Since you have been asking to see more photos of French style I thought I would do just that.
A fainting couch in the hallway at my home.
The corner of a very loved Louis 15th chair.
A French screen at my favorite restaurant in Marseilles. The fabric has been removed and glass has been added in its place.
A door knocker on a faded red door. You know I love these.
Wall art. Original paint. Hangs in my bedroom.
A tarnished silver medal on a linen hand towel.
A group of chairs waiting for your visit.
Apothecary jars filled with eye candy.
A face of a lock to a dresser.
A lamp post at the train station in Marseilles, Notre Dame de la Gare in the background.
A typical bakery chalkboard.
A miniatures portrait of Josephine.
I am on a roll with images today, I’ll add more later.
What would you like to see?
Photos: Taken around, about and near my home.
Because you asked:
For: Merisi’s who asked, "Oh, the kitchen, pleeease!" Here is a sneek peek.
"Miroirs & chandeliers ! la réflection de la lumière." Okay Delphine Douche a photo of "la lumiere chez moi."
Julie Ann wrote, "I would like to see … the garden."
"Eye candy!" How about that Kim?
"I would love to see more of your vignettes. I remember last year or earlier you had a tray with little glasses filled with bits and pieces….it stuck in mind mind." This is for you Colette . One of the first things I ever bought at a French flea market. A letter opener.
More to come….
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