Where do Your Dreams Lead You?


Where do your dreams lead you? Eva and Mattieu dreamed of finding love. A love different from the ones they had experienced before.

When Lily wrote me last July, regarding my blog post about my very handsome nephew, and his being single and available, neither of us had any idea that a day like today would ever actually happen for two people we both loved whole heartily.

Lily, I might be a match maker, but you are a miracle worker.


Many of you asked me how Mattieu and Eva felt about my sharing their story on my blog?

Eva said if I changed her name and didn’t show her full face she was okay with whatever I posted, "Corey I have read your blog for months and I trust that you would share honestly and respectfully. Plus I feel know the people who comment on your blog, and they seem to be the most creative and supportive group, I would love their feedback. Plus I know they would be cheering for love!"

Mattieu said, "Okay, why not?" 

I asked before taking each photo…sometimes.


As the week end came to an end they asked French Husband and I many questions about what it was like to fall in love with someone from another country and how hard was it to endure a long distance relationship.

I told them, "… it was a piece of cake, nothing to it, a drop in the bucket, easy as pie, the cat’s meow, hands down the simplest thing in the world to do!"

French Husband looked at me, and started to say something contrary! But before he could utter a word, I reached over with my leg and kicked him under the table. He swallowed hard and said, "Yes? Ouch." Then cleared his throat, rubbed his leg and continued while looking down, "Yes easy, very easy."

We are terrible.

But sometimes you need to bend the truth. Sure it is not easy, love is not easy, but it is worth every mile of the journey it offers.


When the time came to take Mattieu to the train station emotions were high.

Eva felt love bite and it started to chew at her heartstrings… she melted like chocolate. Mattieu put his arm around her, and never let go.

Love does happen, if we let it. Love is good. I looked at them and thought, "Miracles do happen."

Yes the first stage of love is easy, you could say a walk in the park. Especially if the park is ripe and ready for a rare flower to bloom, and if gentle hands tend to it.

I asked if I could take one more picture that would sum up what this weekend meant for them?

They leaned towards one another with a look in their eyes that caused me to stop breathing! My heart leaped, a lump caught in my throat, my eyes watered, my mascara started to run and I reached for a kleenex and at the pivotal moment they KISSED!

"Hey, hey, HEY, wait a minute can you do that again? Because I was too busy be happily shocked to take the darn photo!"


          May there be no end to happiness ever after.


Dear Readers, Thank you for following along this weekend, and for your fantastic comments on love, happiness, joy, and desiring the best for these two love birds! I hope I can find something to write about tomorrow…because let me tell you match making sure feels good these days. Maybe, I will answer some of the many questions that you have asked regarding Mattieu and Eva.

So dear gentle readers, yesterday was a perfect day, sunshine, light showers and the best chance for a garden of love to grow.


120 responses to “Where do Your Dreams Lead You?”

  1. And all because of the I-Beam!!

  2. What a wonderful week-end you, French Husband, Sacha, Ewa and Mattieu has given all of us.
    It has filled my heart in a very special way to follow this story of match making and prime love.
    Thanks Ewa for letting Corey share!

  3. Britt-Arnhild

    I want to ecco my friend ANNA. I have been mesmerized all week-end.
    Now I am really waiting for a book from your pen Corey. It will be a bestseller.

  4. Elaine L.

    Oh, I’m so glad I stayed up past my bed time to wait for you to post and I have to work tomorrow.
    I pray for all the best for the two of them.
    I sure hope Eva lives close to the East Coast, which would cut their plane flights by half.
    Ahhhhhh, what an amazing weekend. Corey, I don’t think you’ll ever be able to top the posts of these past few days . . . sigh.

  5. soooo sweettt!!!! i’m feeling goosebumps right now, hope everything will work out for them, and they’ll have a happy ending just like in fairy tales ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Lovely. Lovely. Lovely.

  7. Lovely. Lovely.

  8. It has been a joy to follow this story from the first little hint that you dropped earlier last week to the conclusion of the weekend and what we hope is not the conclusion of the story……

  9. I skip reading blogs for a weekend then I come back to a sweet love story. Makes a nice start to the week to read of new love.

  10. christine

    Twenty years ago today I met my French husband in Hong Kong where I was working and he was passing through. Not always easy, but it will work if it’s the way to go. Three kids later and a busy life running our vineyard, this story has wiped away all of those difficult moments and misunderstandings and taken me to the second our eyes met across a noisy table…Thank you Corey.

  11. Julie Ann

    How utterly heartwarming and fabulous. I have a tear on my cheek and the hairs on the back of my neck are standing up. A modern love story told with old fashioned elegance. Well done Corey, you (& Lily) have given these two a priceless gift. It must have been a joy to watch unfold and you and French husband must be like contented Cheshire cats this morning (probably very tired ones – I remember all that staying up through the night when love struck !). Both your talent with words and with the camera are awesome, and you have delivered us this story with such grace. Congratulations Mattieu & Eva, let your journey together truly begin. Corey thank you for sharing it with us and please please keep us informed after all this happily is just the beginning ! Jx

  12. It’s just so inspiring that story book romances, with a happy ending, do still exists. I wish Mattieu and Eva the best that love has to offer.

  13. Marie-Noรซlle

    Love makes me sing!
    It may make you rock :
    “Love soft as an easy-chair
    Love fresh as the morning air”
    It may make you fly :
    “Aimer, c’est ce qu’y a d’plus beau
    Aimer, c’est monter si haut
    Et toucher les ailes des oiseaux”
    It may make you see and go beyond:
    “Aimer jusqu’ร  l’impossible
    Aimer se dire que c’est possible
    Dโ€™aimer d’un amour invincible
    Aimer jusqu’ร  l’impossible
    C’est possible”

  14. If anybody were to wonder why your blog is the first thing I want to read online each morning – this is it! How beautiful.

  15. Excellent and divine.
    I am so glad you are a friend of mine.
    I love you dearly!
    Love you
    May Angels bless us all

  16. I have fallen so in love with this story! You have brilliantly, skillfully and lovingly pulled us into your life, sharing their journey and reminding us how each moment is to be treasured. You have tenderly documented their weekend in a truly noninvasive and respectful manner. I do hope they share a wonderful future together. Whether their lives continue together, they will each always have the beautiful reflection of this weekend.

  17. Ann @ Holy Experience

    The whole world came for the weekend too, Corey—to root and cheer.
    And now, Monday morning, we can’t stop smiling, wherever we are.
    “And the greatest of these is love.”
    The feeling love may, over time, ebb. Then we pray that love the action verb, the decision, takes root, grows, yields.
    This morning, each of us grows a little deeper, yields a bit more.
    Thank you, Corey….

  18. Judith in Umbria

    Lovely. Love is always worth it, even when it doesn’t last forever.

  19. berriehead

    Will they meet again? Please oh please keep us posted! xo

  20. Alison Whittington

    Yesterday, I was reading your blog post on the couch, with my husband sitting next to me watching television. And I said, “Oh, HONEY, look! They’re holding HANDS!” And he leaned over and looked and just smiled.
    Wait till I tell him about the kiss!
    What a wonderful story you’ve and they have shared with us. Better than any novel or movie. Thank you.

  21. Well, I’m crossing my fingers for this pair . . .

  22. Bravo! I think you’ve done it! Is there anything better than that first kiss or first love? I don’t think so.

  23. Thank you for sharing this lovely story, and thanks even more to Eva and Mattieu for allowing us to be part of it. That’s very brave of them. I think this is so lovely not only because of love, but because of HOPE – so necessary in the world. And as a word of encouragement, my DH and I met in 1995 because of an online meeting, of all things (it was when the internet was a little safer). We had a long distance relationship for 14 months before we could live near one-another. Then we went through lots of life changes in our personal lives (including a birth and a death!) and were married 9 months after that – and that was 11 years ago. He’s still the love of my life. Tell them both, please, to never stop hoping.

  24. How can anyone’s heart not feel the joy. This is fantastic.

  25. hey corey,
    u r an angel
    and thats why we were privileged to see this love story unfold in front of our eyes
    kinda similar has been both of ours (me and my love dee’s) experince in the blogworld
    and u know what, the most beautiful thing is that its gonna continue
    so many more stars, still to sprinkle in her hair
    so many more moons, to glow with her beauty
    so much more love to give, to share, to have, to be…

  26. My Melange

    Very sweet, you are a little trixster Corey, leading us to believe there might have been a *bright, shiney* bauble on her finger, sunglasses, bright, sunny day etc. etc.
    A lovely ending to a wonderful story. My question to you is, since you changed her name….how did you come up with the name Eva????

  27. Mon Dieu!
    Corey, I thought your site was magical and now I know it for sure!
    Please advise if you are planning to market your potion d’amour – of course in an antique French botteile!
    I am not looking for a new Mr. Pom, but perhaps a trip back in time to the days when we walked 3 miles each to meet halfway during a blizzard!

  28. Corey… a big, huge, fantastic, dreamy, magical, wonderful, cheerful, joly, colorful, joyeux, merveilleux, plein de beautรฉ SMILE for you, for giving me the chance of sharing all these moments of LOVE with you all!

  29. ahhh, magic!

  30. Islandsparrow

    ah . . .
    happy sigh

  31. Dee/reddirtramblings

    I’m so glad. I met my husband, an American, when I was fifteen, and he was 24. I thought he was a nice guy, but he was older, married, and I was dating his younger brother. Skip ahead eleven years. He was divorced for seven years. I was dating no one, and l’amour hit us both with a sledgehammer. We’ve been married for 19 years in May, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Love is a beautiful thing that can traverse the miles or the years.

  32. A Kiss! Please thank both Eva and Mattieu for allowing us to share in their love story weekend. How incredibly generous of each of them. And thank you Corey for sharing your mastery of storytelling and photography in such an incredibly creative way and bringing us into the moments. I have loved it all. I pray for E. and M. that God will open the way for them to be together as he wills. Love is truly grand!

  33. Toni Brown

    Waterworks, here, & a gigantic, happy, loopy heart too! Your masterful, loving hand in the mix could NOT have done anything but help. The handholding shots kill me; I’m going to hire someone to take photos like that of my hand in Double BB’s. Perhaps a day off for you, just to mentally re-live such a lovely weekend and transition more easily from there to here?

  34. Pam Aries

    THis was so much fun to follow ! AH..to be young and in love …in France! What a combination… Voila!

  35. Ahhhhhhhh, Corey…you had succssful weekend! Everything sounded beautiful. We await the outcome in the months to come.

  36. Lisa Johnson

    I am so sad your match making love story is over. Actually, it sounds like it is just beginning. Thank you so much Corey for letting all of us be part of something so personal and special. I hope you will keep us all updated on E & M’s new romance. I know I will be so curious. Like reading a wonderful book that leaves you wondering, “what happens next?” at the end, and then finding the sequel.
    Warm hugs

  37. Oh, it was lovely. And you’re right — it does help one to look at one’s own Mr. Wonderful again with those fresh and in-love eyes.
    Corey, do you realize that you left an L name unchanged in this post? Or was that intentional?:)
    Just beautiful.

  38. Thank you for taking us all along on this wonderful journey to France and possibly the beginnings of love! Your photos are so beautiful and your story~telling is so much fun to follow. Thank you also to Mattieu & Eva for letting us see their story unfold. I hope for God’s best for each of them. And, maybe you will let us know what happens as their relationship continues? ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. So sorry, Corey. I re-read and see my mistake. So very sorry! I thought you were up to a little mischief! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thank you again for the lovely story.

  40. You can feel the tingles of excitement all the way over here. I followed their story from start to continuation- because I am sure it is not over- hoping that it would truly be a love story for them. And I was not disappointed. Yay for love!!

  41. You and Lily are the Match Maker and Miracle worker…does that make us Fairy Godmothers ;?
    This has been wonderful fun…will you keep us posted…Oh!!! I do hope it has a good ending/beginning…and they lived happily ever after ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. I waited up – late, very late, actually very early! Then had to sneak into bed and just dream until this morning – making up my own private ending to this romance while awiting you. I like it, it looks so promising – I need the follow up notes now, the story has stirred the senses, does love conquer all? Sometimes – this time?
    My river runs to thee:
    Blue sea, will welcome me?
    (Emily Dickinson)
    A trans-Atlantic romance is difficult at times, however, we who have been there know
    crossing the pond is always possible and often so worthwhile.
    Beautiful sepia photos Corey – thanks for the mystery. Today you can breathe knowing you have joined the grand order of matchmakers!

  43. I was away from my computer the entire weekend! Oh yippee! Things went well! Oh, I am soooooo excited ! What fun this must have been for you, Corey.
    How very very sweet.

  44. Ahh dear Corey, your story here comes to an end (well darn) of a beautiful weekend yet a beginning for Eva and Mattieu. I wish them love that continues to unfold over their miles in distance. It is possible, anything is possible when two people want the same thing and are willing to embrace the adversity they face to have it. Thanks to all of you for allowing the sharing of their journey thus far. Corey you wrote and photographed this tastefully but then we all know you are a master of your art. Much love to you all.

  45. Corey, I had promised myself no computer today while I catch up around the house…BUT..how could I not drop by and see what is happening..?!
    I so hope this romance blooms, and flourishes.
    It began as “once upon a time”, and what better ending than “happily ever after”?

  46. Yum…pure sweetness, dear Corey! Thank you so much for leading us through this beautiful weekend. Romance is heavenly! I can’t wait to hear snippets of what may happen next….and what in the world will you follow this post with??! I’m sure we’ll all love it…xxoo, Dawn

  47. herhimnbryn

    ‘What love is, if thou wouldst be taught,
    Thy heart must teach alone-
    Two souls with but one single thought,
    Two hearts that beat as one.’
    F. Halm
    Ah, my dear C. I hope they have found it. Such a lovely tale.
    I too left my Love for a whole yr. 10,000 miles apart. The phone company wrote me letter half way through the year….they were concerned that my phone bill had quadrupled! We worked out that between us we had spent enough money on phone calls to finance two 1st class rtn flights to Australia!
    If your two dear ones need any advice, I would just say……..love will find a way.

  48. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    Hard to see the computer screen through these mushy tears of joy. I’m sure a long distance relationship is as easy as any other, including marriage. A beautiful carefree walk in the park everyday. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I still believe the hardest day of marriage is better than the easiest day being single.

  49. ***sigh*** patting the heart.

  50. rochambeau

    Makes me so HAPPY!!!
    Thank you!

  51. This brings back such memories for me. I met my British husband through a friend while he was vacationing in the US. We started writing… calling…chatting… etc etc. We fell hard for each other and maintained a long distance, trans- atlantic relationship for several months. It wasn’t hard for us to decide to get married. There was no doubt in my mind at all — I just KNEW. We had the most gorgeous wedding because we were both so happy to be together at last.
    I moved to England to live with him and even though it hasn’t exactly been a walk in the park, I’m never sorry I married him.
    He’s a fantastic human being.
    So here is yet more proof that it can and does happen.
    oh and BTW… I was 42 years old when I met him ๐Ÿ™‚

  52. Julie Ann

    3.20pm UK, certain I’m not the only one desperately missing an update !

  53. Oh how wonderful! Just tell them: Love is love and if it’s true even the difficulties are easy!! Thanks to all of you for sharing this wonderful story and PLEASE keep us posted!!

  54. WOOHOO for Love ๐Ÿ™‚
    I am excited for them! And as yet another example of a long distance relationship (I am English married to an American ;)) I KNOW these things can work out!

  55. the farmers wife

    As others have said, simply lovely.
    Now they go back to their “regular” lives with something new in the mix – hope and possibilities.

  56. christine

    Dear Corey – I was away for the weekend but couldn’t wait to get back and find out about Mattieu and Eva. Dear God is there no end to your talents? How you managed to make this happen is remarkable……….

    I am so very proud of Eva & Mattieu for being so brave. Their leap of faith encourages all of us and we give them resounding applause

  58. Thank you for sharing this wonderful weekend with us. Corey I am sure you can find something to write about and somehow find the love and beauty in it also. As you do with a painting or protrait or anything antique you seem to alway be able to wove some kind of love story into it. That is what we enjoy and love about you. You make the everyday things seem new and wonderous! Thank you again and good luck to the couple! Hopefully the sea love is smooth with only a few waves and a big whirl pool of love. Jeanette

  59. Sweet story! And of course, we hope they live happily ever after. You’ll have to keep us posed on this one & see where it takes the lovebirds. Love is wonderful & powerful!

  60. What a great moment for you Corey, and for the happy couple.
    You will have to keep us udated on the long distance part.
    Have a wonderful day!

  61. I feel like I just started a Jane Austen book! All the better story to begin a new year with. Pure art, this is..!

  62. A perfect ending to a beautiful weekend! Now its in Fates hands, and all of our hearts… Blessings to all of you!

  63. I watched Jane Austen’s Persuasian last night and the whole time thought of Eva and Mathieu. No persuasian but definitely romantic! Corey-no wonder magazines want you to be a writer/contributor for them. Your writing is just as good as your excellent photographs.

  64. When I am reading your blog everything seems to go silent. I am transformed into my own little world. No longer do I hear my 3 sons running through the house, my youngest playing fetch with the dogs or the tv blaring nonsense. It is WONDERFUL! Tranquility for a brief couple of minutes. Then slowly I am done reading and the sounds slowly come back to me, I smile and thank God for the inspiration I find in your blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

  65. Kristen R

    What a lovely journey I wish them many love filled days ahead. I do not believe dear Jane could have written it any beter dear Corey.

  66. stephanie

    Wow….I feel like a just finished reading a sweet love story, and even better of course because it was illustrated….the best!

  67. All weekend long I would sneak peeks at the computer hoping for an update. As each one came I would sigh and just melt. This is every girls dream come true. I am thrilled for them and more than a little jealous. I hope that the magical story continues for a very long time.

  68. Massilianana

    Lovely first chapter…Hope to read more in the times to come ! Matthieu and Eva are two lucky people . And you really are a gifted match maker . Thanks for sharing the beginnings of this sweet story.
    (I’ll hang my fly suit in the closet for now…)

  69. I will have to paint their kiss…thank you dear friend for allowing us to be a part of this love story.

  70. Awwww ….. Corey!
    What can I say. Sounds like it went really well. I hope that they can make it work. I have never been in a long distance relationship. But I would imagine that it would be very difficult. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful weekend with us. It was so much fun. The anticipation, the story, the pictures. It was all so wonderful. It will be difficult for you to write anything else on your blog after this! LOL!!!
    I hope that everything works out for them. And wish them happiness.

  71. Christi from Charm & Grace

    The tenderness with which you told us this tale of love is a testament to your heart. Thank you for sharing a bit of your heart, and please send Mattieu and Eva thanks for letting you share theirs as well. I know you will keep us posted on how things progress from here.
    I can’t believe I found your site a week ago today and just in time to follow this fabulous saga. When I first found you, I went back and read probably 80 percent of your previous posts (yes, all the way back to your first one in November of 2005!) I just couldn’t stop reading. And now here we are in January of 2008, and I still cannnot stop reading. As an artist, this is so inspirational… it makes me want to get out my canvas and paint in brilliant colors. What a spinner of magical tales you are!

  72. May this loving and tender start lead them to long life and happiness together.

  73. Huzzah!

  74. melissa @ the inspired room

    It is a lovely dream. I hope you will still be writing this story 20 years from now! I’ll be glued to my screen for sure.
    Ah, love! Sigh.

  75. Eclat in Paris

    This was so fun and great Corey, thanks a lot for sharing this…so adorable. Good luck to them both…

  76. May angels guard the tender budding of this love between Mathieu and Eva! Love is vulnerable, but it is also powerful and can work miracles that we cannot foresee. It can and will melt obstacles that we do not know how to overcome. When I met my husband we were both coming out of painful relationships and although we had both decided to not have a relationship we were drawn to each other like powerful magnets. He moved to my city but he would have had to sacrifice his soul’s work to remain. He said he would stay but I talked him into leaving and following his true vocation. It shocked me to realize how much I needed him to be happy and whole even if it meant not being together. He went and our love deepened. Within six months, without applying or his intervention, I was offered an amazing position in the organization where we had met and where he lived and worked. Love thrived! Over the years we have gone through many such difficulties. We just keep tending our garden of love in a very real and practical way. The difficulties dissolve. Next week it will be 31 years of profound love and support and mutual recognition we will celebrate. Viva Love!! (… and Corey, you ARE one of Love’s angels!!!)

  77. Miss Sandy

    I wish them both the best! Do keep us informed of new developments as this tale continues to unfold. Thanks for sharing this touching story.

  78. Just absolutely the happiest ending to a lovely weekend. How sweet is that kiss! My best to them, Corey!

  79. CanadianCarrie

    So were Sacha and Chelsea around to witness you and French Husbands weekend of playing Cupid?
    This really is the stuff of fairy tales! Good work Corey!

  80. oh I’m so happy for them. And you of course because what a lovely thing to witness, love for people you love.
    When I first met my husband online the idea of another country, flying on a plane, meeting a person off the internt all seemed like incredibly huge obstacles. But he said don’t worry about those. The big things will become little things. And he was right, we concentrated on each other and it all just worked out. The most important thing was our love, and when we allowed that to be, everything else made a place for it.
    If they find that they absolutely love each other, the real deal, then I hope they go for it. smiles and happy thoughts for Eva and Mattieu

  81. Corey, The best story, thank you for the visual. I love it that you’re a California girl and believe everything is possible…. it’s in the water here!

  82. Alison Whittington

    Speaking of kisses in France, Corey, perhaps you’d like this map:

  83. Awww…this was a really good trip! Thank you, Corey, and of course, Mattieu and Eva, for letting us tag along. Im crossing my fingers for you both! ๐Ÿ™‚
    And…uh…Corey, I have a couple nieces who are single…any other cute French nephews in the family…? ;p

  84. This last photo made me teary-eyed! I can only imagine how it must have felt for Mathieu and Eva!!! Perhaps because I can remember love’s first kiss with my own matchmade man (now hubby)! Thank you for jogging my memory of the early stages of romance, and here’s hoping (if it’s in God’s plan), they have many more of these happy days!

  85. Passementerie

    How wonderfully romantic! As for making things work, I fell in love with an American, and three years later he is still in Europe and we have been married for just over a year – of course these things can work and best of luck to them!

  86. Mari-Nanci

    Truly Dear Corey, I have happy tears in my eyes and sweet tingling in my arms, reading this entry and seeing the photos. Especially the last.
    Oh what a beautiful weekend. Thank you {all}, for sharing it with us.
    And yes Dear Young People, whatever your names may be… My best wishes go out to you. Across the miles and across the oceans. May love continue to grow. Blossom. Flower. I’m so happy to have {sort of} been there, for its beginning.
    Many hugs to all,

  87. Long distance love isn’t easy but it’s not that difficult either. When I think back to my own long-distance romance with my husband, it’s filled with long hours of phone calls, occasional visits that always went much too quickly and teary good-byes as it seemed way too long until we’d see each other again. My husband always maintains that it was cheaper to marry me than to maintain our long distance romance! ๐Ÿ™‚ But neither one of us would change a thing.
    I’m so happy for Eva and Mattieu! To find someone special is a wonderful thing no matter how many miles separate you. Thank you, Corey, for allowing us a glimpse of their beginning romance. Many blessings to them both!
    ~ Lynda xo

  88. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    The perfect ending… Bill and I hope the garden grows for them. They seem like the sweetest best natured sort of people. Corey you have been a wonderful blessing to them.
    Hugs! Nancy

  89. cruststation

    Aww…I can jump for joy, the last photo is priceless. Loving your story-telling, sending wishing stars and sparks of love towards this beautiful beginning.

  90. Sniff. Smile.

  91. ALRIGHT NOW! I am crying like a silly sentimental goose! heh….
    I’m sending you my husband so you can show him what real romance is supposed to look like. ;-D

  92. i was positive this would have a happy ending/beginning…i would trust you to find me a love…hey that’s a great idea…i’m cute, fun-loving, dance till i drop, creative and did i mention cute…please put me on top of the next matchmaking event…blessings today, rebecca

  93. Lovely, lovely, lovely – Bossy just got caught-up with the romance narrative, but she also admits she left her heart a few posts back.

  94. Paris Parfait

    Ah, I have missed all the excitement while my LAN connection was down (this afternoon I installed a new modem, which, fingers crossed, seems to have done the trick). What a sweet, romantic story. Wishing the lovely couple much joy and happiness!

  95. Oh my, what a fairy you are, Corey. I am just catching up on your matchmaking magic and held my breath throughout. Just imagine, if it all works out, what a story to tell your grandchildren. Or to simply keep it in your heart forever ๐Ÿ™‚

  96. Di Overton

    If someone had shown me this and said – who set this up? I would have said COREY. You are a one off girl. Good on ya!

  97. When my French daughter met her Malaysian husband they say: long distance relationship? never, it was 8 years ago.
    I am so happy for Eva and Mathieu, thanks to them, to you, for sharing the fairy tale coming true.

  98. Karen Cole

    Paging through this story is amazing.
    If I were a publisher, I would make it into SOMETHING….a short story, a book, a magazine spread, a coffee table book….I can’t decide.

  99. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    I’ve heard that “love is what makes the world go round”. So true, so true! thank you for sharing this journey with us.

  100. This has been so lovely…
    It’s about two people, its about friends and family, its about all the ways that we let love in, or don’t… it’s their tale and dreams, but it also about our own stories and dreams. It is all the places where these past few days visiting with you, missy matchmaker, that make us say, I remember… if only… yes, next time… yes this time… its what happens when we open our hearts and dream of what we desire, enough to step into the world in a way we never before dreamed possible…
    This was like watching the best movie. Only instead of being in one dark room in one place, we were scattered all over the world in the most beautiful movie theater imaginable…
    Thank you Corey, Yann, Lily, Mattieu, and Eva for such a magical time and sharing your precious garden of love with us all…

  101. Shelley Noble

    WoW WoW WoW! What a look! What a kiss! How great they look together! Wooo hoo! Well done cupids all.
    Perhaps this really is true love for them and all the elements came together to support it! This would include but not be limited to; Lily, Corey, Yann, Sasha, M and Eva, and the miraculous INTERNET!!!!!
    All they have to do is choose wisely, making sure they are a good fit for what they want in life, then treat that chosen person kindly, making their life worth living.
    sigh. Wishing them the absolute best of everything and tipping my hat to my favorite matchmaker!

  102. Corey,
    please update the match making episode as it progresses… I feel like I was part of the introduction… and I want to be included in the outcome…
    my best wishes to them both as they try to manage a sweet friendship long distance to see if it blooms into long lasting love…

  103. Julie christie leary

    And to top off the romantic weekend, PBS was showing Jane Austen’s “Persuasion” last night! And I realized that M and E’s story truly seems like something out of Austen….handsome young man and beautiful girl from another land, brought together by fate [and relatives]…a long journey, furtive glances, longing, shy kisses and then….. parting.Now come the long letters and dreams of reuniting. How will it all end?

  104. Oh I’m soo sad that I missed out on all of the excitement of this wonderful tale of love’s new bloom…and yet, the way you have captured all of the emotions, the points of view from all who were a part (whether directly/indirectly) it feels like I was there each part of the way and was able to experience the rush of that “new love found” just as if it had happened right this instant.
    This was written and documented in so lovely a way that it could be published. Thank you for sharing this wonderful bunch of moments….

  105. Corey, Mattieu and Eva have brought joy to my heart these last few days. I admit that I am tearful as I write this, hoping for them that this is truly a beginning of a wonderful life ahead. You made me remember so much, so very much that we often forget as we deal with our day to day lives. Thank you for sharing and thank you to “the two” for allowing us to be voyeurs for the week-end.

  106. I just recently began reading your blog, and I’m hooked. Your own love story was amazing, and now this! Absolutely delightful!
    Best wishes to the lovebirds!

  107. Art Tea Life

    My mascara is running too. (sniff)
    Thank You DEAREST Gentle Writer !
    For You always know just How To Do It.
    Such Enchantment.
    Such Sweetness.
    And I do so enjoy watching YOU during your entries….As you watch softly and reflect, I feel I am sitting near with quiet eyes smiling behind my hand.
    Always a treat of the best kind here…but This ! Was heady indeed….
    – Thank You.

  108. Alexandra

    Great picture! They are so sweet together, as if they have always been together.. Good thing for the internet…much easier to keep in touch these days. I wish them all the best.

  109. Kara Garber

    Hmmmmmmmmmm……..Paramount might want this charming modern day matchmaking story to hit the big screen. Corey, who would you choose to be your character? Keeping my fingers crossed for M & E! The best to them!

  110. Awww new love. Long distance relationships suck but Oh they are worth it. I “dated” my Italian husband for 2 years across the ocean and we are happier now than then (6 yrs later).
    I wish they much luck and know exactly how it feels. Its so worth it but man do I still hate the airport =)

  111. Tamara Giselle

    I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as well as I read this report and saw that picture. Love is a powerful thing and given the right opportunity it can overcome anything, even distance!
    Corey adding matchmaker to your list of attributes just made your stock skyrocket off the charts.

  112. Christine

    That last picture made me stop breathing for a few seconds..
    “Eva”, if you’re reading this, you are one lucky girl there ๐Ÿ™‚
    Mattieu, if you’re reading this what are you doing here…go call Eva!
    Thanks Corey for one of the nicest blogs I’ve read ๐Ÿ™‚

  113. Pinkie Denise

    What an amazing weekend, unbelievable, my mom
    called me this morning and Rene’, they said they couldn’t stand and called to find out who
    this was, they even saw Alma Marie, everyone is reading and watching your Love Story unfold, everyone said they didn’t know, I think they are swarn to secret and will not tell, Darn! Love to you

  114. These people were meant to love each other! but “sans aucune doute” you were the magician that make it possible!
    Corey….you are amazing….and the way you tell things is magic as well. I guess you SHOULD write a book! so amazing and interesting your life! (I still go back and read when french husband asked you) You lucky wonderful people! (as myself ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    and tell us….now?….they will write letters and see each others on holidays for a while?
    I can’t wait to have the next chapter! ๐Ÿ™‚

  115. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Love is not easy but Love is a miracle and here it happened ….
    Let’s go on with love .
    I hate the “aurevoir”
    P.S : I can recognize french husband in his attitude …like the other day with asking for glass of wine …

  116. Cynthia G

    I have been plastered to my laptop these pass few days, post by post update by update.
    between post and update{biting my nails}
    I rented a film: “Paris, Je T’Aime”
    a must see…It’s.the box of chocolates…
    Vive L’Amour et La Matchmaker

  117. You graciously gave Eva and Matthieu a chance to find love, and in the tender and caring way that you shared moments of their discovery here with us we were touched by love, too.
    Sunday morning my car battery died and needed a jump start to get going again. Seven years ago my heart died, along with my marriage of 21 years. This weekend my heart got jump started; never underestimate the power of a beautifully told true-love story!
    A line from a movie that I love sums up my thoughts best. “It is a great thing to get on with one’s loving, and not to waste time.”
    And so I shall.

  118. This little storey has been just delicious. The appetizer course has made me crave even more. Can’t wait for the main course and then dessert!! I am so happy for them. Having had my own North American /French romance, I know a little of what they are about to experience, and they won’t be disappointed. Thank you so much for sharing.

  119. Simply put….I have goosebumps!

  120. Lori Witzel

    Not only can you tell a story…
    Not only can you show us the heart in light and shadow…
    You helped two people make each other smile, and your posts made me tear up with joy and wonder about the journeys these two will take.
    Wow. I do a deep Buddhist-style bow to you. I hope someone is bringing you well-deserved good chocolate.

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