Hot Tea

The hardest part about writing a daily blog is if the words don’t show up when I wake up. When that happens I look around the house for a muse. Kinda like today. Radio silence in my head. Stories yes, words no.


I call out to French Husband,

"What should I write about today?" 

From the other room French Husband says,


"Coffee, tea or me… that’s perfect!"

He comes in and repeats,



Photo: Two empty chairs, and waiting for hot tea.


48 responses to “Hot Tea”

  1. I think your husband and mine went to the same ‘keep your marriage kicking over’ school… love the photo.

  2. Faz the Cat

    Sex is a very broad subject. Have you tried writing about our favourite sandwich spreads e.g. Gentlemen’s Relish – it’s very English and made from anchovies and we love it. But you can only have a little at a time.

  3. You make me laugh.
    You are an adorable couple.
    My beloved Grandmother has your silk scarf the pink one you sent me in her room………..
    She loves it as it comes from you and France
    She says Ooooh La La now…………
    I hope you don’t mind I loaned it to her.
    Many in our city have seen my Victoria Magazine and ooooh and ahhhhh over your treasure troves.
    Babeeeeee you ARE a STAR!
    We all love you world wide!
    My Grandmother is very particular in her tastes so if you are in her circle
    oh My she accepts only the best!
    I love you
    Keep those fabulous words and photographs coming.
    I adore you
    I am so proud you are my friend!

  4. Islandsparrow

    Your husband sounds like mine 🙂

  5. no brocante this sunday morning??
    out of stories corey?? hard to believe!
    love your rustic provence chairs!

  6. Julie Ann

    I just had gentlemans relish for breakfast, far more civilised than marmite. Have you tried it Corey ? My husband said “for breakfast ?” and raised an eyebrow..

  7. constance forehand

    definitely KEEP french husband.

  8. Hot black offee for me please. Dusting of snow in brilliant sunshine – birds and a black cat searching the garden for food. Winter is around us this morning – let’s get off those cold tiles and snuggle under the duvet. Tomorrow the words will come.

  9. miz Booshay

    That is just what my American husband would say. :o)

  10. the farmers wife

    Yes Corey, a daily deadline looms large. I had someone ask about where I drew inspiration for the my photoblog The Farmer’s Wife. Without thinking about it or skipping a beat I said, “My daily deadline is my inspiration!”

  11. destinationmetz

    Hey there Corey. I’ve moved my destinationmetz blog to another name. I look forward to seeing you in Provence sometime!

  12. destinationmetz

    Hey there Corey. I’ve moved my destinationmetz blog to another name. I look forward to seeing you in Provence sometime!

  13. You are amazing even with nothing to say you speak volumes…French Husband is not so bad
    either…Sex…everyones favorite subject.

  14. Teresa ~ French Poppy

    That would be the first word to come out of my husbands mouth too.

  15. Some things are the same no matter where we live! 😉

  16. Miss Maddie’s

    Just think of all the coffee, tea or me those chairs have witnessed over time. The stories they could tell!!!

  17. I love it! Every day you surprise us!

  18. Elaine L.

    Men, they all speak the same language. LOL
    You can always take pictures of your home. We never get tired of it. Or, pictures of your neighborhood.

  19. JanePoe (aka Deborah)

    Too funny! I’ve given you an award on my site, because you make my day! Peace & love, JP/deb

  20. Clean house… company is gone… what’s a teapot to do???

  21. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Too funny Corey…leave it to a man to bring the conversation immediately to sex 🙂

  22. Corey, what kind of tea do you drink? I love tea and have never really drank coffee (unless it’s a souped-up-loaded-with-sugar mocha or latte), so I am slowly becoming a tea afficionado!

  23. Toni Brown

    An occasional day to be brief is always somehow rejuvenating! And there ARE a few words that resonate — “Sex”. Ha! Made me spray my monitor with the coffee I was thinking about swallowing!
    If it were summer in Phoenix, I would want to come lay my cheek against the cool tile in your photo. It’s a ‘patient’ photo.

  24. This made me chuckle. Hope the tea was tea-licious! Read it to my husband and he chuckled as well, wow that’s two chuckles, TWO!
    Have a fabulous day!

  25. Merisi’s

    You are both the sweetest of them all! ;-))

  26. Pam Aries

    Sex and Tea..sounds like a great novel. heh heh. Chapter One….

  27. Bon Jour Corey!
    Ok, I haven’t stopped by for a few days and, uh, damn. I love those curtains.. do you think they ship to New Hampshire? 😉 They are probably older than NH!
    ..if you wrote about sex you would most definitely have all the hubbies subscribing to your blog feed too!

  28. Coffee, Tea or Me?
    (love your floors)

  29. This man has all the qualities.

  30. I had to giggle at this…my hubby agreed with your french hubby. Of course for me, it is definitely tea….and I love the picture. YOu certainly grabbed my attention today…heheheh

  31. Franca Bollo

    We’re waiting…

  32. I like the way that man thinks!

  33. Even when you’re at a loss for words, you shine through and say something beautiful!

  34. You two make me laugh, and that’s a good thing.

  35. naturegirl

    I think all our menfolk think alike! I know how it is when there are no words no ideas but as we all know you do come up with something…everyday!!!!
    I just don’t know how you do it!! Do you ever have a bad day a day when you cannot stare at the PC or come up with something??? just wondering NG

  36. donald kirkby

    You probably know it’s really love when you start respectfully referring to your husband by his name instead of French husband. That’s the kind of disrespect that gets Americans into trouble so often.They think it’s clever but let me assure you it is not.

  37. rochambeau

    If you can think of what to say……….there is always Frenchhusband!!
    See you tomorrow!

  38. lol… very cheeky, love it!

  39. Dorian Fletcher

    A big “Congrats!” for your wonderful spreads in both Victoria and Somerset Life – beautiful!

  40. I just spent the better part of an hour pouring over the posts of the matchmaking weekend. Smiled the entire time. What a great adventure for these two. You only live once afterall. thanks for sharing.

  41. thanks for the laugh! men…always on their mind.

  42. My Melange asked. Good answer on his part though. Oh the stories those chairs could tell….. oooh la la 😉

  43. the farmers wife

    Someone recently told me that men think about sex every 7 seconds. My goodness if that is true how do they ever get anything done?

  44. Are you certain the two in the chairs are only waiting for tea?! (heehee) =)

  45. Claire/lolaisbeauty

    Hot tea indeed!…
    (I’m glad Donald Kirkby gave you a good ticking off there. French Husband must have been feeling so demeaned and undermined by your playful nickname for him all these decades of happy marriage! Lucky there are sensible people who know exactly what is and isn’t funny/respectful/true love/tongue in cheek(!) policing the internet eh?)

  46. cruststation

    Your pictures speak a thousand words… 🙂

  47. Marie-Noëlle

    You talk about hot beverages and we can see… empty chairs…
    FH talks about sex and we can see… legs !!!
    I must have missed something there… or… was there something coming next ???

  48. Hello Corey,
    Just wanted to wish you a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR, and to say you may be lost for words but everything is beautiful when you do say it. Love your Website Corey.

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