The Day After


"Is there anything better than that first kiss or first love? I don’t think so!" said Lynda on the comments to yesterdays post.

I don’t know about you , but the day after seems anti-climatic. Looking around the house I see the left-over symbols of the past weekend, and it helps knowing that you too are wondering about Mattieu and Eva. Have you ever noticed that the day after a big event, there is a need to re-hash the details?  So of course I need to re-hash!!

Here are some of the questions you have asked me about the pure bliss weekend.

Where are Eva and Mattieu at this moment?

Mattieu is in the French Air Force in Northern France. He has a major test to take this morning, I hope his head is in the right place, and that this weekend won’t deter the outcome, but rather increase his chances of doing very well. Eva flew home last night on cloud nine.

Don’t they seem happy?

I can attest that they are! Last night as I drove Eva to the airport she said, "Corey, you know if Mattieu and I get married, then you will be my Aunt!"

I hadn’t thought of it like that and it made me laugh and laugh, an added bonus!


Did Eva come from the US? Just for a weekend? That amazes me, and I wonder if she didn’t have some jet lag to deal with!

Yes, Eva flew to France for a long weekend, arriving Friday and left yesterday. The excitement of meeting Mattieu kept the jet lag at bay. I was impress with her stamina. Then again it helped that she was bumped to "FIRST CLASS." Eva happened to be sitting by a Pilot, for the airlines, on the commuter flight of the first leg of her trip– he changed her seating on the next flight! Talk about having a lucky star above your head!

Well, since I am sworn to secrecy I cannot say where Eva lives…but I can say this, she lives on the Sunny side of North America.

Will Mattieu and Eva see one another soon?

They will see one another in March.

Will you keep us posted about their relationship as it unfolds?

Is the Pope Catholic?


(Someday you) will have to give us an idea what all transpired before Eva’s trip across the Atlantic – were photos exchanged, were phone calls made over the months, etc?

They were pen pals for a few months, some letters, and photos were exchanged. Eva wanted to speak French better, and Mattieu was hoping to improving his English. I think it is safe to say: "Mission Accomplished!"

How old is Eva? and Mattieu?

They are the same age, "thirty something," 32ish or there of…

You didn’t even go to the flea market??!?? Girl, you got it bad! You are in love…with love itself! (Cue girlish sigh!)

I know I have "it" bad! The only reasons I miss the flea market are ones that have me strapped and pinned down to the ground with ten elephants sitting on top of me.

Before Eva came this weekend she said she would love to go to the flea markets with me… yeah yeah that was a good one liner! She found the treasure she was looking for on Friday at my home and never ever gave the flea market another thought.

I tell you it was worth ten elephants sitting on top of me. Maybe that is why today I am so pooped out.


Do you feel it is a match made in Heaven?
I-Beam Heaven ๐Ÿ™‚

Does Mattieu speak English and does Eva speak French???  (So were Sacha and Chelsea around to witness you and French Husbands weekend of playing Cupid?)

They both speak a bit of both. So they fit right into the International Home of Pancakes. French Husband spoke French to Mattieu, I spoke English to both of them, Sacha spoke English to Eva and French to Mattieu, (Chelsea was out of town,) and they spoke the language of love to each other.

Their conversations still lingers around the kitchen table and I am lapping it up, over and over again.

Paramount might want this charming modern day matchmaking story to hit the big screen. Corey, who would you choose to be your character?
Hum.. I hadn’t thought of that one! Okay God here is your chance, someone without a double chin and who has long beautiful legs!
Many of you asked about the ring Eva had on her left hand?
When I first met Eva she had that ring on her left hand and I asked,
"Hey baby cake what is up with the ring on your left hand on, and on your wedding ring finger to boot?"
Eva told me that she is constantly taking her rings off and putting them on one hand to the other, or hooking them onto her necklace, or putting them in her pocket…let’s just say she is a fidgety type and those rings are constantly moving around.
The ring(s) are not wedding bands, but a gift from her family.
Though the singular question I was asked the most often sounded something like this:
Now is there an uncle…friend ….a neighbor, who might like to meet a southern gal?
…And from another reader, I have a couple nieces who are single…any other cute French nephews in the family…? And yet from a hundred others…What about me? Do you know another man? Can you make me a match?
Maybe. Yes I do know of a few other single men… Do you dance salsa?


81 responses to “The Day After”

  1. Oh thank you for another chapter of enchantment and joy and love and YOU
    I love you my darling friend.
    Love Jeanne

  2. Well, I’m waiting for March to arrive, is all I can say.

  3. wooohoooo, oh boy it just sounds like it all went so well…another meeting in March and everything! I’m so happy for them and you!

  4. You’ve created an unparalleled photo album! I wish I were just next door so I could dash over for tea and a weekend rehash.

  5. March isn’t that far away – unless you are young and in love and live miles apart.
    Looks like your arrow hit the mark Cupid!

  6. Alison Whittington

    Hooray, hooray!
    Honestly, I can’t think of anything more articulate to say than that. This whole thing just has me all grin-ny and giggly.

  7. You are something, that’s for sure. That is why I stop by every single day. (If you stop by, you’ll see what I mean).

  8. I say “Ditto” to all the wonderful comments, I don’t know what more to add, but,,,, Thank You Corey!

  9. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    *****I was hoping , you were going on with love story . We need it so much in this world ..Don’t stop writing “loving” post.****
    You know you have to find one for a friend of mine ..
    I think you forgot one , Corey
    Do you want to go to Istanbul …?

  10. Dee/reddirtramblings

    I have so enjoyed your true to life story. I hope they continue in their relationship and find much happiness.

  11. Miss Sandy

    “SIGH!” That’s all I have to say!

  12. You have managed to leave us all breathless…and wanting more!

  13. Totally bewitching!! What a fantastic weekend – you had me hooked. Thanks for sharing. Deb x

  14. I am delighted that this went so well for all concerned. Mathieu looks so happy, and that is hard to fake..!
    I can’t see Eva so well, but her body language says it all.
    Well done Corey..!

  15. Ahhh… I wondered what you would post today and that was perfect! So nice to have some of the details. I look forward to the next chapter of their meeting in March. Is Mattieu going to America this time?

  16. rochambeau

    A happy ending to a wonderful beginning!
    Somehow I think you and Eva will find a way to hit the Flea’s together (another time). ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. I’m just so happy this is a true tale of love – that you didn’t tweak it at the end so that we were surprised and felt cheated. You know how you can tease us Corey – all those guessing games and such!!!
    Lovely story – Eva will be trolling the brocantes with you in no time I’m sure – then we get more wonderful photos and the love story continues. Merci.

  18. Terri Pollhein

    I’ll probably smile the rest of the morning over this story. Isn’t it wonderful how romance makes even those not actually in it so happy???
    Thanks for sharing this sweet story
    God bless.

  19. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    When I was single, I became fed up with being hit on my the wrong guys (hassled) so I bought a big, FAKE solitaire diamond and wore when I was at work. It worked!
    For some reason, some people think a single gal is an easy (sexual) target just because she is single.

  20. I am so glad you felt the need to rehash today. I was going to be very let down if you hadn’t. Thanks for answering so many questions. I’m sure the two of them are amazed that anyone would care much less so many meddling women in cyberspace! So fun!! Don’t hold back, Corey, let it flow!

  21. corey…i dance salsa, hollandaise, bรฉchamel, bรฉarnaise, remoulade…on the table top…by the sea…okay, yes any way i can…is there a nice latin lover for me…hugs, rebecca

  22. Corey, I do dance salsa!

  23. Pam Aries

    This has been such a trip! I enjoyed the journey and can’t wait to hear more! wheeee! love is in the is everywhere… France .young love …romance…what else is there in the world!!!!!

  24. gosh ! this is pure love story ! m’am !!!!

  25. Ellen Cassilly

    Great job Cupid gal. In what country will they be meeting? What did Sasha think of all of this?

  26. Hello Corey,
    This is a true Modern Day Fairy Tale!!!!!!
    It has been so much fun keeping up with the two “love birds.” I rushed in every few hours to see what was happening. For someone who has been married for 36 years this was true bliss and took me back through so many memories. Corey, you do know how to weave a tale and it was like reading a novel you couldn’t put down. Thanks for a unique and inspiring love story. Laurie

  27. yep. Hooked. I am completely hooked.

  28. Mari-Nanci

    -happy sigh- I know it must be very hard for you Corey, to sit around and let it all soak in. You are such a live wire! But…
    I think it sounds nice to do that.
    Sit at the tables and in the rooms, where the weekend was shared. And remember……… Who knows what tid-bits you might find floating on the air?
    Ones which hadn’t really registered, at the time? And if you don’t sit and wait, they might not come back to you…
    And none of us would want that to happen. ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. melissa @ the inspired room


  30. I don’t dance salsa, but have always wanted to learn!

  31. Apt.A {berriehead}

    Eva & Mattieu Sittin in a tree
    First comes Love– Then comes marriage–First comes Love– Then comes marriage–
    What a gift you gave them! I look forward to hearing what happens next:) xoxoxox

  32. Corey,
    Thanks for answering all of the questions. That is great that they are going to see each other in March. It isn’t that far away!

  33. Corey, you do all things well, and wrap all that you say and do in love. I have it on Bible authority that love never fails! Thank you for sharing this blissful weekend of love.

  34. Corey, you do all things well, and wrap all that you say and do in love. I have it on Bible authority that love never fails! Thank you for sharing this blissful weekend of love.

  35. Dearest Corey, This has been the loveliest journey to share with so many. I don’t feel at all like a voyeur, but, truly part of a great cheering section. If this were a movie I would vote for Meryl Streep to play your role. She is elegant and beautiful in a unique way. She would be the perfect YOU.

  36. What a fairtale to live through! Oh poor Belle-mere may have another American to deal with at least Eva will have someone to help her and even Belle-mere will be a little more understanding having one already in the family! lol Hopefull after you get some rest you will be able to return to the flea markets! A heavy sigh waiting for next time the story gets updated in your wonderful blog why!!!

  37. Hee…the picture of FH. He needs some coffee after a whirlwind weekend, huh?!
    My daughter laughed at the last question. “Darn…” she said. “I’d rather fling myself off a cliff than dance.”
    I don’t know where she gets her dramatic nature from. LOL

  38. Mary Kate

    Oh — my sister dances salsa, and she is a lovely, talented, 30ish, single California girl! You will have so much fun making more matches!

  39. So Corey when is the book released?
    ‘Eva’ is a wise woman,I would gladly fly half way around the world to spend a weekend with you and your gorgeous family. You are a blessing. xxx

  40. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    WOW! I can’t wait for the next installment in March. This has been a beautiful story to watch or should I say read. I have a really good feeling about this relationship.
    Hugs! Nancy

  41. Hi Corey,
    Thanks for asnwering all of our burning questions. Your writing is amazing. I would read anything you wrote. You have a wonderful skill. For matchmaking as well!!!
    You must be so happy with the outcome.
    It would make a lovely romantic movie.
    Maybe you should write a screenplay.
    Have a wonderful day in France. (I love saying that)
    I am going to get there very soon.

  42. This has been a wonderful story! I’m sitting entranced!
    (Mary just asked a question, and I had to hush her so I could continue reading…how bad is that?)
    As long as others are asking…can I put in a request for two sweet but fun loving teen girls? English speaking would be great…but I can start the boys on French lessons also!
    I can’t wait until March!

  43. Toni Mason

    I think Angelica Huston is right for your part!! Great Story, had to read it everyday!! I have a single 29ish daughter!

  44. This story made me smile all weekend! Written about beautifully and every girl’s (single or otherwise) fairytale being played out in front of us!! Thank you for sharing it all with us and to Mattieu and Eva for letting you!! Can’t wait till March!
    Salsa – hmm – not sure you could call it that but I can shake my ass with the best of them!!

  45. I just love a “Happy Ever After” story… I will wait with baited breath for the next chapter in this “Boy Meets Girl” fairy tale…and to think you orchestrated it!!
    You are a true match-maker

  46. ~jolenemarie

    Hmmmm….I can’t DANCE Salsa….but I can make salsa…would that be a plus? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  47. oh Corey!!! What a beautiful beginning to Love!!! This story has had my bestest friend and I swooning!! It inspired me to make a Petit French Fairy…a first for me!! (how do you say/spell fairy in French?)she is holding a bottle of French Parfum and the “secret Ingredients” are listed…”romance..hugs…kisses..and chocolate”….she sprays unsuspecting people with this magical potion and they are suddenly finding that they are “LoveStruck”…..just like all your readers!!! Thank You!!!!

  48. oops……I forgot to say, that I named my fairy “Marcella”………..maybe I should make a boy…hmmmmmmm

  49. oops……I forgot to say, that I named my fairy “Marcella”………..maybe I should make a boy…hmmmmmmm

  50. Corey you filled my weekend with hope and wonderment. What a wonderful ‘love’ story, they look so happy and totally in love. I can’t wait for the next installment.

  51. This was a wonderful peek into a love story ! This is what one wants to live over and over again in movies. Watching into someones eyes and know that he knows…the beginning of love!
    Hope it works out well if they want it to!

  52. Since everyone’s talking matchmaking and putting offers on the table…
    Dear Corey, just keep my daughter on the back burner for Sacha!!! When my daughter grows old enough to date (if my hubby ever lets her, that is) there would be a minor age difference between them (same as my parents’ age difference)! heehee Plus her heritage IS French, after all! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  53. Wow! Love is a home run. It seems to have left quite an effect. You are blessed to have the lingering aura of love floating around your home. Thanks for sharing this love inspiring story, I walked around with a secret smile all weekend just thinking about what would happen next. It seems like a match made in heaven, or maybe France?

  54. Greetings Corey!
    I have been following this lovely story every day. It is so exciting! (I’m not sure who’s more excited though…you or the “Love struck” new couple! LOL!)I hope this story continues on and on…the world needs more Romance in it, don’t you think? ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. DO you have someone for me around say 50ish? What a truly wonderful story…cannot wait to see what happens…

  56. Miz Booshay

    This has been the most amazing love story, Corey. It should be a book or a movie.
    It really should!
    I have never seen or read anything like this!
    It’s unique and utterly lovely!!!
    Typically Corey!!!

  57. Oh, Corey –
    I loved, loved, LOVED watching (reading) this fantasy unfold!! It’s SO romantic – so French!! I’ve personally always had this feeling that I’d eventually marry a Frenchman and end up moving to France one day… (A girl can only dream!! ;)..) Thank you for letting me live vicariously through this story of Eva & Mattieu! ๐Ÿ™‚

  58. Dear Corey, This has been such an interesting love story ~ and I’ll be back for more!
    However, I came to your blog tonight to tell you I LOVE the article in Victoria! Thank you for sharing your lovely home with the rest of the world.
    God Bless,

  59. Beautiful!

  60. Wonderful!! I can see you beaming all the way over here in Canada! ๐Ÿ™‚ ~ Lynda xo

  61. my goodness, Corey. Such a charming story!

  62. My husband & I were penpals for a year and a half…exchanging LOTS of letters, packages, and tons of phone calls. I decided Christmas ’95 for my 21st birthday that I wanted to meet him and to spend two weeks with him. I flew out from Boston to Los Angeles on Christmas Day. 8 hours later he asked me to marry him (totally unexpected). A week later we were married (on New Years Eve). I didn’t use the other half of the plane ticket back to Boston. A year and a month after our wedding, our son was born.

  63. Islandsparrow

    I’m so glad the Pope is Catholic!
    Looking forward to the next chapter
    And yes – this should be a movie – or a book.

  64. Corey, this has been a wonderful look into love…
    Mattieu and Eva, Thank you for sharing your love story…
    ((HUGS)) to all!!!

  65. I never noticed her ring but it fascinates me. So strange that a woman wears a ring on the left finger when she is not married and yet she swaps it around ………… Mmmmm.

  66. Tamara Giselle

    A ring is just a ring,
    but true love,
    that is another thing.
    Husband and I are 32 yrs into our love affair that will never end. The rings reside in a ring dish most of the time, but the love, well it remains smack dab in the middle of our hearts, clasped hands and pressed lips, and most of the time joined at the hip. Little matters when you are truly in love.

  67. For Love of Home

    So…When Sacha gets older will it be this easy for you to play matchmaker? I know as a mother of a son, (also Corey) I feel I should be able to have some say.

  68. Alexandra

    In their 30’s!!! They look great, so young. I would have guessed around 25. I love that top picture of the two, so sweet. He is looking very happy.

  69. Corey, I’ve loved reading all about your meeting your handsome husband and now reading about your matchmaking between Eva and Matthieu. I am so happy that their meeting went so well and am anxiously waiting to read the next episode. Thank you for sharing.

  70. Shelley Noble

    See, it your skill and genuine enjoyment of this caper that’s made it so PERFECT! You knocked it outta da park on this one! Well done, Agent C.
    That could be cute, Viva l’AngenC; L’amour, Inc. ?
    You’ll work out the details…
    The thing that makes this story sing even more than the pure romance of it is the role the magical internet played in it, doncha think?

  71. Eclat in Paris

    Corey, thank you for this. It was nice to wake up to such a beautiful story to keep my spirits up. And thanks for answering the question of whether letters, etc. were exchanged in advance! Ha, my French boyfriend will now be satiated…he’s been hovering about asking me, “well, what happened??” :0)

  72. Caffienated Cowgirl

    I have been thoroughly enjoying your matchmaking posts…and I am cheering for love! What a great story…reminiscent of my own love story with my husband. As I often say, some things are just meant to be ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Thanks so much for answering my nosey noodle questions Corey – it’s a little bit of an odd feeling, seeing one’s words in bold red italics but fun! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Hoping that March is everything that Eva and Mattieu wish and dream it will be.

  74. You’ve definitely found yourself yet another calling, Corey. An American Matchmaker in the South of France…sounds like a bestseller to me! Really! I’m not joking, Corey! ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS – I’m going to highly suggest salsa dancing lessons to my two nieces when I see them in February. ๐Ÿ™‚

  75. Deryn Mentock

    Ah, Corey! What a hopeless romantic you are! Thank you for the lovely, love story.

  76. cruststation

    I am so excited to hear how this story unfolds, it’s better than any soap opera ever made. Keep us posted you darling one ๐Ÿ™‚

  77. Quelle belle histoire! L’amour n’a pas de frontieres.

  78. darn corey, you had me crying! ๐Ÿ˜›
    thanks for sharing this story with all of us hungry hearts. tell them both good luck!

  79. “I-Beam Heaven”
    My favorite part. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Surely this blog post is headed for the screen… ๐Ÿ™‚ Fabulous!

  80. Thanks for the update — great photos. And she still looks exactly like me, which is “trop bizarre,” as my daughters would say…

  81. Boxwoodcottage

    It was a dark and rainy, boring Winter afternoon here in the office today Corey until I used the time that no one was around to finally read your blogs about Eva and Mattieu’s wonderful love story *sigh* I had tears in my eyes while reading it. So happy and romantic! Well done! You and Lily are fabulous match makers! I hear this song in my head while writing this:
    Make someone happy,
    Make just one someone happy,
    And you will be happy, too.
    Big hugs to you!
    Carol xox
    P.S.: Bestseller indeed!!!!

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