What would you like for your Birthday?


"What would you like for your fiftieth birthday?" French Husband asked me.

"Outside curtains like the ones we saw in Venice. "

He said, "Would you like the windows too?"

"Sure why not, and by the way can you throw in the house that went with it?"

Grinning slightly, hoping I was teasing he added, "Why not the moon and the stars?"

"I’m trying to keep it simple, okay?"

Between you and me… he is aiming too high don’t you think? Then again if I’m not careful I’ll probably get 50 yards of off-white cotton and a sewing machine.

photo: When French Husband and I were in Venice for our anniversary I saw these amazing exterior curtains. Can you image being behind such curtains? Oh la la………..


62 responses to “What would you like for your Birthday?”

  1. Britt-Arnhild

    Or a better idea – a party in Venezia ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Paris Parfait

    Well 50th birthdays deserve very special presents!

  3. these venetian blinds and renaissance windows look truly stunning but corey… how to clean them??
    but then again turning 50 is a milestone.
    i’m sure your fantasy will take you there!

  4. wow~ 50 years old, how nice, Happy birthday, and remember:
    ‘life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away”….and I see that you have had many many moments like that…
    Enjoy your 50’s ..

  5. reach for the stars… it’s not every day you get to celebrate such a wonderful moment.

  6. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    “les stores vรฉnitiens ” so romantic …
    And Britt is right ! Why not a prty in Venezia ?
    Well 50th birthday deserves a very nice present ..may be I have a clue …

  7. I like your kind of simple. xxx

  8. Passementerie

    Better yet – how about getting him to take you to Carnevale this year – http://www.carnivalofvenice.com/area.asp?id=4

  9. Miss Maddie’s

    What ever he chooses to present to you I’m sure you will adore it! Remember the camera.
    And if he can not find anything it is because to him there is nothing worthy of your beauty and the special place you hold in his heart.

  10. Merisi’s Vienna for Beginners

    Oh yes, reach for the stars, and party in Venezia! That way you can also find a taylor for the curtains, not even speaking about on-location scouting for just the right material! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Merisi’s

    I am ready to act as interpreter, at my expense. Just let me know, and I pencil the date in! :-)))

  12. I would go for the party in Venezia, as Britt suggested. You certainly don’t want a birthday present that will create mounds of work, do you? ๐Ÿ™‚ If the curtains don’t come with their own seamstress and installer, I would definitely say Venezia!

  13. Britt-Arnhild

    And I can come as the “Venezia with an open mind guide” (from the Venezia series I have posted in my blog this past week ๐Ÿ™‚
    Merisis and I can take you to the very best icecream cafรฉ in Venice…..

  14. 50 is an exciting milestone and ought to be celebrated with friends and family in whatever way one chooses, but be sure to take time to celebrate the YOU and all you have achieved and then look forward to new experiences! Don’t forget to bring your camera! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Birthday and may all your wishes come true!

  15. Alison Whittington

    If there’s going to be a party in Venice, I’m inviting myself. Hope you don’t mind. I’m a very polite party crasher.
    When’s your birthday?
    Allison, Will you crash my party if it is in France?

  16. Is today your birthday? If so, Happy Birthday!!
    Martha Stewart has sewing instructions for making those kinds of curtains if you go to her website ;p
    ——————–Hey Shannon——————
    You mean you are not going to make them for me?!

  17. Corey,
    The 50th seems like the perfect time to compile a “Bucket List.”
    What is a bucket list?

  18. So what exactly would be the benefit of outdoor curtains as opposed to indoor ones?? I mean other than the benefit of having something very unique and beautiful.
    Could the curtains be pulled all the way up to protect them from the elements?
    Happy 50th! It’s the memories, not the “things” that you will be able to treasure for ever.

  19. Joyeux anniversaire Corey, as I am a little bit ahead I will unveiled a secret to you, Life simply stops there, you don’t get old anymore! I don’t know why, you just keep going all the same. I really try hard to discover what has changed in me during the last 6 years: nothing, feeling younger only.
    I would have taken the moon and the stars, and let the curtains. (Monsieur Aussandon can do the same ones, only more beautiful)

  20. Fabulous Fifty and a Fabulous Friend………
    How lucky the world is to have you my darling one……..
    I love you
    May Heaven smile softly and hear your every wish.
    Love and hugs

  21. From all I know after reading about this man you call French husband I know one thing – he will make it special for you, in one way or another. I can’t wait to hear all about it!!

  22. miz Booshay

    Beautiful curtains.
    Such an extravagance.

  23. Ha~ha! I love the banter between you and your husband. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And the curtains are lovely.

  24. Corey — are you crazy??? When your husband asks you what you want for your birthday tell him that you want a trip to someplace special!!!
    That’s what I plan to do.

  25. Oh gosh, I love reading your blog. You turn everday, ordinary words into visual retreats. I have to be honest … my first thought when I saw those outdoor curtains was, “how are you going to keep, or more importantly WHO is going to keep those things CLEAN??!!”

  26. apt. a {berriehead}

    A very special gift is in order indeed! I’m sure Frenchy Husband will not disappoint! ummmm curtains on the outside? as beautiful as they are…I think it would drive me crazy to not be able to pull them up all the way in order to get every last drop of sunlight? Happy Birthday honey! xo

  27. Oh Corey, the curtains are lovely…but curtains for your birthday? Definitely go for a trip!
    Far away and just the two of you!

  28. 50 is fabulous! do the trip AND the curtains! there is no time like now to celebrate your fullness as a woman and coming into a certain age which I can assure you, is the best time of all!
    (celebrated my 54th last month:)
    Keep dancin’ darling!

  29. rochambeau

    Whatever it is, Celebrating fifty years with the ones you love is the greatest gift I know!
    as long as there’s cake!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  30. happy birthday, corey!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. Ohh 50 is a pretty big deal, it requires a pretty amazing gift. I can not wait to hear what happens. xoxoxo Clarice

  32. Is today your birthday Corey? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like that French Husband of yours is a keeper!
    God Bless,

  33. Cinquante has always been my favourite French number! It sounds so elegant! Love the exterior curtains – it actually took me a while to realize they were real and not stone! Tres cool! (argh, how do I get accents on my comments?)

  34. Bucket List is a new movie out with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. They make a list of all of the things they want to do before they die and then they do those things-like parachuting.
    You definitely deserve special presents and attention for your 50th..and every day.

  35. You know Corey, turning 50 is a big deal. I say celebrate and embrace to your heart’s content. How romantic that FH even suggested the moon and stars.

  36. Toni Brown

    Venezia makes madwomen out of the sanest of us all, doesn’t she? The curtains are elegant, provocative, classy, all traits I believe exist in you. Well worth the sewing time, too, I should think. Have a party and invite all your blog readers to help … you’ll be inundated! [I hereby volunteer to wash the glasses.]

  37. Dearest Corey,
    I think you have very romantic husband. Just loved the comment about giving you the moon and stars. I say celebrate with all your heart and be filled with joy and love.

  38. Sun, moon, stars… you’re turning 50! Might as well ask for it all! If not now, when? ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. I would sat at fifty that “the sun, moon and stars sounds like a pretty likely gift…
    you have the sun all day, the moon and stars all night…
    what more would a girl need?
    Happy Birthday!

  40. Cynthia G

    What Things Cost in 1958:
    Car: $2,200
    Gasoline: 30 cents/gal
    House: $18,000
    Bread: 19 cents/loaf
    Milk: $1.01/gal
    Postage Stamp: 4 cents
    Stock Market: 584
    Average Annual Salary: $5,500
    Minimum Wage: $1.00 per hour.
    Birth of the “EDSEL”Convertible
    From Willows To South of France

  41. Why I think those windows and curtains would real nice in your kitchen…sure there’d be no room for the sink and the dishes or the table or anything else but the windows would look divine!

  42. Ellen Cassilly

    I just merged two address books and I think that I lost all of the birthdays, I was thinking that your’s was next week. Either way love and hugs.
    So heavy or sheer curtains?

  43. the farmers wife

    The local J. Jill clothing store has exterior curtains that can pull across their entrance. I’ve always been entranced with them but those in Venice are oh so…ooh lah! I’m sure they’re fashioned of some type of fabric that is weather proof. Go for it!

  44. for your 50th, i think you should be entitled to anything & everything under the sun….tell french husband to lasso the moon & stars for you, if you so wish!!!
    & the “bucket list” is that new jack nicholson flick that’s out…it refers to the things to do before you kick the bucket, lol!
    huge pre-birthday hugs,
    mary ann xo

  45. exterior window curtains…i am interested in the why…methinks that there are secret messages contained within the…so get some sunbrella fabric and go for it…you will need a heavy-duty sewing machine…horray you will be in the fab fifties club soon…hugs, rebecca

  46. My Melange

    The big *50* is a big milestone. Kinda like cleaning those exterior beauties ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. Pas ร  Pas

    This day, I have the same foto on my blog !
    very surprenant.
    Good Night of France.
    The english is not my reason !

  48. Mari-Nanci

    -smile- I just thought…
    You are coming up on your 50th Birthday.
    I am coming up {Nov. 8th} on our 50th Wedding Anniversary.
    See! Doesn’t that makes you feel that a 50th Birthday, is young?!?

  49. Pat Paulk

    I don’t think I would give you curtains, but, then I suspect you know that… When’s the day??

  50. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    I love my life most days, but Corey you are living my dream!

  51. First of all, you can’t be 50. No way!!
    Whatever your heart desires!!
    Happy Birthday!!!

  52. Dear Corey,
    I loved the comment from a few days ago where someone wrote that 50 is the new 30. Tee hee! I’m 53 and it ain’t too bad. Where has the time gone? We were young just a blink of the eye ago.
    PS – We are young at heart!

  53. those curtains are wonderful! I would want some as well.

  54. JanePoe (aka Deborah)

    Shoot for the stars, the moon and more! Happy upcoming fiftieth! xx, JP/deb

  55. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Happy Birthday! And let your hubby shoot for the moon…he’s a true romantic…just so long as you don’t get the machine and material ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. jennifer Paganellli

    I’m coming to Paris for my fiftieth..this year…that’s my dream!!!!!!
    My husband even said so!!! Do you think end of July makes sense for fleamarketing and visiting shops…I can hardly believe it…Jennifer

  57. stephanie

    Why do I think that FH will come up with the perfect gift to celebrate your 50th???

  58. Lisa M.S. Oceandreamer

    I read this and thought of “It’s a Wonderful Life”….George ssys to Mary:
    “What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon, Mary. then you can swallow it, and it’ll all dissolve, see… and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair”
    I see French Husband doing that for you – although I tend to think you already radiate moonbeams!

  59. Travelingmama

    Surely you jest… 50 must be years away still!

  60. cruststation

    Ooh, stunning arches and curtains…how I would love to visit Venice. When’s your birthday, it’s a cause for champagne popping!

  61. Hmmmm…well, Corey, I just watched The Secret and according to the Laws of Attraction, if you start envisioning those drapes, that house, and the moon and the stars, you just might get them!
    Also, I can’t really imagine being behind those curtains ’cause I’m still imagining standing in your kitchen! ;p

  62. Hi Corey, When is/was your 50th birthday… ? I hope I didn’t miss it…
    If you go to Venice ..I know a wonderful little boutique hotel just down from the Guggenheim estate..the owners , young , a sweet young couple gave me a tour of it when they were almost done renovating it..I’ll try to find the website for you. You’d love the photos.
    Its Funny..I did the outdoor curtains once on my porch after a trip to Venice..they lasted a few years..love them…
    Happy Birthday…You can celebrate all year!
    love kenny

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