French Style


Since you have been asking to see more photos of French style I thought I would do just that.

A fainting couch in the hallway at my home.


The corner of a very loved Louis 15th chair.


A French screen at my favorite restaurant in Marseilles. The fabric has been removed and glass has been added in its place.


A door knocker on a faded red door. You know I love these.


Wall art. Original paint. Hangs in my bedroom.


A tarnished silver medal on a linen hand towel.


A group of chairs waiting for your visit.


Apothecary jars filled with eye candy.


A face of a lock to a dresser.


A lamp post at the train station in Marseilles, Notre Dame de la Gare in the background.


A typical bakery chalkboard.


A miniatures portrait of Josephine.

I am on a roll with images today, I’ll add more later.

What would you like to see?

Photos: Taken around, about and near my home.


Because you asked:


For: Merisi’s  who asked, "Oh, the kitchen, pleeease!" Here is a sneek peek.


"Miroirs & chandeliers ! la rรฉflection de la lumiรจre." Okay Delphine Douche a photo of "la lumiere chez moi."


Julie Ann wrote, "I would like to see … the garden."


"Eye candy!" How about that Kim?


"I would love to see more of your vignettes. I remember last year or earlier you had a tray with little glasses filled with bits and pieces….it stuck in mind mind." This is for you  Colette . One of the first things I ever bought at a French flea market. A letter opener.

More to come….


88 responses to “French Style”

  1. oh my god!!! i am the fist person to comment!!!
    yes give us more…i love when someone is on a roll creatively! lovely photos!!!
    wink nancy

  2. Les photos sont superbes!!!Mais le restaurant de Marseille comment s’ appelle t il?Est il aussi beau que bon???ยงjoelle

  3. Julie Ann

    I would like to see a wider shot of a room Corey, your kitchen or sitting room perhaps, maybe the garden…? Jx

  4. Delphine Douche

    Miroirs & chandeliers ! la rรฉflection de la lumiรจre… ce qui nous รฉclaire.
    Merci pour tous ces moments esthรฉtiques et de rรฉflexion, vous ravissez mon coeur et mes yeux. Bonne journรฉe.

  5. Merisi’s

    Oh, the kitchen, pleeease! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Julie Ann

    Just realised the promise of further picture posts today means I shall accomplish nothing – just have to keep checking your page !

  7. Beautiful… to see more!!! What a lovely way to start my day with visions of Fance. You need to write a book, how many people have asked now????? Thank you Corey!!!

  8. Corey, you never disappoint with photos, collectibles, and a look into your home life. This maybe a weird request, but I would love to see the front of your home, the door perhaps? and what would a typical day be like if we were following you around for a day.

  9. My Melange

    Always love the shots of your home Corey. I would love to see the area where you sit everyday and post your blog….. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, maybe the area where you cook…and your garden.

  10. Passementerie

    What treasures! When we came to Paris we hoped to start accumulating a few pieces from the markets – I wanted a screen, some chairs… but today’s stock market crash rather knocks that on the head for another year. Doesn’t stop me looking though!

  11. Dee/reddirtramblings

    It is fun to try to read the French comments. My daughter is taking French for the first time this year, and I took several years in college. I remember so little. I am amazed at the little details on everything you’ve shown us. The small embellishments. If you have a garden, I would love to see it. As you know, that is my forte. Blessings, Dee

  12. Corey,
    I just love your excursions around France and your photos make it seem like I am right there standing beside you as you tell me about the piece….
    you have such an eye for seeing beauty in the most obscure places…
    Love it,

  13. Wow. The best I can do is maybe take pictures of log cabins in our Log Cabin Village – or the cowboy kitch up in the Fort Worth Stockyards. Longhorns, anyone?

  14. Oh to sit on one of those waiting chairs and have charlottes and tea. No wonder Victoria Magazine wanted your work! I’d like to see your setting – are you rural, city, do you have gardens?

  15. rochambeau

    A fainting couch! Wow, wonder who was using that recently?
    Nice door knocker. Nice everything!!

  16. Miss Sandy

    Call me crazy, but you won’t believe what caught my eye in your marvelous photo’s. In the kitchen photo what appears to be a knife resting against the tile looks to me exaclty like the little red fox that visits my backyard. It appears that his little head is lifted and he is sniffing the air a I often see him do, standing still on all four little feet, the handle being his beautiful bushy tail curved in a perfect arc. Do you see him too?

  17. I love the photo of the lamp post. As I’m studying it, I realize it has similar lines to a favorite lamp in my home – the one that has a 300 w bulb and sits beside my craft table! (That wonderful bulb saves these aging eyes!!) Like Julie Ann, I would like to see some wider angle shots of your world. Like My Melange, I would like to see the spot where you post your daily blog. Keep it coming, Corey, I’ll be checking all day!!! Pam

  18. Boxwoodcottage

    I love all of todays photos Corey, but the last one of the garden gate is a real teaser it is so beautiful that I wanna see more!
    Hugs Carol xox
    P.S. Congratultions on your Victoria mag article, that’s fab!!!

  19. Corey,
    More garden please.
    Please, please, please.

  20. Teresa ~ French Poppy

    I love everything you will share, but of coarse I love all the art!

  21. Julie Ann

    Thank you for that little sneak preview of your garden, very tempting and even a flash of those “blue green shutters” from the village that led me to you ! Clever ! and the reclining cherub looks comfortable too !
    I remember last year being enchanted by your pictures of your mother’s garden Corey. I learned that day that what I call “mummys and babies”, Americans call “hens and chickens”. Mine came from Provence. Jx

  22. It’s all beautiful but I think my favorite would be the garden gate. The simple beauty, the greenery surrounding, the protective cherub – the mystique of what lies beyond.
    …and, since you’re granting some of our wishes: Have you heard from our Lovers? How are they doing since returning to their homes after “our” shared weekend together?

  23. Travelingmama

    I am absolutely convinced that God was smiling the day you picked up a camera! What wonderful, wonderful photos!

  24. Ooh a nice garden that is prefect for sitting out and sipping coffee and reading a book.

  25. Thank you for all the lovely photos and the fun “peek” at your beautiful home! I love it all, but especially your dining room, which I’ve seen in other photos(I love the chairs!) and kitchen and the all the linens and silver.
    Another thing that has caught my eye in a couple of your photos is a table covered with a red/white toile tablecloth.
    So pretty.
    Thanks for sharing!

  26. No wonder Victoria wanted your photos! Can I come over and help with the chores and enjoy the beauty of your home? Even something as basic as steps leading to a garden gate looks exquisitely designed and welcoming.

  27. Britt-Arnhild

    …….In all my life I’ve seen only two kitchens with Christmas red tiles……yours and mine……. I love them:-)
    …..coincidence…..I posted a photo of my red tiles yesterday……

  28. Love the garden…I really love the garden!

  29. Love your kitchen! What a wonderful idea to leave your dishes stacked on the counter…whereever did you find such a tall glass dome to fit over your dishes?
    And the “domes” on the plates stacked on your stove? I need those!
    Beautiful photos, Corey!

  30. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    You know what , Girl ?? I’ve never seen your garden …next time I have to check

  31. Toni Brown

    Mmm, savoring this entry, every bit of it. Favorites so far: the Marseilles lamp post, and your kitchen.
    I would love to see a photo of your hand, holding something, anything, which you cherish.

  32. Massilianana

    Oh sooo nice ! I love the fainting couch ( I dream to have one , someday!) and I wonder what is this lovely restaurant you mention .The mirrors and chandeliers are gorgeous as well.
    What I would like to see ? Some of the eye candy stocked in the apothecary jars…..
    You definately have a wonderful eye for beauty . I am surprised you still haven’t opened your own antiquaire-tea shop !

  33. misschrisc

    Your photos are amazing and gorgeous Corey. I am so in love with your house. You will have to add the tour of it to the sidebar. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Oh boy Corey, this is so much fun to get to see a bit more of your amazing French House and lifestyle! I leave my Victoria magazine open to your beautiful photos so I can study all the details every time I sit at the table for tea. I, too, would like to see where you blog everyday, and a favorite view that you look out to from a window inside your home would be lovely.


  36. My god you’re house must be amazing! From what can be seen in the images it looks incredible! More photos! You’ve got a real eye for beautiful objects.

  37. what a beautiful home. The kitchen with the stacked crockery under the glass dome and the back gate with the two round topiaries in the grey/black square pots on the steps – so simple but devastating! (in the best way)

  38. cruststation

    Wow, so many fabulous pieces of furniture. As expected your home is tres chic! Love the fainting couch (what a wonderful name). The bird cage, lock on the dresser, blackboards…Ooh, your garden! I’m *in love*

  39. Corey,
    Your blog and endearing photos have inspired me to take Photo lessons. Don’t get me wrong I know how to take a picture You my dear don’t “take” pictures you capture a moment. These glimps of the world thru your creative eye are so magical. Wide angle, encompassing shots wouldn’t do it for me. Guess that’s the active imagination of mine speaking. So dear lady, continue to point the view finder around your world, we await to be capitvated by your beauty. Other interesting french items for future shoots…streets, i.e., cobblestones, bricks, pavers etc. Ohh the stories those items could tell n’cest pas?

  40. Mari-Nanci

    Oh my! I would love to see any and all pictures of your own home, which you care to share. Thank you so much for sharing all, which you have shared. Both on your blog and in ‘Victoria’ magazine.
    I have a perpetual question. Are all your {and French, in general} walls a shade of soft gray-ish? It seems so, from your photos. It seems so, from other French blogs I have seen.
    And with small spots of color added, against the pale background of these walls? Maybe you have more color in your decorating, than others do though…
    And that is my perpetual question? ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Ohhh that chair….how can there be so much detail on a chair?? Gorgeous. Makes me wanna start hammering those upholstery tacks into everything I own so I can get the *look*. hahahaha
    Thanks for sharing the photos, everything is beautiful, none of your pretty photos look touched by modern times. No plastic or whatnot, just lovely!

  42. eXquisite! Your work inspires.

  43. I would love to see more of your vignettes. I remember last year or earlier you had a tray with little glasses filled with bits and pieces….it stuck in mind mind.

  44. angela marie

    Beautiful ~ Beautiful!!
    I loved everything.
    I got my subscription to Victoria Magazine!
    Loving all of your photos!

  45. I just painted my bathroom the same color as your bedroom! The color choice was inspired by you. Now I just need to find some amazing accessories….
    I love your decorating style, Corey. I’d definitely move in. LOL

  46. Elaine L.

    I LOVE ALL the pictures you posted. Your world is amazing.
    I would love to see a shot of the street where you live. I love any pictures of France.

  47. Such charming photos … every one of them. What an interesting idea to put a mirror in an old screen. Hope you are well!

  48. Gorgeous! If you keep showing us your beyond-beautiful photographs, I will never need to buy a decorating magazine ever again!

  49. I’m curious, Corey, does your wardrobe, what you choose to wear on yourself or perhaps buy for French Husband to wear reflect your decorating sense? For instance, I love certain shades of green and reds and I tend to decorate my place simply…and I find that I feel best when I dress in those colours and in that way, too.
    Also, do you frame your photographs and hang them up throughout your house?

  50. Wonderful Corey, I adore seeing your world…the way you take photographs is amazing…I am taking lessons though your blog and the Magazines you have been published in.
    I especially like the photo with miniatures portrait of Josephine…is that a glass feather in that photo…your displays are charming.

  51. Just amazing Corey!! This is why I love French style. Can’t wait to come to France.

  52. Paris Parfait

    Lovely vignettes of your gorgeous home, Corey. I would love to have a hallway large enough for a Madame Recamier!

  53. i love how your pictures and words just flow together. and that photo with the lamppost and notre dame de la gare looks like a magazine cover!

  54. i am gasping at my computer with oooooh’s and aaaaah’s as i scroll through the entire post. beautiful. as it usually is with everything i see here. thanks for opening up the door to your home with us ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. beautiful images of lovely scenes at home and outside, la douce provence at it’s best!

  56. Alison Whittington

    Just lovely, just wonderful.

  57. love that letter opener…..

  58. miz Booshay

    Oh Corey! It boggles my mind to think of living is such a gracious way. Love it.
    Is your bathroom also antique?
    I was hoping to see your kitchen. Thanks :o)
    And how about a shot down the street!
    Your pictures are just glorious!

  59. It’s a good thing you’re such a beautiful person…or we’d all have to hate you for living such a beautiful life. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (sigh) Magical.

  60. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    Exquisite! I’ve been sitting here taking it all in.
    Thank you!

  61. Wow! Just Wow!! I think I’m in love with France!! Your garden is so beautiful and would love to see more!
    I have a fainting couch that my father brought back from Belgium on one of his travels. Sadly, it needs a touch of reupholstering.

  62. I remember as a child reading the book “Madeline” ~ can we have a photo of school children? How about a church and/or priest? Speaking of which, what religion is most predominant in France? Thank you! Merci! ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. Ah, to dream.

  64. Deryn Mentock

    Oh, I adore those little crocheted balls…they make me swoon!

  65. Corey Loved seeing every picture, but the garden gate is exquisite, take me further into your garden for a walk, will ya please.

  66. julie christie leary

    I would like to visit your house through pictures….what would I see if I were to come to your front door?What color is your door?Would I knock a door knocker or ring a bell? Would you greet
    me in the hall? Invite me in?Where would we sit?
    Would we have coffee or tea? Maybe we would walk to the cafe or bakery.How about a visit to the market to buy vegetables for dinner. Lets see your kitchen. What would you like me to do? Set the table…chop veggies? Which wine glass would be mine? Where would I spend the night? And when I am again home and send you a thank you note, what would your mailbox look like with my letter in it?

  67. oh corey…my favorite would be a peak into your blue/gray armoire and the shelves with the old book pages and white china/pottery…i would so love to have those old pages…is that your design or was it the magazine stylist…love, rebecca

  68. Betty @ Country Charm

    You showed the group of chairs and stated ‘for you’……when would be convenient for you? In my dreams……I really like the garden gate….wondering what’s on the other side…Betty

  69. Your photo’s are just outstanding. I know from looking that you have marvelous things to take photo’s of but I do believe you could make the most mundane item look beautiful.

  70. No, nothing can be that lovely. I will have to come and see for myself…

  71. Corey….Beautiful….

  72. Very romantic. Makes me want to eat a croisant cheese by the river and kiss my lover in between bites.

  73. Very romantic. Makes me want to eat a croisant cheese by the river and kiss my lover in between bites.

  74. Oh Dear! I could just move in….I think we are two of the same eye! I love your style and it is very similiar to mine. The french inspiration rings true throughout your entire home and I simply adore it!

  75. I had to come back for a second peek at today’s post.
    Corey, have you lived in France long enough to have gotten used to it. You know, so that you take everything for granted and don’t notice the different and beautiful details any more. Are you still in a state of awe?
    I have what people refer to as a million dollar view, but after 25 years, I don’t notice it most days.

  76. Such a lovely post, dear Corey…
    I am soooo happy for your recent success with the publications.
    You deserve this.

  77. All of your images are beautiful and inspiring… I always love to see the fresh food markets and antique markets. So much to look at and take in, I love it!

  78. All so beautiful and so uniquely you. The gate is my favorite. I’m going to bed now -so many visions dancing in my head. I know I will have sweet dreams.

  79. Cynthia G

    Today after my daily dose of “Tongue in Cheek”I had errants to ran.
    I’m on my way.. and decide I want a cup of
    coffee,Border’s is right there, Stop at the
    magazines take a quick look with nothing special in mind pick up a random mag..thumbing, from the back.. forward…and I say to myself this looks like Corey…I get to the front of the article and VOILA: “Story and Photography” By: COREY AMARO…now I’m serious and giddy
    I inspect the front of the issue “SOMMERSET LIFE” and as big as life, it says:
    …”Life As A American In France”……
    I had an obvious big smile on my face and
    wanted to tell everyone standing in the crowded book store, I know her,she’s my friend…I left after buying the magazine
    and thought how lucky I was to meet You and Yann that beautiful day in Paris
    “Madonna” was born in 1958

  80. HOW BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for the visit!

  81. I was about to suggest that you create a coffee table book when I read the first post, you already have a book out? I was unaware!

  82. My Melange

    All of these are nothing less than lovely….

  83. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Corey – your blog is a work of art! Each time I visit I feel like it’s a little trip to France! I adore your little street! It is so quaint! The blue and green shutters and yes, even the plastic Santa! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve been thinking of taking a French home study course and hopefully in the future being able to visit. Such a beautiful country! Marva

  84. I want to see where you do most of your food shopping…

  85. Alice W. of Painted White

    I am in love with your blog!!! I just discovered you tonight after getting the current issue of Victoria. I have been ooohing and ahhhing at all of your photos in the mag…then I came here and so much more to love! Thank you for your inspiration…you seem to be living the life of my dreams! I hope to follow in your footsteps someday…although I don’t know if I could take the continental plunge!

  86. Gorgeous…all of it…I don’t even know what to say but gorgeous.

  87. You need to put all your photos in a book. I would buy it in a min……..

  88. Alexandra

    Notre Dame de la Gare reaching toward heaven through the clouds…beautiful!

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