"Is there anything better than that first kiss or first love? I don’t think so!" said Lynda on the comments to yesterdays post.
I don’t know about you , but the day after seems anti-climatic. Looking around the house I see the left-over symbols of the past weekend, and it helps knowing that you too are wondering about Mattieu and Eva. Have you ever noticed that the day after a big event, there is a need to re-hash the details? So of course I need to re-hash!!
Here are some of the questions you have asked me about the pure bliss weekend.
Where are Eva and Mattieu at this moment?
Mattieu is in the French Air Force in Northern France. He has a major test to take this morning, I hope his head is in the right place, and that this weekend won’t deter the outcome, but rather increase his chances of doing very well. Eva flew home last night on cloud nine.
Don’t they seem happy?
I can attest that they are! Last night as I drove Eva to the airport she said, "Corey, you know if Mattieu and I get married, then you will be my Aunt!"
I hadn’t thought of it like that and it made me laugh and laugh, an added bonus!
Did Eva come from the US? Just for a weekend? That amazes me, and I wonder if she didn’t have some jet lag to deal with!
Yes, Eva flew to France for a long weekend, arriving Friday and left yesterday. The excitement of meeting Mattieu kept the jet lag at bay. I was impress with her stamina. Then again it helped that she was bumped to "FIRST CLASS." Eva happened to be sitting by a Pilot, for the airlines, on the commuter flight of the first leg of her trip– he changed her seating on the next flight! Talk about having a lucky star above your head!
Well, since I am sworn to secrecy I cannot say where Eva lives…but I can say this, she lives on the Sunny side of North America.
Will Mattieu and Eva see one another soon?
They will see one another in March.
Will you keep us posted about their relationship as it unfolds?
Is the Pope Catholic?
(Someday you) will have to give us an idea what all transpired before Eva’s trip across the Atlantic – were photos exchanged, were phone calls made over the months, etc?
They were pen pals for a few months, some letters, and photos were exchanged. Eva wanted to speak French better, and Mattieu was hoping to improving his English. I think it is safe to say: "Mission Accomplished!"
How old is Eva? and Mattieu?
They are the same age, "thirty something," 32ish or there of…
You didn’t even go to the flea market??!?? Girl, you got it bad! You are in love…with love itself! (Cue girlish sigh!)
I know I have "it" bad! The only reasons I miss the flea market are ones that have me strapped and pinned down to the ground with ten elephants sitting on top of me.
Before Eva came this weekend she said she would love to go to the flea markets with me… yeah yeah that was a good one liner! She found the treasure she was looking for on Friday at my home and never ever gave the flea market another thought.
I tell you it was worth ten elephants sitting on top of me. Maybe that is why today I am so pooped out.
Does Mattieu speak English and does Eva speak French??? (So were Sacha and Chelsea around to witness you and French Husbands weekend of playing Cupid?)
They both speak a bit of both. So they fit right into the International Home of Pancakes. French Husband spoke French to Mattieu, I spoke English to both of them, Sacha spoke English to Eva and French to Mattieu, (Chelsea was out of town,) and they spoke the language of love to each other.
Their conversations still lingers around the kitchen table and I am lapping it up, over and over again.
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