The Night Shift

Jewel The night shift comes in at seven at night staying a twelve hour shift.

They walk hand-and-hand with heart beats, under a dark sky where people sleep and their ministry aids healing silently often without notice. When most of the world sleeps they gather in the hospital halls, flow into rooms of the ailing and soothe the cry of the newborn baby.

The night shift nurses smooth the wrinkles from the evening sky’s blanket; they raise the moon pillow, while weaving hope amongst the stars.

The clock ticks the hours by that only few can recall in the morning-

Who was my nurse last night? When is the last time you saw the sun rise?

"I’m here." As his eyes close, he drifts back to sweet slumber.


41 responses to “The Night Shift”

  1. i am here corey…thinking of you and praying for you…laney

  2. Rising of the sun brings another day of hope, anticipation, and longing for good things to happen. The majesty of sunrise is best when seen on the horizon at the ocean. Hospital floors are cold at night, the sounds around muffled yet loud – the sun brings color back and the greenish greys disappear.
    I hope this day is good for you and your father Corey.
    I’m off on a trip to visit family in Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania but will continue to think of you and try to stay in touch from the road.
    God bless.

  3. Prayers…and love.

  4. A lovely tribute; keep strong, Corey . . .

  5. it takes a special kind of nurse to work the night shift…it is in the dead of the night when most of the comforting has to be done.. to sooth the sleeplessness and fear that the night time brings…
    praying for your family and your dad…

  6. patpaulk

    The flower sits by the planter filling his slumber with a sweet fragrance of love. My heart is there with you. Take care of you, too.

  7. Cheryl in California

    Corey…still praying strength and endurance for you and your family.

  8. Shelley Noble

    “They raise the moon pillow” What a divine, inspiring metaphor, Corey. I love what you write. And I love you.

  9. berriehead

    Loved the post re: your mama corey! and that photo of the flower on the window ledge needs to be made available for purchase! It is lovely! But most of all I love to check in here with you and let you know I’m still here thinking of you daily..stay strong, be well;) praying praying praying for all of you:) xo

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    Prière du soir
    “Merci de ce jour qui finit.
    Merci de cette nuit qui vient.
    Mon Dieu,
    Qu’elle berce le sommeil des hommes endormis
    Qu’elle berce ceux que j’aime.
    Qu’elle me berce moi-même,
    Jusqu’à demain.”

  11. hug

  12. Elizabeth

    Beautiful, serene words, so true. You and your family remain in my thoughts and heart, Corey.

  13. I hope you share this with the night shift staff – everyone can use an encouraging word.
    I cannot imagine how hard it is for you to be away from FH and your children, but the final lines of this – “I’m here” and “he drifts back into sweet slumber” say it all. You are exactly where you need to be.
    On this first day of April, which is always a hopeful month, I think, can you share with us any news of the Eva’s visit to France?

  14. Rosemary

    Glad there are special people looking after your dad, and others all through the night.

  15. I do hope you share this with his night nurses….I am sure they don’t hear it often enough.

  16. Nancy ~ Fete et Fleur

    So very beautifully written. I seemed to float along with the words as I read them.
    Blessings and Prayers,

  17. It was the night nurses who offered the sweetest comfort during my sister’s hospital stays. They let me cry in the hallway and made sure I had enough blankets and pillows.

  18. Miss Sandy

    “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways, they will lift you up in their hands…” Psalm 91:11-12 These quiet presences in the night are more of God’s angels at work, ministering with their hands to the comforts and needs of those who need medical care. They go about their work quietly and efficiently weaving wellness where they are able and compassion where they are not. Yes, Corey, the angels are present. Still praying!

  19. Corey,
    such beautiful words as always. Still here and praying.
    God loves you all.
    love and blessings

  20. Beautiful words Ms. Corey. Very touching, they go straight to the heart. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers..that you may be wrapped in angel wings thoughout this struggle.

  21. I’m a retired nurse. I worked in the operating room though. I occasionally got called in for emergencies and would meet a lot of nurses who worked the late shifts. They are a special breed. Still keeping your father and your family in my thoughts.

  22. Corey, This is so elegant and beautiful! I’m here and still praying for all of you.
    When my son was in his final days the nurses on the night shift were so special to him … making him comfortable, encouraging him and making him laugh when sleep wouldn’t come.(Except for the one who made us leave, as you recently experienced.)
    It was always a joyous relief to hear the morning song of the birds.

  23. Such a long journey. Love & prayers continue for you and yours dear Corey.

  24. “The night shift nurses smooth the wrinkles from the evening sky’s blanket; they raise the moon pillow, while weaving hope amongst the stars.”
    Night after night they shine their light – God bless the night shift ~ xOx

  25. God bless you all my darling friend.
    God bless all in the medical field too.
    Love you
    Hugs and prayers

  26. Yes, you are here. Not only for your father, but for all of us as well.

  27. I am sure those nurses look at you with the same kind heart.

  28. rochambeau

    I bet you bring joy to those nurses at night Corey, not to mention your Papa. Sending prayers for peace.

  29. The night shift is lucky to have your respect for their work. Though unseen by most, their work is important and seldom recognized.
    Bless you and bless them as well.

  30. Dear Corey, we’ve been away a few days. I had to come by here, to see how you all are! What a wonderful tribute to those who work the hospital night shift. My mother was one of the nurses who worked the 3pm to 11pm shift, many years ago.
    You are all in my thoughts and prayers, Corey.

  31. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Corey, I came by to check on you and your dad. Both hanging in there I see. As always, your writing is as clear and beautiful as the moonlight.
    Claire de lune.~~Dee

  32. Marcheline

    Although I know you are going through a painful time, I cannot help but be a little jealous of you. My father died on St. Valentine’s Day. How I would love to look into his eyes again…
    – M

  33. La Donna

    Sending love and prayers, and wings to stand by you in the night.
    La Donna

  34. Corey,
    I’ve walked your hard path ~ something keeps telling me not to come back…
    Something tells me to walk this path again for a friend just met months ago. The friendship fork in the path always seems to say, go on, go on, go back.
    This isn’t an easy road and I will keep coming back each evening with kind thoughts and a prayer to try to light the way if just a little. Just one step at a time.

  35. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    My husband is not a nurse but a respiratory therapist. He and his friends who are nurses and therapists are special people. I thank you for appreciating them. As always Corey, you and your family are in my prayers.

  36. yes, when my husband had to stay a few days in a hospital I was very grateful and with admiration to these people. Love was there. Special people.
    You are one of them as well
    a big hug Corey

  37. marybeth

    oh precious corey your gentle words of gratitude -so profound and flowing-i am sharing this with my 22 year old niece,jaimie who is a night nurse.
    (((((love, hugs, prayers and sojourning in this day by day journey )))

  38. Lisa B / IvoryBlushRoses

    I am a night shift nurse. Your words touch me beyond belief, bringing tears to my eyes and smile to my heart.
    Continued prayers on the journey. Blessings.

  39. Hello Dear Corey,
    I am a Nurse, and I continue to pray for your darling father and for your family.
    Love & Hugs,

  40. The unseen Good has something of misterious and Graceful.
    Sometimes, holding the hand and being there is the best way of showing our love.
    Big, big hug*

  41. cruststation

    A light in darkness, sending hope and prayers your way.

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