When I was a child I had an incredible imagination, and with that came terrific nightmares. Many nights, nearly every night, until I was fourteen I woke up panic-filled with my heart beating loudly in my chest. I was often frighten to the point of feeling paralyzed. My peace of mind came when I would cry out to my parents.
"DAD! Are you awake?"
"Yes, I am."
"Don’t go to sleep until I go to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, I won’t go to sleep until you go to sleep."
"Are you awake?"
"Yes, I’m awake."
"Don’t go to sleep until I go to sleep okay?"
"Okay, I won’t go to sleep until you go to sleep."
"I’m here, go to sleep Corey."
Writing these words my eyes fill with tears. My parent’s reassured me, night after night, they gave me their word faithfully and without ever seeming to be bothered by my need.
I would fall asleep trusting my parents were there to protect me from harm.
It is a gift I still treasure.
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