Unpolished silver bucket with a lion head handle, holds bits and pieces of a song that wants to be sung.
A man and a woman took a chance and stepped on to the dance floor… Hoping for songs of love, feeling the rhythm in their blood, experiencing a longing as their music spun: Into the groove, rock and roll, a hopeful slow dance into the night.
As the music played many notes, mixed tempo, tango and a slow two-step. "Baby do you want to dance?"
As only falling in love can do, every dip, turn and swirl, feels like the first time-
Exaggerated and new. Remember those first moments? Time stands still and races forward seemingly all at once. Where you look at something you have seen a hundred times before and yet you notice it as brand new- golden, true, and somehow made just for you? Is that perfume in the air? Certainly it is! Where the unnoticed mundane things take on new meaning…singing, yes singing for your ears only.
Tell me has the sky always been blue?
Ah falling in love, where walking is called waltzing and you hope it never stops. . .
What will this music bring?
——————————-more later as the day plays out……………………………….
The art of making coffee for someone is knowing exactly what they like, and how they like it.
In the beginning we do everything for the other person, don’t we?
Please let me..
No please allow me…
No no no I can, please let me..
Oh but I really would like to do this for you..
Aren’t you kind!
No you are the one who is kinder!
————–in the beginning it is this way, very polite and nice and sweet and GOSH am I the luckiest for being able to witness this beginning… It made me look at French husband with a newer sparkle too.
Mattieu brought coffee to Eva, one dark and one cafe au lait.
Eva said, ‘Oh, Let me carry that, how nice of you to make us coffee!"
I think this is my favorite moment….so far…………
_____________________________________more to come______________
Before taking a walk outside with Mattieu,
Eva said, "Who would have thought, who would have known, who would have believed….."
The time draws near.
The hearts flutter.
They stand in front of one another in a world of their own.
Meanwhile French husband, Sacha and I take bets. What do you think will happen?
—————————————–We are off to the train station…I’ll let you know this evening what happened.
Walking to the train, Mattieu left this late afternoon.
Seeing them, brought up old memories of when French husband and I were dating, and when I would leave France to go back home to California, long distance relationship are the pits.
I asked Eva how she felt. Empty she said. This feeling is so odd, so unexpected, it seems unreal…I have met Mattieu and it seems I have known him all my life….and now I must say goodbye?!
The reality sinks in. Departure draws near.
At this point I thought to myself, "How will I ever go back to normal blogging world again? I do not want either of them to go? I want to write about this tale of happy ever after forever. Then I realized that if Eva married Mattieu she would be part of our family!!! Oh my God! Wow! Happy day! Could it be would it be…then I knew how much I had hoped for my skills as a matchmaker to come true this time.
Have you ever met someone and knew in an instant you could be their best friend forever?
——————————————————-next update tomorrow morning.
Oh la la just you wait to see what I saw!
What do you think happened to Mattieu and Eva in the end?
Do you think you will need to:
1) Get your sunglasses on because it is going to be bright and sunny tomorrow?
2) Chances of showers bring an umbrella?
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