There is something about Eva and Mattieu that I forgot to tell you. A juicy tidbit that would make any girl’s heart beat faster, and any man wondering why he didn’t think of that! In the beginning of a relationship the name of the game is romance… the first look, the first steps, the first words and the re-living those moments until they are a permanent foundation under your feet. Memories to substain you when you are far from the one you love.
Do you remember that Mattieu left the day before Eva? That he waited until the last minute to leave, asking Eva to join him since her flight was the next evening? Though it was impossible for her to go with him, as she was going to visit a relative in Paris. (I thought that showed a good deal of character and respect on her part. I think I would have flung myself into his arms and never looked back…I am flaky like that.)
The two love birds said their goodbyes, promising to write and to visit one another in several weeks time. Mattieu left and the next day Eva went to Paris. Now here is the juicy tidbit I have waited to share with you…
The next day after work Mattieu decided to go to Paris (a few hours away,) and give Eva one last kiss. He sent her a text message on her cell phone saying, "I will be in Paris this evening, I have something for you. Tell me where we can meet?"
But Eva’s cell phone had run out of batteries. She didn’t receive Mattieu’s message! Though she had the foresight to copy Mattieu’s cell number before her phone went dead. Throughout the day she left him messages from pay phones and thought it a bit odd that when she called his answering machine would pick up instead of him.
Eva had copied Mattieu’s number wrongly.
…ah the need for a match maker! Someone who’s head is in the right place when hearts are a flutter!
Mattieu called me wondering if I had any news from Eva? Did I have another phone number where he could reach her? He had to return to the Air Force base otherwise he would meet her at the airport. I told him he must feel very disappointed, to think they were in the city of love… Paris (!) and yet so very far apart! He responded, "At least when Eva reads that I came to Paris to see her, she will know that I came for her… and that is a symbolic kiss she will hold true. I came to Paris knowing I might not be able to connect with her. Though what is important is that my actions will speak my feelings to her."
Heart throb, boom boom boom! I tell you those Frenchmen got something groovy going on don’t they?
You know where this is headed don’t you?! And you are wondering if at last Mattieu gave her that one last kiss in Paris? Well Dear Reader the answer is no, they didn’t connect that evening. Eva did not receive the message until she got home and charged her cell phone. She couldn’t believe what she read. Mattieu had hopped a train after work and went to Paris on a whim to give her one last kiss. She felt the symbolic kiss and it remains the strongest.
This is one of the memories that will create their foundation.
The other day Eva called and groaned, "Corey, why why why does this year have to be leap year? One extra day to wait just because it happens to be leap year!! Aargh!"
They will see each other again in March.
Happy Birthday Eva! May this year be the year of "Happy Ever After!""
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