Month: February 2008
Blue Sky
Blue skies in the morning, with a touch of pink cotton colored clouds. Even when one doesn’t expect a miracle– the morning sun shines out shame on you! With that I laugh, Good Morning Sunshine! Who would have known that…
There is a difference between letting go and giving up. It is as if my father is at the base of Mount Everest. His heart, mind and lungs seem to send a call out by taking a step forward with…
Dear Readers, Thank you for your love and support. Your words, thoughts, wishes and or prayers towards my father and family, have been felt like a healing balm upon us. My father’s well being…
My thoughts are swirling with emotion and memory, in and out they come like a tide that swells then crashes on the beach and is slowly pulled back to the sea. The flood gate…
Lemon Pasta
When life throws you a lemon catch it. In a saute pan swirl chopped garlic and walnuts. Which will give them a chance to share perfumed notes with one another. When the two are golden brown let a river of…
The Fast Track and the Sleepy Head
Anyone who knows me knows I fall asleep at the wheel. Driving to the airport from my home and back is not something I could do without pulling over a million times. With that I would need to drink gallons…