Awareness is a good tool to have in One’s Pocket.


             "We miss more by not seeing, than by not Knowing." Sir William Osler

To look beyond and hear the song within the soul-  to have an awareness of self that within each beginning bud the petals of a rose will bloom. To heed to the unseen, that which we feel, that which we are without knowing why–

To see with our hearts,

To listen with our eyes, to speak with our actions,

& to love regardless of the gain.


24 responses to “Awareness is a good tool to have in One’s Pocket.”

  1. Sleep is eluding me tonight, and I thought of you on your night shift…
    What poetry of the heart you weave with your words and images, Corey. I will sleep better now I think, for having seen this, and I hope you and your dad are getting some rest tonight too.

  2. “In order to create there must be a dynamic force, and what force is more potent than love?”
    – Igor Stravinsky

  3. God bless you real good my beloved friend.
    Help us to be ever faithful gardeners of the spirit, who know that without darkness nothing comes to birth, and without light nothing flowers………
    May Sarton

  4. What thought-provoking and profound quotes. Corey, keep your senses open and receive . . .

  5. My Melange

    You are quiet the poet. You have a gift of weaving word over word to create a blanket that touches our heart. We treasure your gift.

  6. Corey, what a beautiful post!! The picture was beautiful and your words were lovely!!
    You are so talented!!! Sending prayers and love to you and your family…

  7. Love leaves a person vulnerable to a lot of unpredictable things….the very good and the very bad. It’s the bravest thing people can do to allow themselves to love.

  8. Ann @ Holy Experience

    Isn’t that the crux of it all? To wake up, to stop missing it all, and see?
    “Instead of complaining that God had hidden Himself, you will give Him thanks for having revealed so much of Himself.” (Pascal, Pensees, 1670)
    And yet we do not fixate “on the things that are seen, but on the things that are unseen” (2 Cor 4:17, 18 NEB).
    And so you, kind Corey.
    Sending love,

  9. Wendi Kelly

    Corey. that was beautiful and very true. I especially feel the awareness more in the spring every mornng when I step in the yard and see something new. The world feels refreshed.

  10. Yes, being a visual person is best……..and you do it so well through the lens Corey. My dh sees nothing unless it’s right under his nose (well I guess he did manage to pick me out from a longer distance some 44 years ago, LOL!)and I feel he, and people like him, are missing so much around them. I have the feeling the ‘Eau Sauvage Man’ shares visual acuity too ~ just know you can ‘see’ one another, even across the pond!
    Loving thoughts are flowing westward on the Spring breeze.

  11. There is an art to seeing potential and waiting with expectancy for the moment to unfold. I love your words, Corey.
    I will be away from my computer until late Sunday, but know that I will continue to hold you in my thoughts (the pebble in my pocket travels with me).

  12. Miss Sandy

    Thank you for sharing your world. You allow others to really see your heart. We are able to listen and drink in simplistic beauty through the eye of your camera lens. Your words motivate us to action. The gain is ours as you share your passions and loves. Thank you for making a small bit of the world a better and brighter place.

  13. Rosemary

    Hi Corey,
    Beautiful words to live by.

  14. kristen robinson

    Simply Corey this is so poignant my heart is touched beyond words.

  15. Di Overton

    Thanks for your lovely words yesterday Corey. I have shown them to Georgia and am sure they will stay with her through to the finals.

  16. Regardless of the gain….key words.
    Still here…still reading…still thinking of you.

  17. le petit cabinet de curiosites

    Wonderful words ! so touching and true ..You are my poet

  18. Such tender and true words. Thanks for sharing.
    love and blessings

  19. Cathy Scalise

    Absolutely lovely blog. Beautiful words. It was an inspiration to have been lucky enough to find you today.
    Thank you,

  20. Thank you for this quote. It is a beautiful quote in so many ways, and also very appropriate to my job. (I am a police officer.)
    I also enjoyed your article in the latest Somerset Life.
    I continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts,

  21. your words are so wonderful, your heart so open;how can the strength you need now, not flow thru you?

  22. Liz Ness


  23. MaryBEth

    your writing has become like words from and Angels mouth traveling straight to my heart

  24. Marie-Noëlle

    I read your blog every day …
    and my heart is getting all eyes, my eyes are getting all ears and my body is getting all languages…
    Gaining every day…

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