a spoonful of sugar

Img_4091_2 Mary Poppins sang, "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way." The song was sung to motivate the children she came to care for to do the task at hand. With the words, "a spoonful of sugar" she was saying that something sweet or nice helps with dealing with something unpleasant.

(The spoon in this photo is empty because at the time I took this photo (a year ago) I wasn’t thinking about medicine when I saw spoons…)

A spoonful of sugar. Every time a nurse or a doctor comes into my father’s room their words and gestures are either a spoonful of sugar or a dose of bitterness. Their words and actions can have power to heal the heart, mind and body.

The smallest of gestures can hold promise.

A spoonful is very little, and very little is more than enough.


42 responses to “a spoonful of sugar”

  1. bleeding espresso

    Beautiful as always Corey; I haven’t been around as much to comment, but you’re still in my thoughts 🙂

  2. Every little bit of sweetness helps. And when one has been deprived of so much of it, a tiny drop seems like a bucketful.

  3. Continuing to pray for you during this difficult and yet healing time… beauty in the midst of pain. Your thoughts have been an inspiration.
    Blessings to you, your father, and your family.

  4. Hi Corey:
    A spoonful can make all the difference.
    Big Hugs

  5. karen cole

    Every one of these last few posts, few words, few photos….powerful, beyond measure.
    Take care of yourself.

  6. Alexandra

    Having experienced this myself(just a bit), I so agree! Words are so powerful when you are in the hospital. I wonder if doctors and nurses realize this. Long term hospitalization can make you depressed as well, especially if you are treated “clinically” like a case, and not a person.
    Just getting out for a little bit in the fresh air and sun can do wonders. If he can be wheeled out into a garden, it will lift hs spirits.

  7. It’s true, isn’t it? A few moments of kindness can make such a difference…
    …..thinking of you today…

  8. Veronica

    Just want to send a hug Corey…..

  9. Your words are so beautiful and kindness certainly makes things so much easier. I just wanted to stop and say I am still praying for you and your family.
    love and blessings

  10. I had never heard of kisses being “sugar” until I moved to Florida. (Imagine, I spent a whole 22 years never knowing that terminology!)
    Now I realize that a spoon full of sugar…kisses, kindness or anything sweet…really does make the difficult things so much easier to handle!
    Hope you had lots and lots of sugar today!

  11. Mari-Nanci

    I hope, for everyone’s sake, that there are many more spoonfuls of sugar being given out by nurses and doctors, than doses of bitterness.
    It must be very difficult for you to not scream at them {when a dose of bitterness is given}, that their words and actions can have power to heal the heart, mind and body. Or not.

  12. Rosemary

    Here is to, mounds of sugar!!

  13. cruststation

    Even in hospital, your thoughts wander, you notice the people who work there, your surroundings…you are a light in darkness.

  14. You are constantly in my thoughts.

  15. I am so glad you are posting and keeping us up to date. It helps the distance between us seem somehow closer and I feel privileged to be sharing such a personal journey with you. I truly hope you feel comforted by the love and support surrounding you from so many who love and care for you and your family.

  16. When you are in the situation you are in, don’t you wish that all hospital personnel could put themselves in your position and realize it may be a job to them but this is your father, your flesh and blood. Most people are great but all it takes is ONE with a bad attitude or ONE that is having a bad day! Prayers are sent to you. Caren

  17. I love you
    You scatter joy and spread love even in these
    moments in the hospital.
    Love you
    Take good care of sweet wonderful you too.
    I love you
    Hugs and love and prayers

  18. Miss Sandy

    A spoonful of encouragement goes a long way, but I pray for a cup full to sustain you.

  19. I’m sending you sugar and sweetness to make the taste of the bitterness go away.
    I wonder sometimes if they don’t harden their hearts in order to cope with what they have to deal with. Little do they know how a kind word and a smile can make difficult tasks easier for them and you.
    Love and hugs

  20. Leslie Garcia

    Dear Corey Amaro,
    Thank goodness that you are there with your wonderful father… the gift of your presence and constant love will sustain him through it all. God Bless you and your family… you are never alone!

  21. I just stumbled upon your beautiful blog and I can see that it will be one of my favorites. Not knowing your history, I hope that your father isn’t suffering from something serious.

  22. only loving spoonfuls..ok?:)

  23. rochambeau

    The smallest actions have the biggest impacts!
    Sending you a little spoon filled with a big dose of courage and peace!

  24. Dear Sweet Corey, I have a special spot for your Dad in my heart and upon catching up on all your posts in the last month I also have tears in my eyes. May the God of his faith bless him dearly. I send prayers prayers prayers, and I also send a (cyber) cold beer. I know that God and beer are dear to the heart of a biker.
    Blessings and Love, Cat

  25. Just wanted to stop by and give you a hug before I go to bed. Much love to you dear Corey.

  26. People do not realize the power they have in words. Thinking of you and wishing you and your father well.

  27. Corey
    Thinking of you so much lately. Have sent thoughts of healing and peace to you. Will continue to do so.
    Words are indeed powerful. Language itself is quite powerful. We must choose our words with care. They do ripple out and make a difference!

  28. Yes, the simple act of kindness doesn’t take much effort and gives so much to the recipient.

  29. lauren Mumford

    Holding your hand in my heart while you are holding theirs…
    hugs to you, thinking of you always,

  30. A spoon full of good wishes from me to you and your family. Do not worry, my spoon is huge 🙂

  31. Di Overton

    Hang in there Corey. You are always on my mind.

  32. Françoise

    bonjour corey !
    pour toi :
    Des fleurs pour toi: gros bisous et plein de bonheur et de jolie fleurs , je fais suivre ce joli texte que j’ai reçu à mes blogs préférés Ce serait amusant de voir combien j’en recevrai et voir si le nombre de bouquets augmentera effectivement. Remarque : Chaque fois que vous le recevez, il y a un bouquet qui s’ajoute Fais parvenir à tous tes amis, incluant moi et ne me dis pas que tu es trop occupé pour cela. Ne connais-tu pas l’expression “s’arrêter pour respirer le parfum des fleurs”? Vois combien de bouquets te reviennent! Le bonheur te garde gentil(le). Les épreuves te gardent fort(e). Les chagrins te gardent humain(e). Les échecs te gardent humble. Tu es si spéciale! Bisous

  33. Just dropping by to add my bit of well wishes and positive thoughts to the rest.

  34. Parisbreakfasts

    Such a pretty spoon.
    Remember a spoon was first a cupped hand offering sustanence…

  35. qualcosa di bello

    i’ve seen a patient’s entire outcome turn on a word or two, wisely or carelessly dispensed. praying for only the sweet words for you all…& for the peace which surpasses all understanding

  36. I’ve really been thinking a lot about words and their impact the last couple of days. You are so right. We have the power to heal within our words and gestures. Today I pray for healing words to flow over your dad from every source he comes into contact with. May you find peace in them also.

  37. Hello sweet friend… sending you my love… thinking of you and your family, in all ways… XO

  38. Corey, it is such a difficult time for you, your father and your family. I hope your father’s health will improve – the waiting is so hard. Even though you are with your American family, you must miss your husband and children. Thinking of you x

  39. M-Noëlle

    I was reading your post when the phone rang. While I was busy talking with my relative, my son came to the computer…
    When I hung off, my son told me :
    “Maman, what is that spoon for?” And he pointed to your picture of the spoon.
    – Corey’s blog, darling.
    – Maman, I think you are beaten, you with your pictures of windows, letter boxes, bells … etc…
    It’s a SPOON !?!
    – Darling, “a spoonful of sugar” is so sweet when the coffee is very strong … a spoonful of sugar is so sweet when the lemon is very bitter… a spoonful of sugar is so sweet when the alcohol is very hot… a spoonful of sugar can be so sweet when life is very harsh…
    – I see, Maman … how can you get so many things out of ONE mere SPOON ?…
    – because Corey puts so much in it”.

  40. Like MªNoël said “because Corey puts so much in it”.
    When one is passing through troubled waters a tiny litle thing can assume enormous sizes. When on is passing a hard time, a kind voice, a tender gesture, a warm word can do almost as much as a medicine. It’s so true, Corey. Humanity is the word, I think.

  41. My Melange

    I love that movie, Corey! Hugs and kisses continue to come your way 😉

  42. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    I love Marie Noelle’s comment !
    sweetness is always good

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