait.

Eva said, ‘Oh, Let me carry that, how nice of you to make us coffee!"


I think this is my favorite moment….so far…………

_____________________________________more to come______________


Before taking a walk outside with Mattieu,

Eva said, "Who would have thought, who would have known, who would have believed….."


The time draws near.

The hearts flutter.

They stand in front of one another in a world of their own.

Meanwhile French husband, Sacha and I take bets. What do you think will happen?

—————————————–We are off to the train station…I’ll let you know this evening what happened.



Walking to the train, Mattieu left this late afternoon.

Seeing them, brought up old memories of when French husband and I were dating, and when I would leave France to go back home to California, long distance relationship are the pits.

I asked Eva how she felt. Empty she said. This feeling is so odd, so unexpected, it seems unreal…I have met Mattieu and it seems I have known him all my life….and now I must say goodbye?!


The reality sinks in. Departure draws near.

At this point I thought to myself, "How will I ever go back to normal blogging world again? I do not want either of them to go? I want to write about this tale of happy ever after forever. Then I realized that if Eva married Mattieu she would be part of our family!!! Oh my God! Wow! Happy day! Could it be would it be…then I knew how much I had hoped for my skills as a matchmaker to come true this time.

Have you ever met someone and knew in an instant you could be their best friend forever?

——————————————————-next update tomorrow morning.

Oh la la just you wait to see what I saw!

What do you think happened to Mattieu and Eva in the end?

Do you think you will need to:

1) Get your sunglasses on because it is going to be bright and sunny tomorrow?


2) Chances of showers bring an umbrella?


103 responses to “The Last Day of the Match Maker Tale?”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    This first picture is delightful…
    You’re much more than a match maker, I can tell you… You’re an artist !!!

  2. Elaine L.

    Sigh . . .

  3. An artist to say the least,,,Corey you are a lovley genius,,Brilliant Good Taste and Talent. Thank you for spreading the LOVE,,what is more important than that. Good things always follow love. Yahoowee………..

  4. When the world seems to glory in all the sadness and negativity humans have to offer…how wonderful, I mean absolutely sweet and gentle and beautiful to read about real people dipping their toes into romance. I think you said it so perfectly about “A man and a woman took a chance and stepped on to the dance floor…”
    Some times people worry, will it work, will it have a happy ending, will the amazing risk be worth it..? But I feel the chance they are taking is what makes this so romantic. At least they tried, and what can be wrong with that?

  5. This world is in so much need of love and so are the people in it.
    Long may it live in all the hearts all over the world.
    Ooooh La La……….
    I cannot wait for updates.
    I love you dearly.
    I am truly blessed to call you my friend.
    Love Jeanne

  6. Corey, thank you SO much for giving us peeks and updates along the way! AND thank Eva and Mattieu for letting a combined community of bloggers cheer them on and wish them well!! ~Pam~

  7. Corey,
    You lucky, lucky girl. The only thing better than that falling in love feeling is the watching of someone close to you experience that flood of emotional energy!

  8. cruststation

    My heart is racing faster just following this tale, you are such a wonderful match-maker, what a magical weekend! Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. This is so touching – but are these poor possible lovers only spending the weekend together? Is Eva flying back to the USA immediately? Or can we follow the story for days to come?

  10. I have a very strong feeling that this match is going to make for sure… you have a very good insight for people that belong together…I can barely wait for the outcome…Is Eva going home after this week-end?
    and if so… I hope you continue the story so we will know the ending!!

  11. Dee/reddirtramblings

    This was my first time to check in all weekend. It sounds like things are going splendidly. Keep us updated, Corey dear. I am hoping . . .

  12. Awesome! Plain and simple.

  13. I can’t tell if Mattieu is thinking “Get that camera out of my face during my private cafe au lait moment, or Thanks for hooking me up, Corey.”
    I’d do anything to be a fly on the wall at your house right now.

  14. Oh, don’t you know exactly what to highlight, in words and pictures! Those feet say it all . . .

  15. You are having so much fun! And because of that so are we. Thank you so much for keeping us updated! Do they know you’re keeping us updated? What a great diary of sorts they will have to look back on and compare to their own. This is priceless.

  16. Enchanting…best wishes to Eva and Mattieu 🙂

  17. This is better than a fairy tale – no matter what happens, they will have had this weekend!

  18. How sweet and precious is everything you share with us!
    I love you

  19. Corey, You are just fabulous….what else needs to be said??? Your matchmaking story is better than shows I’ve watched lately. The coffeepot….what brand is it??? Looks like is makes wonderful coffee and I haven’t had a great cup since returning from France!!!

  20. Mmmmmm, that’s the most delicious cup of coffee I’ve had in ages!! Thanks for sharing it with us, Corey! I love the look FHN is giving you over Eva’s shoulder!

  21. I detect a twinkle in Mattieu’s eyes! Thank you for sharing this with us, Corey!

  22. Julie Ann

    I sincerely hope it is not “the last day of the Match Maker Tale”. There is so much more to this and you Corey have the empathy, imagination and artistic expression to deliver this to us so beautifully. We wait and hope for Mattieu & Eva – what a fairytale !

  23. This story is precious. It is the first thing I wake to each morning through this weekend and the channel I switch to throughout the day. I am so lucky to count you as my friend allowing me to experience this in such a deeply personal way as I hear your voice in my memory and imagine your expressions and gestures as you direct this delicate ballet.

  24. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    I love the look on his face!

  25. I see GLEE on Mattieu’s face!!! And it ain’t the coffee!

  26. Miss Sandy

    The smile is a bit telling, I think they are in like! Maybe love will not be far behind. No worries about what you will write after this, dear Corey, adventure seems to follow you where ever you go.

  27. Mari-Nanci

    Oh so precious, all! Precious photos and precious words.
    Corey, you are a Master at this. Know how they call a very talented woodworker, a Master Craftsman? Well, you are a Master Craftsman/woman of…
    Of story telling…
    Of photography…
    Of keeping your readers in suspense…
    Of the Art of The On Line Journal.
    And now ~~~~ a book?
    Oh yes, please! I so hope you are compiling so many things, into a book.

  28. Mari-Nanci

    I’m completely ‘taken’ by the photo of Eva, on tippy-toe. Somehow, this photo is sooooo perfect.

  29. I see a twinkle in Matthieu’s eye..!

  30. Like everyone else, I am waiting with held breath. Will you succeed? I can’t wait to find out. I’ve been back twice today to see if you have posted something. Of course, we all will have to wait quite a while longer to see what is down the road.

  31. Toni Brown

    Was that tray in Mattieu’s hand about to tumble? What a great shot! And yes! to everything you said about seeing with new eyes your own man. I made coffee for mine just this morning, took it in to him as well (no tray, darnit!) Small grace notes of love that never get tired. Also I’m enjoying how much YOU are enjoying this.

  32. From Mattieu’s happy expression, I don’t think Eva was reaching for a box of Cheerios in that tippy toe photo. 🙂
    Wishing everyone another delightful day in each others company. And dreamily hoping, Cupid’s arrow may find its mark.

  33. My Melange

    too cute!!!

  34. Kristen R

    Oh the feeling of love especially when new it still makes me stomach tumble! Lovely post Corey.

  35. Things are looking good!! I don’t want this story to end ~ but perhaps this chapter needs to close so we can move on to the next chapter! Thank you so much for including us in your matchmaking tale, Corey!! ~ Lynda xo

  36. This is so fun. Thank you for posting. I love your blog!
    Merci beaucoup!

  37. Remember that feeling in the pit of your stomach? Nothing else is ever the same is it? The only thing that comes close is the birth of a child. Both of these events herald a new beginning in life. Enjoy these moments with them, sweet Corey. How delightful that you are there.

  38. The look in his eye says everything. It made my heart flutter a little!
    The nicest thing for us oldies is that sparkle CAN be recaptured, once the dust of child-rearing, careers and everyday minutiae settles. 5 days in Montreal alone with my husband was all it took! I say it again… Sigh. L’amour!

  39. Julie christie leary


  40. rochambeau

    Makes ME happy too!
    Thank you friend!

  41. Like the rest of Bloglandia, I’ve been sneaking peeks here – every now and then all weekend! You – my dear – are the real sparkle!!! This is truly a modern romance, with old-fashioned flair! I think we are all transformed… and better because of your story-telling! And like any excellent story teller, you leave us wanting more – even if we must find the ending in our own hearts…
    Hugs to you Corey!

  42. heather kathleen

    it is cold in arkansas, where i am. this post…made me smile…made me blush…made me warm. *sigh*

  43. Oh that dangerous twinkle in FHN’s eyes!! If this romance lasts (sure looks positive) FHN and Eva will have your stories and photos to show their grandchildren. You did a great job of matchmaking Corey!

  44. un homme et une femme…
    a storybook unfolding in a warm provence home. sweet memories of a french weekend will last for ever.

  45. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    A man who remembers how you like your coffee is a man to keep! Thank you Corey for this little escape this weekend!

  46. He definitely looks like he is enjoying the matchmaking!

  47. He knows how she likes her coffee already! Oh my! And the look on his face. He definately has a twinkle in his eye. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for more updates. I can’t wait to hear what happens next!

  48. I think parting will be hard. If it’s been all they wanted this week-end then parting…it seems almost impossible…even if they have to, if there’s jobs to consider, homes etc….parting would be torture. But maybe the sweetest kind if they are only to part for a little while..?..? 🙂
    All I can say is if it’s meant to be it will work out for the best. And any obstacles like different countries etc will not be obstacles any more.
    Oh golly, it sure sounds like it was an amazing weekend!

  49. Miz Booshay

    “Ah falling in love, where walking is called waltzing and you hope it never stops. . .”
    Beautiful sentence….beautiful sentiment!

  50. Julie christie leary

    Alright! This is ridiculous! In the middle of my freezing cold western NY attic, where I am busy stashing way too many Christmas decorations, I am thinking…’what are they doing now? is there a new update? ” Enough already! I WILL get my work done, I WILL concentrate on what I am doing, I WILL stop dreaming of French cobblestone streets and new love and….and…..and hurry up Corey with another update!!!!!

  51. Elaine L.

    I think it’s going to seem like a wonderful dream, once the weekend is over.
    My husband brings me coffee in bed every morning and his coffee is pure perfection. He grinds the beans fresh every morning.
    Ah, what one does for Love. When I first met my husband, 37 years ago, he was getting ready to leave for college, which was 480 miles, away. We had two days, together before he left. I was getting ready, the following weekend, to meet the son of a very good friend. The guy was knock-down handsome. My husband made me promise that if he came home for a weekend, that I would drop whatever I had planned to see him, since he had to drive such a long distance to come home.
    Well, sure enough, he drove home the following weekend and I never got to meet the new guy. My husband drove home every Friday evening and drove back to school Monday morning (960 miles) for a WHOLE YEAR! I got a letter from him every day with the cutest cartoon drawings and jokes.
    I remember when he would say, I found one of your long hairs on my car seat and it was wonderful. Well, after we were married a few years, he would say, I’m constantly picking your hair off my car seats. LOL

  52. The train station? Is one of them leaving? OMIGOSH, DON’T LET THEM LEAVE EACH OTHER! This vicarious living is really hard on my heart!

  53. :0)

  54. I bet on love, Corey!

  55. Lisa M.S. Oceandreamer

    Each of these moments is precious and true….each one added to the photo album until it is full to brimming with the earliest blush. Each moment carefully looked upon with a quick glance and a knowing gaze. I wait….I wonder….I anticipate….my breath still bated.
    You tell the tale like a skillful poet, like a gripping novelist. The kind you read and then feel sad to read the last sentence and have to close the book. OR is this just the prequel?
    Love and joy,

  56. He’ll visit her in America.
    And then they’ll get married, make babies and live happily ever after.

  57. Oh wait. Is she going with him to spend more time with him at his place?????

  58. My Melange

    Well Corey, the seeds have been planted. They have you to thank for tending that garden. If it is meant to be, it will be. If not, then it was not meant to be, but that will be ok too, for these things have a way of working themselves out in the best way possible for everyone. Everything happens for a reason, though we don’t always know the reason when things happen. So now…we wait and see. It is all we can do. The heart wants what the heart wants….

  59. Oh, Corey … I am smiling … you do rush in where angels fear to tread. Good for you. It’s very, very kind and sweet … but if it is successful, you will never have another moment of peace. The whole world will write to you!

  60. I feel like I have been reading a beautiful romance noval all weekend ….

  61. I feel it so amazing that I have stumbled upon your blog at this moment. It seems that I have opened a good book in the middle of the best part. A great romance at that. Now I must go back and set the stage for myself. What a wonderful treat to find your blog, a little bit of France for this California girl who dreams of visiting Paris one day.
    Thank you, I look forward to spending the day here catching up.

  62. Wonderfully delicious romance! Your words capture the beauty of the story with great anticipation and wonderment. I can’t wait to hear what happens…I will be very sad if the ending is anything other than Eva and Mattieu together! I will just have to wait for the ending to be written.

  63. A sweet, sweet LOVE STORY…wishing it has the ending we all want, if it doesn’t…well, wishing they have made a wonderful friendship out of the whole experience, but wait…doesn’t love start out as friendship?
    Loving this so much! Maybe there’s a chance Eva will move to France?! 🙂

  64. You have has hooked – the way you have written about this romantic interlude is so exciting…. no matter what, the magic sprinkles of romanticism have been spread across the blog world….

  65. Did Eva and Mattieu know, they are “tongue in the cheek”‘s readers’heroes?

  66. shannon in oregon

    This is the distraction I need. Thank you.

  67. Hi Corey,
    Love is grand!! I think it will work out.
    It just seems meant to be.
    I have had a wonderful time reading your weekend romance blog.

  68. So sweet that they are holding hands!! So sad that they have to part already. Although, truth is, I still feel sad like that if hubby and I need to be apart.
    Thank you for a wonderful story this weekend. And thanks to Eva and Mattieu for sharing this special weekend with all of us strangers. They were very good sports!

  69. Miss Maddie’s

    Your intimate tidbits have left us to wish, hope and dream.To find the Sleeping Beauty ending in a fairytale that we have been privileged to watch from afar.
    And it is because of you Corey the matchmaker, that we sigh and hope that the flame has been lit and that true love will find its way into their young hearts.
    In a world not always so pleasant you have taken us to a place where love can endure.
    For that dear friend I thank you.

  70. How telling that parting is hard for them……..Sounds like the beginning of something instead of the end…OH GOODIE!!!!!! Congrats all around!

  71. I too hope it is not the last of the matchmaker’s tales too! Thank you for sharing and to Eva and Mattieu for sharing with us too! I agree, some people you can just tell when you meet them – or you can hope that you have the chance to make a friendship out of short meetings!

  72. This has been an amazing, fairy-glitter and cupid’s arrows-filled weekend. I feel so lucky to have this glimpse of what real romance looks like. Your posts always make my heart sigh, Corey, but this was absolute MAGIC.

  73. I caught up with the matchmaking tale today and have to say it is by far the sweetest thing I have heard or read all day!!! I had to call my husband and tell him how much I love him. After 13 years, thank the Lord above, we still have that giddiness when we are around each other. Please tell them both I am praying for them and wish them all the best in this. In fact Eva should journal this so that one day 13 years from now on a day when maybe the giddiness is gone(it does happen for me as well-like when the tea pitcher is empty in the fridge, ugh) they can both look back at this and rekindle that flame. I wish that I had done that! Thanks Corey for including us in their moment!!!

  74. Miss Sandy

    I dedicate my favorite song, Music Box Dancer, to Mattieu and Eva. This piece has no words because none are needed. The tune dances across the heart and in their case across the sea. I think we have not heard the end of this story….

  75. Gosh, is that a ring I see on Eva’s left hand? Something is happening here that we are not privy to…….yet! Corey, do you have something up your sleeve that you are going to astound us with?
    The suspense is causing hot flashes here – I’m off to a cold shower. Roll on Monday morning – I will be at this screen early, like really early, like 1 AM here, 7 AM there – you will be posting early won’t you??????

  76. Beautiful! I love it!

  77. Corey,
    I can’t stand it! More pleae!
    Life is too short. If this is it, nudge them along to take the leap…the opportunity may never present itself again.
    Oh, Love!

  78. Okie dokie Miss Corey Matchmaker Extraordinaire, I’m with Mary – what is that on Eva’s wedding ring finger?!!! Please put us (ME!!!) out of our (sweet) misery soon. 🙂

  79. rochambeau

    Hey! I want Eva to come and live in France EN CE MOMENT!! But the the weather must be sunny for all!
    I feel Happy!

  80. Awww…so sweet. I admire both Eva and Mathieu for taking this chance for love. I hope it works out for them. If not, no doubt they will remember this weekend forever with fondness.

  81. Elaine L.

    I have a feeling I will be walking up in the middle of the night to check to see if you have posted. LOL I don’t know if I can sleep tonight.
    And . . . is it just a coincidence that you took a picture of Eva with her left hand showing a ring?
    How long have they been communicating through email? And, where does Eva live? I’m hoping it’s on the east coast, since that cuts her flight time in half.
    Corey, you need to give us more details about your courtship with FH. How long did you know one another before you got married.
    Did you get married in California or France?

  82. It sure looks like an engagement ring and there are no other earlier photos with a ring visible…. It is going to be a long night waiting for your morning post

  83. Dana Smith

    Chances of showers…….bring an umbrella! Or if you are in VA……perhaps a little snow shovel if we’re lucky!
    My big hunkey CG husband and I have read your blog all weekend. He’s the son of a Belgian Mother and an American Father. They met in a dance hall in Antwerp…the Capri on VE Day. Neither one spoke the other’s language…WWII found many love affairs that way. You put that in “real time” for him, Corey. It’s one thing to hear a love story from his parents….but your story with Yann/sp brought his parent’s story to life. And now with his young military officer Nephew…..well it’s further giving a visual to his parent’s chance meeting.
    My father in law passed away a month ago and at his funeral my mother in law spoke of that chance meeting. How she almost didn’t go because her hair wasn’t curling as she wanted it to. At 86 she sounded so much like our youngest daughter..a 19 year old college Freshman who agonizes over her clothes and hair. Keep those stories coming, Corey…..they touch all of us in many many ways and when least expected.
    Dana in VA

  84. Julie christie leary

    I’m with the ring people…that ring was definitely not in previous pictures!!! I say bright and sunny smiles mixed with a few happy tear ‘showers’… must be so….you would not tease us so if it weren’t……………….would you?

  85. Oh sweet sweet love… I have so enjoyed reading this and making sure I do something special for the love of my life as well. I have to say I had to come back often to see if any updates…I am a romantic and how could you not be romantic in France…sighing

  86. Absolutely SUNNY and BRIGHT. You must tell us all the particulars to the matchmaking weekend.

  87. a ring is just the thing to shine bright, so we might need our sunglasses…..and if there’s a shower…maybe a wedding shower???
    I try not to leap to conclusions but what if I’m already half way in the air? haha Can not waaaaaaaaaaaait till tomorrow. (and considering I have dentist appointment, that’s saying something! hee hee)
    p.s. the comments I’ve read here all weekend are the nicest ones I’ve ever seen, what nice positive energy every one has!

  88. Alison Whittington

    I am SO SO SO excited to read tomorrow’s entry. All grins and happiness over here in Virginia. I don’t think I even paid so much attention to the beginning of my own (wonderful) marriage. Not that I’m making any assumptions. Just saying.

  89. melissa @ the inspired room

    What sweet days! Thanks for the delightful story! I’m loving every word…and eagerly anticipating what is to come next…

  90. Dear Corey,
    You are a true tease! Love, love it! I saw that ring and wondered when there would be comments. Of course tomorrow will be a sunny day. Keep us posted. I bet that she hopped on that train with him and he decided to take off work on Monday.

  91. I love this – you are so thoughtful and sweet to work so hard to play matchmaker. And I just love how you narrate these little updates and peeks into their new love!

  92. oh lovely lovely storyyyyy i want more 🙂

  93. I didn’t think I could still be so swoony over a love story – I so hope that’s what this is. My heart is all pitter-pattery.

  94. Alexandra

    They do look very cute together, and their style looks much the same – both look very stylish, but also laid back. I like her skirt…she looks much more attractive in a skirt-so feminine.

  95. bonnie buckingham

    Definitely showers, because in Austen’s
    Persuasion ( viewed tonight on Masterpiece
    Theater in the States) Capt. Wentworth meets
    Anne Elliot in the RAIN and love sparkles in
    their eyes. It is also in the RAIN when
    he proposes to her. Her wedding gift is in the SUN!!

  96. Christine

    Now comes the case of the old cliche “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”. They will be thinking about each other all the time now and about when they’ll meet again. How bittersweet and exciting for them!
    p.s..You are inspiring me to start carrying my camera around with me and catch all of those quiet moments unseen by others.

  97. Oh my goodness…what a weekend you have given us Corey! Thank you so much for sharing! Can’t wait until morning to see what you have to share!

  98. Elizabeth Parsons

    how glorious that they hit it off-
    …glacer sur le gâteau
    wonderful reading!

  99. I absolutely love this story! I was at lunch today with my boyfriend and his parents and whispered, “Remind me to tell you the sweetest story ever!” Right when we got in the car, I needed no reminding! I told him the whole background story of your blog and how I have fallen in love with it all, and then I came to this huge climax about Eva and Mattieu, (I was gushing by this point), but he just smiled at me and told me he thought it was sweet I could get so interested in such things.
    I told him it didn’t have anything to do with sweetness. It’s like a romantic book or movie, where you’re rooting on the characters to win…except in the end, they aren’t actors. They’re real people…how utterly incredible and romantic. 🙂

  100. “Who’s that behind those Foster Grants?”
    Although an umbrella AND trench coat can be very sexy.
    Waiting with banana-bated breath!

  101. catching up, i thought i missed out on all the suspense, but no, i have the biggest cliffhanger yet! what a sweet story, and you tell it so well. stories like that ought to make the news.
    i noticed the ring on eva’s hand in the pictures too, so i’m not sure what to bet on. . . .rain isn’t always bad is it? that ring’s making me think sunglasses though!

  102. Hi Corey,
    This story has captivated me all weekend. Your storytelling has been exceptional, I feel like I am really “living” this love story with you, thank you Corey and lovebirds for letting us into your lives!
    I keep checking for updates, hoping like mad that I’ll know more before I pick up the children from school for lunch. My heart is all a flutter, yikes, hurry up Corey, pretty please.
    With love
    Your neighbour ( well nearly, in Sanary)

  103. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I love the beginings …as a promise of so many things …

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