Falling or Flying it is the same when it comes to LOVE


"How do you know when it is love? I mean how do you know when the one in front of you is the one? You know, how do you know the feeling you have is real? How do you know?"

I sat down, held the phone in the space between my neck and shoulder, and poured myself some hot chocolate. As the hot chocolate slipped down my throat, as the words spoken passed by my heart, as the two mixed into my stomach, I felt tears roll down my cheek, and said, "Love is like that you abandon your reason and fall in the space in between."

Falling in love. The mysterious, curious, wonderfully scary place.

I put my cup down, and felt warm inside.

Photo: Clean kitchen, food for the soul, hand on heart and a sense that everything has found its place.


51 responses to “Falling or Flying it is the same when it comes to LOVE”

  1. Corey, I think you nailed it…hot chocolate sounds good right now, too. ((hugs))

  2. “Love is like that you abandon your reason ..”
    Oh well said!
    Who needs logic when you have love. Love seems to be the most illogical thing of all, doesn’t follow a single rule…. It doesn’t give a hoot about age, or distance, it cares not for time zones and jobs. You can’t reason with it at all. Thank goodness!
    On another note that’s the tallest bell jar thingy I ever saw, do you actually lift it up to get things out? It’s marvelous!!!

  3. Lovely post! And btw. I love the way you have displayed your cups in that cloche as well!

  4. Love sweet love may we all be blessed with it always.
    I love you dearly.
    I love all that you post.
    Your kitchen looks lovely!
    I love your words they leave me enchanted always.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  5. oh corey…what a lovely way to start the day!!!! makes me really think…and there is snow outside and it is cold but your words mixed with my thoughts….make me think: it is all (life is) very beautiful!
    thanks sweetie….
    wink nancy!

  6. Alison Whittington

    You just know. Inexplicable.
    Sometimes the other person actually glows and you know there’s something magic happening.

  7. I think love is about how you feel when you are with a person, but even more about how you would feel without them..

  8. Toni Brown

    Last night I made a simple journal page about my Double BB, using the tickets from his dry cleaning (he is a GQ, Starched-Shirt, Pressed Jeans wearing guy), and just seeing his name on the tickets, I was lost. Falling in love moments, after 21+ married years, 1+ year before that dating/courting, how lucky am I? … I love the cloche over your dishes, but they were truly lovely spread over that red tile. They spoke of love, of people-before-clean-up, of the magical touch of a grand hostess.

  9. Love, hearts, chocolate………I feel we must be getting close to St. Valentine’s Day! Do they celebrate this day en France – can’t remember?
    I too have never seen a cloche THAT tall – if glass, it must be heavy! What a great idea – though I suspect you never have dust in your kitchen Corey! I was perusing the Victoria pics again last night – they are so lovely, especially the spaciousness of your kitchen and the piece used for the center island.
    A hot chocolate day here – very chilly. I have a granddaughter for the day, so the special love for her will be shared with a steaming mug and many hugs!

  10. Perfect description of love. I fell in love 25 years ago, the instant I met J and he fell in love with me. It was kismet! Amazing and the 2nd time around for each of us! Still in love all these years later, in our 60’s!
    I love the dome over the stacked dishes! Perfection!

  11. Love is that…je ne sais quoi …
    Corey I love the way you display your dishes….I just might steal this idea…I also love the pot de creme cups…my Mother gave me one very similar to yours, for Christmas.

  12. I have been one of your lurkers. I’ve been hanging on every word in this recent adventure in possibility of love. Whew.

  13. True love! I experienced it at 19, then became SCARED like a deer in headlights! So I dumped my young man, only to find him again and marry him 8 years later! So it really was love at first sight, though I was too naive to admit it!
    PS – I LOVE the dome over your dishes! I’ll bet hubby will want to borrow this idea for our tabletop shop!

  14. I experience “falling in love all over again” with regularity…it keeps love enduring.
    Oh gosh…I love the dome.

  15. Coreyโ€ฆyour beauty and warmth radiates so brightly from your heart in every word you type and every picture you post. Blessings on you today!

  16. Hi Corey,
    It’s one of those things we just know.
    Little tiny signs everyday.
    Love your clean kitchen.

  17. *sigh*
    Love, clean dishes, cloche…

  18. what a wonderful description of love… one would say that you must be in love yourself to understand the feeling so thoroughly…
    it is truly a sense that everything has found its place!!
    great post as usual!!

  19. Today is the 4th anniversary of Richard’s first phone call to ask me out on a date. I’m remembering that feeling of falling into new love. It was so right from the beginning.

  20. Di Overton

    Never mind all this love talk have you got that house work done yet? ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. shirleymcc

    beautifully stated, as always!
    Thank you for sharing the matchmaker adventure with us.

  22. Wishing the same “aha” well into your 50s and always.

  23. The abandonment of reason. Like this very much. It touched a nerve with me. Your clean kitchen is a beautiful visual of the on-going purity of sacrificial love.

  24. Love for me is more than a feeling… it’s a knowing that without this person in your life, something deep inside is truly missing. Beautiful post as alwways, Nel x

  25. Corey, as always your words and photo’s are so touching. Sweet love and hot cocoa what could be nicer. And, on top of that clean dishes! So eloquent! PS..thank you for your touching words regarding my post on finding my niche. Your words touch my heart!

  26. Islandsparrow

    Your post reminds me of this quote
    The heart has reasons which reason cannot understand.”
    Blaise Pascal

  27. dee/reddirtramblings

    Ain’t that the truth? Now, staying in love, that’s another thing entirely, isn’t it?

  28. ~jolenemarie

    I can’t help but wonder who was on the other end of the phone line!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  29. And a bell jar to keep it all.

  30. how beautifully expressed… still love visiting you here

  31. falling in love with so many things, people , countries, landscapes, views, colors, flowers, animals, art, music, books, objects, plans, dreams ….
    never boring, always exciting!
    but the art is to find the right one and unfortunately there are not that many artist in the world!

  32. I came across your blog at the right moment. This conversation mirrors exactly what I am experiencing at the moment. Asking the same questions, curious about this mysterious and utterly scary place I find myself in, but at the same time wanting to dive right in. Thanks for the post!
    Oh, and I love your little dish shot. ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. Mari-Nanci

    I _love_ your kitchen!

  34. Bonnie Buckingham

    You seem to becoming a common name in my
    days…I bought Somerset LIFE today because you and Pam Garrison are in it. The last issue
    was absolutely gorgeous.

  35. Perfectly said, Corey.
    PS – I was eyeing your plates under the glass in one of your previous photographs. I really like your eye for decor. ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. rochambeau

    A person will do anything for love. They will do what ever it takes to make it work. Even move. Including to a foreign country. I just noticed how I kept using the word WILL. When there’s a will, there is a way!

  37. I don’t know how, but I just knew. Then I had to wait almost 13 years for him to know, too. It was quite a journey, but ultimately so worth it.

  38. miz Booshay

    Hi Corey,
    I bought the Victoria magazine today because you, my friend, are featured. And what a fabulous article!
    I’m just tickled for you and blessed to have come over here because you were being funny at Ree’s. ( I remember just what it was…you pretended to be James Garner :o)
    Your house looks fantastic in the article. I can’t believe what an excellent job they did! You have a wonderful eye and a gift.

  39. the farmers wife

    People will walk through broken glass for love. I wonder where the tipping point is? You move along the path of love, forward…forward and there’s a tipping point where you go over…and are ‘gone in love’.

  40. Elaine L.

    I think it’s different for everyone. Sometimes it hits with a big Kaboom and for others it is a subtle realization.
    The difficult thing in the early stages of the Romance is mistaking Infatuation for Love.

  41. I don’t think you can ever KNOW really. Sometimes you just have to jump off the edge and fly. And, then afterwards there are good days and bad.

  42. Coming from my studio I asked my Southern Gentleman if he was hungry,,so I made him a sandwich. He didn’t know I was watching him as he looked at his bread and was turning it to catch the light,,,and I also caught the light,,,there was glitter on it! Then he smiled quietly and took another bite. Then I smiled. Love is soft, and quiet, and comfortable.

  43. heather kathleen

    your description? makes me hope that someday, i fall into that space again.

  44. Tamara Giselle

    The beginnings of love and matured love feel quite different from each other, but are equally delightful.
    “True” deep love comes after enduring the mundain, overcoming dissapointment and trials, and the bonds of time. Having only blissful times is not a requirement for a long lasting love. Love that overcomes is a strong and lasting love and the glue that bonds willing hearts.
    Those beginning feelings of love come on strong without much effort, but finding deeper love requires more of one’s self. I think this is of God’s design.

  45. Tamara Giselle

    I heart your tile! It is the same color as my kitchen walls. Very lovely vignette!

  46. Love is not logical – that’s its beauty!
    Corey – I love your belljar and would love to know its history/purpose. I have often heard the word but have never really known what one was. I thought they held stuffed animals (when that was popular)or floral arrangements.
    Oh, and happy, happy birthday!

  47. How do you know? Ah…I can only speak for myself. I know; it’s a deep gut feeling. I can’t explain it, I just know. I also “know” when it isn’t real love. But that I had to learn through experience to listen to my intuition. In every facet of life.
    I’ve been looking for a glass dome like yours. None to be found around here. Bof!

  48. I love this post. Beautiful.
    I only hope I get the chance to fall or fly again.

  49. Aw, that’s beautiful. Just beautiful. And true!

  50. cruststation

    So beautiful (everything falling into place)…love that quote, I imagine floating on a cushion of water surrounded by love. ps. the bell jar is a fabulous way to keep crockery.

  51. I love your blog, I love the tone & words, and I love the pictures. They all have that subtelty, that softness, … And I love the way you can spot the French side of things which I can’t see, being too French for that. And being far away from France now, it all sounds kind of special to me.

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