The Heart and Soul


Where your heart sings is where your feet will dance. Is it that simple? I know as well as you, that often that which causes us to dig deep and give from the core of our being puts us more in touch with raw beauty, the ache, the need, the desire to give from the depths of our very being. Yes it is that simple, but diving in and doing it is another thing.


The empty chair is waiting for someone to come and sit down, to reveal themselves, to share their story. The empty chair waits. Have you shared the secrets of your heart with yourself?  I wonder if the cracks in my heart don’t grow the sweetest flowers? I wonder what life would be like if I didn’t know love? I wonder why anyone would be afraid to share the secrets of who they are? All of us have flaws, are thread-barren in parts and torn, is it not the beauty of the soul?


Heavy linen, with hand-stitched flowers, one thread at a time, pierced through, pull down, and repeat over and over….

Years later I put the heavy linen sheet, with hand-stitched flowers, on my bed. As I  press it smooth with my hand, I trust that the soul who created this beauty had joy in her life. That she too slept with someone she loved under this sheet.


At the end of the day, time reflects what we have done, who we are becoming.

I hope to have the courage and grace to be who I am and allow others to do the same.

photos: Things around my house that use to belong to someone, and then ended up at the brocante fair, and then followed me home.


52 responses to “The Heart and Soul”

  1. Corey,
    File under; “the world according to rel.”
    Get out of bed, on the left side, every morning with a smile on your face and you will become the smile. 😉

  2. Julie Ann

    The way you change the tempo is amazing Corey, every day is a surprise and provokes a different response, always from the heart. Looking with fresh eyes at some of your special treasures no doubt helped you through the cleaning effort yesterday ! Jx

  3. Lovely and sweet blessings to you my precious friend.
    I love you

  4. Corey , I think you have the courage and grace not to allow the others to be what they are but you allow us and help us to be better .
    Sometimes it is hard to share our soul, our heart and even our love but you help us (me) to do it …

  5. My Melange

    Lovely treaures, lovely linens…and lovely thoughts 🙂

  6. Such beautiful words, sweet Corey, embellished with your gorgeous photographs, your blog is a blessing to so many…xxoo, Dawn

  7. somepinkflowers

    if this is true:
    **Where your heart sings
    is where your feet will dance**
    i will be coming over to your house.
    i know that sounds *lame*
    every time i drop in over here
    i smile and my heart lifts
    a bit.
    [[specially when reading
    the ~~love birds’ saga~~oh, my… ]]
    if i was hanging out
    at the brocante fair
    i would want you to take me home, too…

  8. I’d love to sit in that chair and hear your story as well as share my own. We would laugh. We would cry. It would be absolutely wonderful. I used to hide my story. I was petrified someone would find out all my secrets. Then one day I told one person and it opened up my whole world. Now I live in freedom and it is glorious!!

  9. So beautiful. I read it all, paused and then *SIGHED*
    Lovely start to the morning.

  10. I’m not sure why anyone would want a brand new home filled with brand new things.
    Old homes and old things are so full of character and stories and beauty and history.
    Love your pictures!

  11. Your post is beautifully written with just a whisper of pathos and mystery! I assume you were able to focus on these lovely things and thoughts as you tidied up from the past weekend’s romantic interlude?
    Very much enjoyed all you shared!

  12. Dear Corey, poetry is breathing across your words…
    Somewhat, a simple, day-to-day line caught my attention and my heart: “That she too slept with someone she loved under this sheet.” Almost a mundane act, done by thousands of persons, millions of inlove hearts throughout the centuries, and even so, such a beautiful act, and such a beautiful way to say it, Corey.
    Me too, “I hope to have the courage and grace to be who I am and allow others to do the same”.

  13. So beautiful Corey. Thank you for such inspiring words.

  14. Blessings back to you today…as you bless us with your words and beautiful pictures!

  15. As I look around my house I see many things that belonged to someone else at one time.
    Many of the items belonged to my Husband’s parents and many of those items were handed down through generations.
    There are things that belonged to my Grandmother. I have antiques from Sweden, Norway and Denmark that somehow made their way to the US…some are small, some are large case pieces…they no doubt came by boat or ship.
    I often wonder about the women who took care of these items…the women who polished the furniture and the silver and brass items. The women who washed and ironed the linens.
    What stories do they have to tell…how did their items leave the family and come into my hands.
    I also think about what will become of my treasured and loved belongings old and new…will they fall into good and caring hands.
    *laugh* Corey, I think I wrote a whole post here…you have a way of getting one to talk. *smile*

  16. Your early morning thoughts, so beautifully expressed, brightened up the sunless dawn and made the much needed rain less sad. You made me think of my mother, her embroidered pieces I have and love so much. You inspire me to do a post on her handwork later.
    …….and the blue chair, love it so much. Will I find one when I come to the brocantes in Autumn!!!!? How will I get it in my suitcase?
    Thanks Corey for making the old thrill me so.

  17. Beautiful words, Corey. More beautiful than the finest embroidered antique linens! It’s no wonder such beauty follows you home from the brocantes!

  18. Mari-Nanci

    Not only are your photographs and words, food for the soul… I also find more wonderful blogs, via your links. 🙂

  19. Corey— don’t despair too long you have the vitality and compassion to carry on- and now
    that you have shown a corner of your kitchen-I will wash-and you take more pics of it!!! Victoria must return and include this vibrant
    room … love the red tiles…k.

  20. Beautifully said Corey. You have such a gift for words. Grandma’s lace crochet tablecloth is on the dining table. She spent many hours making lots of beautiful handcrafts which her family still has and treasures. I remember this little tiny old lady with “windex blue” eyes, who died at 98 years-over 25 years ago. She gave tremendous hugs, was extraordinarily humble and loved practical jokes. Did she realize when she made things how much her family would be reminded of her after she was gone?

  21. HOPE? You aleady have it!
    ***dreamy photos…

  22. Alisa Logue

    Wow, Corey. That’s all I can say at the end of your posts. Speechless. How do you never fail to find the words etched on the heart? Love it! -Alisa

  23. JanePoe (aka Deborah)

    I love this post…it speaks so beautifully to honouring the humanity within us & following the path of the spirit. Peace & love, JP/deb

  24. Di Overton

    I am sure Corey that if you set up your own Brocante it would be the biggest and the best in France. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos.
    Constance (Rochambeau) has kindly posted me a Victoria Magazine – can’t wait to see it.

  25. >I hope to have the courage and grace to be who I am and allow others to do the same.< Dearest Corey, As I read Hardon's Treasury of Catholic Wisdom, this is the thought that has been rising in my mind and in my heart. Bless you, Annie

  26. I think just this year has seen me fall into who I am…or at least be more comfortable with myself. I’m still learning. Coffee, chocolate, and anti anxiety meds help. ;-P

  27. what a beautiful post – am very glad I found this blog. Those seem like very wise words to me (and I am in constant need of wise words!)

  28. naturegirl

    Beautiful words to ponder as we walk about and
    allow our passions to guide us.Lovely images to wake up to! hugs NG

  29. Corey,
    You always have the most beautiful, and wise words, as well as the most beautiful things.
    Have a lovely day!

  30. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Hi Corey!
    This is an amazing blog post. I know what I’m doing tonight…cuddling up with my love and watching Persuasion!
    You are so right. Why do we hide and from what? When I read this I want to float about the room and be free, free from all the negativity in the world and just be what I was meant to be. I’ve been taking steps to get there. This just helps to keep me on course.
    Hugs Nancy

  31. Corey,
    such lovely words. You are a blessings and I so enjoy that you share with us. You speak from the heart and that is wonderful. You always make me think.
    blessings on your day

  32. Beautiful words, Corey. It’s nice that these beautiful things follow you home where they know they will be treasured. ~ Lynda xo


    You caught Jane Austen in Bath!
    I smiled as I still think this
    romance this past weekend is a modern
    Austen novel! Such lovely photos.
    As beautiful as the light snow
    we have here in the South. John
    Keats wrote:
    ‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.’
    ( Ode to a Grecian Urn) ….that’s what your blog is!

  34. Oh that chair is so handsome. Love the icy blue fabric. I like the image of all those pretty things following you home from the fair. What a happy parade you’d have made.

  35. AmandaMay

    Such a beautiful post.

  36. “I wonder if the cracks in my heart don’t grow the sweetest flowers?”
    Beautiful, poetic and profound as always Corey… love dropping by an being inspired by your thoughts and gracious words. Nel

  37. As ALWAYS Corey, you inspire…I love all the wonderful pieces you have collected.

  38. sandra Evertson

    Mmmm, lovely post!
    Sandra Evertson

  39. Pinkie Denise

    Corey, such beautiful pictures and linens, yet
    more beautiful are the words…….Thank you
    Pinkie Denise

  40. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Oh to be so gifted with words and camera! You speak to my heart with your words and pictures. Thank you Corey for sharing yourself with “us”.

  41. Penny @ Lavender Hill Studio

    A lovely inspiring post. And those items you picked up and now own? Priceless…..

  42. Gillian @ Indigo Blue

    …and oh! if those sheets could whisper their secrets. I think anyone with sheets like that must have known love.

  43. blueVicar

    Oh, if all those lovely things from the past could talk, could tell their stories…wouldn’t we be lucky? But our imaginations take us to some interesting possibilities, alternatives that might be true or…
    We’ll just have to keep their stories alive as they continue to find use and love in our homes.
    And you, dear Corey, are a professional keeper of the past and maker of the future. What a blessing you are!
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  44. Your blog is really a gift I give to myself each time I come over…I take the time to sit and drink in the honesty and introspection you so courageously share and breath out a huge sigh… and then I smile, thankful to you that you share the gift, the real GIFT of who you are with each word and photo of each post.

  45. She must’ve had love to create something so beautiful – it’s as if it was created purely for love.
    I wonder though, did the love last… Was it eternal…

  46. Elaine L.

    Oh my, such wonderful responses to your post.
    ITA with everything that has been said.

  47. Karen Cole

    I’m speechless… usual when I visit you and a zillion others have already said things that I have been thinking.
    OK… much for the clock and/or the mirror????? 🙂

  48. Square-Peg Karen

    “Have you shared the secrets of your heart with yourself?” WITH YOURSELF – oh, i love that! That’s where it starts, doesn’t it? Then (with courage) outward.
    You asked (rhetorically, I’m sure – lol): “I wonder why anyone would be afraid to share the secrets of who they are?”
    For me – for years – it was due to fear that I was the only one who was thread-barren in parts and torn” (as you so beautifully put it). And it’s thanks to phenomenal writers like yourself that i learned the truth.
    Corey, you wrote: “I hope to have the courage and grace to be who I am and allow others to do the same.”
    You definitely seem to have that courage and grace in spades and rather than just allowing other to do the same, you seem to bloomin’ ENCOURAGE them! thank you!!

  49. such beauty, always.
    you are inspirational.

  50. Toni Brown

    I had some surgery the day of this blog entry … when I got to it just now, I saw the blue chair and read your text about revealing our secret selves, and I started to bawl. (The percoset still in my system helped!) Sometimes you so perfectly touch on the softest core of me, the ‘sweet spot’ … the blue chair, so feminine, so inviting, that did it. Gosh do I ever appreciate it! Sometimes it all gets so armored-over, trying to navigate daily life. You hit the release switch every time.

  51. Corey – I love your blog! Your photography is so beautiful and inspiring and I love your antiques! Marva

  52. I could sit in that chair (removing the gorgeous bag first so I don’t crush it) and open my heart to you. You invite that with the depth and warmth of your tone.

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