Standing on Water

The days grow longer yet time stands still as we walk along this foreign road with striking landscape.
Overwhelming is the mixture of unknown terrain and raw beauty presented to us at each step.
Is this the sacred ground, where we hold our hearts in our hands as an offering?
Where is the horizon? Is it beyond the roaring sea, or is it behind those mountains? Tell me can I fly on the back of the dove or catch the tail of the dolphin to find it?
The volcano spews as I dare to stand and face it-
The tempestuous wind blows and I dare to howl back-
The butterfly glides by and I ask, "Do you know how simple you make that look? How dare you!"
Nature stands still with a thunder bolt and Impatiens in hand.
I don’t understand, "One way or another but not this!"


41 responses to “Standing on Water”

  1. Your words are profound and deeply touch my heart.
    God bless you all.
    Love Jeanne

  2. many warm thoughts to you and your family

  3. You’ll know the horizon.
    There will be no mistaking it.
    So glad you have your family to surround you right now. It really does seem as if you are sacrificing your heart to an unknown…how scary. You are doing it with bravery, the way you write about it here.

  4. Pam Aries

    Dear Corey…this has been a very long and difficult journey for you. May today be a peaceful one for you…

  5. lovely words and an amazing photo…it is ynn and sacha right? where?
    still praying
    wink nancy

  6. Lorie M.

    How beautiful.

  7. Oh you sweet angel. I pray for you and your family. much love and comfort to you, Dawn

  8. I’m hoping that you find some peace and comfort in whatever way you can. Your words offer that to others so thank you for “carrying on”.

  9. Cookie Sunshine

    Your posts are so dear. I love visiting.

  10. Di Overton

    I can see exactly what you mean Corey. Be strong (as if I need to tell you that).
    Good thoughts winging their way to you

  11. karen cole

    Sometimes I’m afraid to come visit. I know I shouldn’t be, because every time I do, I know that despite the clouds hanging over your head, you will somehow make my day much more beautiful.
    I wish I were a publisher. The last few months would be a bestseller.

  12. JanePoe (aka Deborah)

    Your writing is a gift to the soul. Sending you peace, love and prayers Corey. Blessings to you, your dad, mum, french husband, children and entire family. xx, JP/deb

  13. Miss Sandy

    The horizon is the place where heaven and earth meet, where two kingdoms touch, it is where we must fix our eyes as the destination of our hearts at one journeys end and where a new one begins. The horizon is a place of peace and hope.
    When one is out at sea and begins to feel sick and tossed by a tumultuous waves, one is instructed to keep their eyes on the horizon not on the churning around them. If they set their site line on the horizon they are no longer bothered by the tossing and churning around them. When ones eyes and heart are fixed the result is the same, the tide can keep turning, the waves can roll and churn, even in the midst of a storm there is that still small voice that calms the sea with a whisper, that commands peace and stillness, and to know that He is in control.
    Set your site on the horizon, dear Corey, and sail on valiantly as you have been doing, strength, stillness, and steadfastness be yours.

  14. HUG

  15. Ohh Corey, how lovely. This month my husband and I are facing the recent anniverserys of our mothers deaths. Who would ever guess that death would be welcomed let alone a blessing. I am here each day with you.

  16. Julie Ann

    A great photograph to express what you are feeling Corey. I love what Miss Sandy said about the horizon being a place of peace and hope. I have felt exactly as you do now although mericifully my experience was much shorter. Focus on that horizon and try not to let desperation and dispair overwhelm you Corey. This experience is teaching all of your community such a lot, you have amazing grace. Love peace and hope to you & yours, Jx.

  17. The road can seem so long and the walk so weary. Wishing we could link arms to walk it together–know you are all in my heart.

  18. angela marie

    beautiful Corey ~ Your picture and your feelings.
    I have read the comments as well… and they are also beautiful.
    Know that you have so many people loving and praying for you and your family.

  19. Dear Corey,
    Your words are utterly profound and beautiful.
    Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and adding to my own understanding.
    I pray that God and his angels watch over all of you today!

  20. What a gorgeous poem.

  21. Rosemary

    You always have beautiful words Corey!!
    Your friend,

  22. Corey,
    As always your words share a strength and beauty all their own. Know we are here for you and praying for you. Rest in God’s arms. HE will bring you comfort and strength.
    love and blessings

  23. Veronica

    WE have never met, this is the first time for me to post a comment although I’ve been an avid reader for a few years now. This feels the time to add a few words of support. You are in my thoughts daily. All my best to you and your family on this journey.

  24. Corey. I think you have to say:
    and repeat it, until you can say it with your heart.

  25. lonely moments, silence, drifting away in time, soft memories woven in a pattern of love, smiling and staring into the past, always cruely awakened by the present…
    why does time just stops… right over there at that very sacred moment?!
    thinking of you!

  26. “One way or another but not this.” It’s such a human cry. Wishing for you all the strength you need to walk such a painful path, and for your dad, the strength to choose the path that’s best for him.

  27. somepinkflowers

    well, my dear,
    aren’t you fortunate
    you have
    *Tough Firecracker* for a mom!
    doves and dolphins and mountains
    should be so lucky…
    we all have to learn to knock
    on a neighbor’s door,
    a friend’s email box,
    toss them the phone and say
    *hey, there, i need help, please…*
    you have so many doors you can knock on,
    never forget…

  28. Such a beautiful Poem.

  29. Suzanne – The Farmer’s Wife

    You’re in a no man’s land, waiting, holding, praying for the answer. But of course you know we are not privy to the plan. We can only do what we are asked to do, and that’s not very often an easy thing.

  30. Elaine L.

    This too shall pass and you will smile and laugh, again, although there will always be a hole in your heart and a longing for your father.
    I speak from experience. I was awakened from a deep sleep, 28 years ago, with a phone call in the wee morning hours with the news that my only sybling, my brother (24) was killed in a car accident. He left behind his young wife and my 3 year old nephew. I NEVER thought the sun would ever shine, again, but it did and I have had many wonderful experiences filled with love and laughter, since then. However, not a day goes by that thoughts of my brother don’t enter my mind.

  31. It is soooo hard to just be hanging in the unknown. Love Clarice

  32. Hi Corey, I haven’t been by for a very long time but not a day goes by that I don’t think of you… just on Easter Saturday, my daughter gave birth to a little boy… Harry Frederick and he is gorgeous. You and your family are constantly in my prayers xoxo

  33. I know, dear Corey, I know. You and your family are in my heart.

  34. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Your father must be so proud of his children. I saw your article in Somerset Life today. I’m just a “blogfriend” and I am so proud of you. I hope that this is some “sunshine” in your world. My heart as always goes out to you.

  35. Oh Corey I know too well this place… for I am in it but for very different reasons. Thank you for expressing this ‘no mans land’ so eloquently. It has brought a sigh of relief to me to be able to identify with your words, though I am sorry it is where you are at. Take care. Nel x

  36. I feel for you right now, Corey. The “in-between” really is horrible. I know you are just beginning your night shift, and am praying for a peaceful night.
    I also pray that there is an answer for you soon. Take care of yourselves…that is important for those who love you dearly.

  37. It can seem so hard to navigate trying to look at the far horizon, when the horizon seems to change with every step – perhaps that’s why baby steps seem to make it easier – by just taking those little steps, one at a time – though it must be so hard to not try to look ahead too…my heart goes out to you. Sending hugs and prayers your way, Corey~xo

  38. Marie-Noëlle

    The butterfly agrees with me: we would love to see this striking landscape in colours …

  39. My Melange

    It must be so very hard spending time in the *unknown* It must seem so cruel….but remember everything happens for a reason. You may not know why right now, but someday those reasons will present themselves and you will be forever grateful that it all makes sense.
    Sending you all my love…

  40. We come here, we read your words, we share this virtual space with you Corey and we try to imagine… How is it for you, your Mother, your family (american and french) to start every new day with uncertainity and, at the same time, with a Holy Faith in the heart. It’s not easy at all, yet the love flow continues, you keep staying at his bedside during the night, sharing his tears, loving him… Keep the faith Corey. Be strong as you’ve been the last weeks.

  41. cruststation

    ‘Is this the sacred ground, where we hold our hearts in our hands as an offering?’ Beautiful.

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