There’s something about Eva


There is something about Eva and Mattieu that I forgot to tell you. A juicy tidbit that would make any girl’s heart beat faster, and any man wondering why he didn’t think of that! In the beginning of a relationship the name of the game is romance… the first look, the first steps, the first words and the re-living those moments until they are a permanent foundation under your feet. Memories to substain you when you are far from the one you love.


Do you remember that Mattieu left the day before Eva? That he waited until the last minute to leave, asking Eva to join him since her flight was the next evening? Though it was impossible for her to go with him, as she was going to visit a relative in Paris. (I thought that showed a good deal of character and respect on her part. I think I would have flung myself into his arms and never looked back…I am flaky like that.)

The two love birds said their goodbyes, promising to write and to visit one another in several weeks time. Mattieu left and the next day Eva went to Paris. Now here is the juicy tidbit I have waited to share with you…


The next day after work Mattieu decided to go to Paris (a few hours away,) and give Eva one last kiss. He sent her a text message on her cell phone saying, "I will be in Paris this evening, I have something for you. Tell me where we can meet?"

But Eva’s cell phone had run out of batteries. She didn’t receive Mattieu’s message! Though she had the foresight to copy Mattieu’s cell number before her phone went dead. Throughout the day she left him messages from pay phones and thought it a bit odd that when she called his answering machine would pick up instead of him.

Eva had copied Mattieu’s number wrongly.

…ah the need for a match maker! Someone who’s head is in the right place when hearts are a flutter!


Mattieu called me wondering if I had any news from Eva? Did I have another phone number where he could reach her? He had to return to the Air Force base otherwise he would meet her at the airport. I told him he must feel very disappointed, to think they were in the city of love… Paris (!) and yet so very far apart! He responded, "At least when Eva reads that I came to Paris to see her, she will know that I came for her… and that is a symbolic kiss she will hold true. I came to Paris knowing I might not be able to connect with her. Though what is important is that my actions will speak my feelings to her."

Heart throb, boom boom boom! I tell you those Frenchmen got something groovy going on don’t they?


You know where this is headed don’t you?! And you are wondering if at last Mattieu gave her that one last kiss in Paris? Well Dear Reader the answer is no, they didn’t connect that evening. Eva did not receive the message until she got home and charged her cell phone. She couldn’t believe what she read. Mattieu had hopped a train after work and went to Paris on a whim to give her one last kiss. She felt the symbolic kiss and it remains the strongest.

This is one of the memories that will create their foundation.


The other day Eva called and groaned, "Corey, why why why does this year have to be leap year? One extra day to wait just because it happens to be leap year!! Aargh!"

They will see each other again in March.

Happy Birthday Eva! May this year be the year of "Happy Ever After!""


61 responses to “There’s something about Eva”

  1. Julie Ann

    A tear in my eye Corey and a lump in my throat ,I cannot tell you. A wonderful modern day fairy tale. In addition to these personal moments in time that will create their memories of this precious time, they will have your wonderful photographs and text as a living record to treasure always. Why not turn this modern day fairy tale into a book just for them, there are companies that do this if you send the text and images, although perhaps there is a creative soul amongst your communitity who does just that ? jx

  2. Oh I love the romance stories……………
    I love them!
    Enchanted am I……………
    May all of us meet our great loves in life, and live happily ever after.
    Love Jeanne

  3. shirley mccutcheon

    One hour, one minute, one second, one day…
    All seem to last forever when we are away from the one we love!
    What an amazing story.

  4. Elizabeth

    Hi Corey, I can’t remember when I first read you wonderful online diary but its got me under some kind of spell and I just have to check every day for the past couple of weeks. What a wonderful lovestory… and in France of all places!!!
    By the way, thanks for the website tip for brocantes in France. We visit France a couple of times a year (not so difficult considering we live in Holland so it is just a 3 hour drive) and thanks to your tip we are going to see a lot more of France this year! Have a nice weekend!

  5. ok i need to stop crying like a fool! corey….you are just sooo amazing! really what a sensitive beautiful soul you have!!! and i have to say this and will keep on saying it until it happens: BOOK DEAL…you need to write a book and i swear it would sell like hot-cakes!! (mmm, with some nice canadian maple syrup… ๐Ÿ˜‰
    wink nancy

  6. constance forehand

    how beautiful! i know the feeling! i wish it for everyone.

  7. Who knows where the stars will lead them, but the memory of Mattieu’s action will last forever. Lovely.

  8. Simply put … love is a beautiful thing.

  9. May this year fantastic for everyone and above all sharing special moments !!!As the boy in ” into the wild ” said happiness is real when it is shared !
    Thank you for sharing

  10. Wow – the story gets better and better! I am eagerly awaiting the next installment! Damn that 29th of February!!

  11. Mari-Nanci

    Oh Corey, you have given me ‘goose bumps,’ on this cold NE winter morning!!! Yaaaaa for sweet romance given ‘goose bumps.’ ๐Ÿ™‚
    And Dear Eva, I wish you the Happiest of Birthdays. But I think that Corey has already taken care of that. With her sweet matchmaking.
    Hugs to all!

  12. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Oh Corey, this is the most romantic story, even more romantic than Pioneer Woman’s Oklahoma based love story. And, I’ve got to tell you, it’s good too. A symbolic kiss. What a guy! Was Eva heartbroken?

  13. Happy Birthday Eva!
    La Donna

  14. Following this love story just makes me swoon! and remember what it was like when I first met my soul mate. I’m so inspired to do something unexpected and romantic for my one and only! I look forward to many updates on the young ones. xo, suzy

  15. ohhh sweetness!!! i cant help but remember the movie an affair to remember =)
    oh i cant wait for their happy ever after story, please keep us posted corey ;p

  16. Paris Parfait

    Such a lovely, touching, romantic story. So nice to see romantic young men are still out there! And Eva – and you – are lucky, because not all Frenchmen are so romantic and thoughtful. You two won the prize(s)! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Extremely groovy stuff going on with those French guys! I love this p.s. to the story. You really know how to keep us on the edge of our seats out here. And I want to add my Happy Birthday wishes to Eva, too! What an exciting year you’re having girl!

  18. How wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you for the up date. I was thinking about them just yesterday, wondering whether you would give us an update. I was even considering an e-mail suggesting you post an update. I should have known to trust your ๐Ÿ™‚
    I love this story it brings me back to those lovely days of angst…when every thought was of one of hope for the future.

  19. ahhhhhhhhh true love. I have chills……

  20. Oh, Corey!!! Thank you so much for the update! Although I want to weep for them, missing that last kiss, I rejoice with them as they anticipate March!

  21. Oh, oh, oh.
    Happy birthday, Eva. And many blessings to you and your beloved!

  22. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    My heart beats in my chest like a bird in a cage!

  23. what a lucky girl. i sighed out loud over that one. those are the things that make it amazing for a girl on the cusp of true love.

  24. thank you so much for the update! How romantic!

  25. Miss Sandy

    This is the stuff that dreams are made of!

  26. Your nephew has a heart of gold. Very romantic. This is just the best love story!
    Happy birthday, Eva!

  27. OOOOhhhh! This is even sweeter and juicier than the “French Pastry” post you left yesterday! =)

  28. Oh my…I realized when I reached the end of the story I wasn’t breathing! I took a deep breath…my husband thought something was wrong with me! My heart aches they did not see each other one more time!…BUT…just knowing he wanted to see her again!?…sweeeeeeeeeeet! I love it!

  29. There’s nothing like a good love story…and because it’s real it’s so much better. Happy Birthday to Eva. What a great year she’s going to have.

  30. rochambeau

    Well Corey,
    Looks like you gave “Eve” the Birthday present of her life!! You find the best gifts!
    What happiness I feel too!!

  31. bleeding espresso

    Budding romances are just the best whether you’re in one or on the sidelines. Can’t wait to hear more ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. That’s it. I’m sending my husband to France. Have FH educate him, and send him back, please. hee hee hee…

  33. My Melange

    I think I would have run my cell phone over with my car a few times for dying on me…..Happy Birthday to Eva! I think this will be her best birthday yet ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. That is most romantic Corey!!!
    How lovely for them.
    We all love romance, don’t we?
    Thanks for sharing. They will always remember that.
    Happy Birthday to Eva.

  35. Another Aquarian? Happy Birthday Eva.

  36. Oh! Oh! Corey, I feel like I missed some of those details earlier…and this! You have been holding out on us! Mattieu is so right, Eva will *always* remember that Mattieu came to Paris for one more kiss FOR HER.
    Happy Birthday Eva! Thank you for letting us all share in your grand romance. May your day be full of joy and love. Enjoy every moment of the anticipation, the waiting, the romance…live it!

  37. He went to Paris just for a chance to see her again? oh wow … If Eva had any doubts I’m sure this erased them all! Happy birthday, Eva! May all your wishes and dreams come true. ~ Lynda xo

  38. Novel Nymph

    my heart is pounding, symbolism is EVERYTHING!

  39. hey…i’m a great wedding planner…just full of ideas…blessings, rebecca

  40. Corey, truly, I want to know…is it in their genes or are French men raised in ways that teach them to be sensitive and attentive to such matters of the heart?
    If only men everywhere understood that this is what every woman longs for!
    Happy Birthday and heart-felt wishes for a year full of love, Eva!

  41. My goodness; this just keeps getting better and better!

  42. Oh good golly the torture. Erroneous phone numbers, unworking cells….egads that must have been a nail biter for both of them! But maybe (and it sounds like it was) this was a wee test of their affections. Universe throwing them a curve ball to see what they’d do and how they’d react!
    If it’s torture I suppose it’s the sweetest kind, and something nice to think about when they’re apart. Mattieu trying to see Eva has got to warm the heart more then not having tried at all.
    Happy B-day Eva! Have a gooooood one!

  43. Corey, so are you saying that today, the 26th of January, is Eva’s birthday? That she shares her birthday with me(!!!) and Ellen Degeneres and Paul Newman? ๐Ÿ™‚
    Happiest of Birthdays Eva! May this year be filled to overflowing with all good things.

  44. the farmers wife

    Ah yes, the Frenchmen certainly do have something going on. Eva must have felt so disappointed, a lost opportunity, but maybe all the more meaningful. Ahhh, the beginnings.

  45. Massilianana

    I would have bet they did succeed to meet at the airport (got to beat that silly high tech’ !) . But this symbolic kiss , now that’s something else . Something si romantique . Wishing Eva a wonderful birthday and fantastic-romantic-lovefull year .

  46. But, Eva…It’s a leap year…a LEAP YEAR! Here is your opportunity to return Mattieu’s ‘symbolic kiss’ by jumping on a plane a day early and using that one day in 4 years when the lady-love can make her man feel 10 feet tall by express her true feelings and …. dare I say it….propose to him.

  47. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    It sounds like LOVE! How wonderful!!

  48. oh my heart beats…how very romatic…
    sighing here

  49. somepinkflowers

    in a way really.
    it is good, don’t you think,
    to miss *this little last time*
    but to know what might have been…
    doesn’t this near miss
    make the heart want even more,
    doesn’t this near miss
    make the next time all the more dear?

  50. melissa @ the inspired room


  51. What a story! This could be a movie or a novel. Seriously. I love all the juicy little bits. What a matchmaker you are, Cory!

  52. Oh, how romantic! I’m with you Corey, “flake” to the nth power, that’s me…but I love the fact that Eva said she couldn’t, and that move sparked something in Mattieu…he had to see her one last time and give her a goodbye kiss, to boot! Sadly they didn’t see each other, but hey, there’s March to look forward too…;-)
    Happy Birthday Eva!!!

  53. herhimnbryn


  54. Oh Corey….I’m dying to read the ending of this story. I swear this could be a best seller! I have goosebumps and want to read more about Eva and Mattieu…they seem absolutely in love….ah, sweet love! I’m awaiting the next chapter.

  55. ahhh… LOVE it!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Alexandra

    “(I thought that showed a good deal of character and respect on her part. I think I would have flung myself into his arms and never looked back…I am flaky like that.)”
    LOL! Me too. I only knew my husband for two months before we got married…er, eloped.

  57. Alexandra

    Oh, and Happy Birthday to Eva! My b-day is in January as well. Prayers for a happy union of souls.

  58. Well I didn’t get to read this until now. How romantic is that!! I am smiling ear to ear. He is so sweet. And she must have been so disappointed. Oh well at least she knows he was there and made the effort. I bet that February can’t go by fast enough for them. Thanks for sharing.

  59. liannallama

    Oh, what a sweet and romantic story! I would have liked it even better if they accidentally met again in Paris after trying so hard to find each other there!
    Did you ever see the old movie with Marissa Tomei and Robert Downey Jr. called Only You? It’s one of those strangers meeting by chance romances. Dh loves that movie–that’s how I know he’s romantic on the inside, LOL!

  60. cruststation

    “my actions will speak my feelings to her”…sigh, the french men! Happy birthday eva, so sorry you missed the meeting in paris though the gesture will warm the heart for a long time to come.

  61. Caffienated Cowgirl

    Oh Corey, this story keeps getting better and better!

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