The New Shape of Normal


Anyone who knows my mother knows she does not sit still. She is a Matriarch-o-holic, bakes up a storm, volunteers for everything, has a wild garden, is a neat freak, and has a million adoring grandchildren around her…

But when life changes routines change too. The shape of normal changes. Either one rolls into the new shape or wrestles with acceptance. My mom adjusted to the new shape of her changed life within a matter of seconds…. she is incredible when push comes to shove…she rolled as easy as cookie dough.

Though last weekend when my mom started not to feel so well the new shape of normal went through another change. (My mom has been staying with my father during the day, and as you know I have been staying with him at night.)   

Img_0763 Since my mom wasn’t feeling well she continued to stay with my brother Marty and his wife Suzy.  Yesterday when I went by to see how she was my sister in law said, "You won’t believe it, but your mom has changed." Without waiting for my response she continued, "Your mom was in her nightgown all day, watching movies (My mom never watches movies, let alone hangs out in her nightgown!) My sister in law went on to say, "And she caressed our cat on HER LAP!! " My mother does not like cats like most people don’t like mice. But when my sister in law added, "It gets better…. are you sitting down?" I was afraid to say anything, but Suzy continued regardless of my shock, "Your mom left the breakfast dishes in the sink!" Img_0797

The shape of normal seems to be ever changing. First my father enters the hospital, and now my mother is leaving the dirty breakfast dishes in the sink.

I long for some good old fashion normality.

note: My cousin Judy coined the expression "The new shape of normal." Plus my mother is doing better after five days of being sick in bed, watching movies, petting the cat and leaving the dishes dirty in the sink.


54 responses to “The New Shape of Normal”

  1. MaryBEth

    precious Corey,
    sounds like your mom gave into the exhaustion and just “Let Go”
    We hold your father and all of you in our daily prayers, as we sojourn with you from a distance.
    Take Good Care of YOU!

  2. Even we moms need a break now and then as you know only too well dear, and usuallly that means we have to get sick to justify slopping around in nighties and leaving the mundane chores to take care of themselves! I’m glad she is feeling better and was able to just kick back for a while and forget ‘normal’ until well again.
    Stay well yourself, you need your rest as you hold things together there and spend time on the night watch with your dad. Thanks for sharing the words of The Rose – they are so powerful when one sees them in print – and I’ve always loved the song.
    Thinking of you and sending warm hugs and thoughts as always.

  3. It is good to hear that your Mother is getting some down time even though it results in “a new shape of normal”. This journey has revised normal for the whole family hasn’t it?
    Your strength and that of your family is truly inspirational.

  4. Dee/reddirtramblings

    Probably just worn to a frazzle and had the good sense to give in to her body and soul’s needs.
    See, she’s still patterning good and sane behavior for all of you. What a wonderful mother you have, Corey.~~Dee

  5. The world has a way of keeping us quiet when we are meant to be………
    In the stillness that is when we truly hear the voice of God.
    Prayers for your darling Mother, Father you and all your family both near and far.
    God bless you all real good.
    I love you

  6. constance lefevre forehand

    corey, i used a wide belt to hold the little ones in a chair. it worked very well and i think would be easier than knotting a towel. i think that your mother is scared and in depression. GOD bless all of you. todays love, connie

  7. ahh, those little things we know and love about our loved ones makes life delicious!

  8. I remember my little sisters going to my grandmother’s and being tied with a kitchen towel so they would not fall from the chair!Ah, ingenuity. 🙂 I had not thought of that in ages!
    I think your mom was very wise in taking a little detour from her normal routine. Sometimes a little break from the norm is just what we need. She is adjusting to the new shape of what was her normal life. It is all a part of the process that each of us has to endure as life interjects with something that alters the direction we were accustomed to traveling. It is not a bad thing, it’s simply a normal reaction to an abnormal situation.
    Love and hugs to you and your family. You are always in my prayers.

  9. Melissa’s Cozy Teacup

    I am so glad your mom is doing better, in more ways than one.

  10. Your mom was taking a much deserved BREAK!!
    There’s nothing wrong with that 😉

  11. Corey,
    You are a keen observer of life and its intricacies.

  12. I am happy to hear that your Mother is feeling better.
    I am struck by how much our Mothers resemble each other…if my Mother would leave a dirty dish in the sink I would call 911 immediately.
    It is amazing how nature knows best…your Mother needed the rest and nature forced her to take that rest.
    I admire your French Family and how well they are taking your absence…that is true love and understanding.
    You, your Father and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  13. Oh, your poor mom. She was probably exhausted. I’m so glad she is feeling better now and more like her old self. God bless you all!

  14. Marva Plummer-Bruno

    Corey – Hurray for your mom! She needs a break, maybe she’s just realized she needs to slow down and smell the flowers, or in this case pet the cat. 🙂 Marva

  15. It’s funny how stress can manifest itself in different ways. Perhaps it got too much and your Mom neede that breather. I hope she is feeling better. I can’t imagine how stressful it must be for her….
    Prayers sent your way Corey…

  16. Woo hoo!! That is awsome. Can she come and give some lessons to my mother-in-law? At 87 she is pushing her body mercilessly to maintain the pace set down by a lifetime of habit. It’s painful to watch and I continuously chide her to relax.
    Good for your mom!
    – Suzanne, the Farmer’s Wife

  17. Oh Corey, I want to yell out too! I think its amazing how the two of you have shaped into a new kind of normal, and become heroines in the process! Your father is so blessed… Love and kisses my dear, and sleep well…

  18. From what I have read about your mother, it would not surprise me if she consciously chose to slow down, demonstrating that she knows where her limits are and when to simply take care of her soul. Dirty breakfast dishes will have to wait.

  19. Miss Sandy

    Life’s circumstances, age, and time have a way of changing us or forcing us at times to change ourselves. It sounds like your mother is just taking a much needed break from normal or perhaps slowing down and enjoying things she formerly over looked will be her new normal. Exactly what is normal anyway, I can never seem to find it as it remains elusive and just out of my grasp.
    Praying you all find balance in your new state of normal.

  20. Corey, I think it was very brave of your mother to take time out of her normalcy, just to be…. She listened to her instincts, regardless of what others would think, and that is a wonderful way to cope with the turmoil in her life!! Take care!

  21. shannon in oregon

    perhaps your mom is learning what my mom did when some major thing altered her life…
    life is too short to be worried about dirty dishes. you need to sit and enjoy a pj day with a cat on your lap (cuz cats really do have the life) while watching movies.
    much love to you!!!

  22. So sorry to hear your Mom wasn’t well, but it sounds as though it was nature’s way of making her take some time out for herself without really having to feel guilty about it! Petting the cat! wow! =) Love to you all!!!

  23. PS – I see that little baby lovingly tied to the chair… now why didn’t I think of that when I had four little ones under my feet! =)

  24. Even SuperMom has to take a few days off sometime. I was actually glad to read this because even the strongest back can break. And because, as you know, j’aime beaucoup ta maman. xoxo

  25. Charmingdesigns

    I agree with all that was said before me. Also let you know that I love the photo with the 5Cent sign. Take care. Laurie

  26. Franca Bollo

    And nary a photo to document the monumental event? Such an opportunity lost … I can barely type.

  27. Marie-Noëlle

    Watching movies can help to do the dirty dishes in one’s mind…
    … And your lovely mum must have piled loads of those up in hers these last months.
    She needed and deserved this pause…

  28. beatrice

    je suis heureuse de pouvoir faire un commentaire sur votre blog que j’aime beaucoup. comme beaucoup de français, j’ai du mal avec la langue anglaise, je n’en comprends pas toutes les subtilités, mais si j’ai bien compris vous avez un mari français n’est ce pas? peut être acceptera t’il de nous servir d’interprète. bon week end à vous.

  29. beatrice

    je suis heureuse de pouvoir faire un commentaire sur votre blog que j’aime beaucoup. comme beaucoup de français, j’ai du mal avec la langue anglaise, je n’en comprends pas toutes les subtilités, mais si j’ai bien compris vous avez un mari français n’est ce pas? peut être acceptera t’il de nous servir d’interprète. bon week end à vous.

  30. 🙂
    Your Mom is certainly a great woman.

  31. Tamara Giselle

    It sounds like your Mom was on “vacation”. Perhaps a much needed one too. She has spent her entire life taking care of others so she finally let someone take care of her. It is a hard thing to do when you are a doer. I love your analogy to bending to life so we don’t break. God speed to you and your beautiful family.

  32. Shelley Noble

    Love and support to you and your wonderful mum.
    I love the photo of a busy kitchen with the babe tied in for safety.
    I love the expression, new shape of normal and the way you phrased it further with “Either one rolls into the new shape or wrestles with acceptance.” That line expresses some of the extreme depth to your grasp of understanding life.
    And your writing here is a beautiful book, comparing your mother’s adjustment to her being as cookie dough. So appropriate and well done.

  33. Hi Corey, so glad your mom is feeling better. Maybe she just needed a “vacation” away from it all. Your words as always touch my heart.
    love and blessings

  34. You certainly have a wonderful family, here in the US ,and in France. Your poor Mom…what an ordeal this has been for her. So glad she has an attentive family to take care of her should she be stressed, depressed or just plain tuckered out.And who could ever blame her? Her life is being tilted upside down and sideways. Not to mention that her life long love and partner has been so ill for so long. Even the strongest among us have our days. And how wonderful she has all of you to keep a loving, watchful eye on her and her physical, mental and emotional health. And dear Corey, how are you doing???

  35. Ed in Willows

    I think after all these years and all that has happened, your mom just needed a well deserved break. Sounds like she’s trying new things. I think it’s great….LOL

  36. rochambeau

    Wow! Isn’t life amazing?
    Glad to know your mom is feeling better and wonderful to know she was gave herself permission to relax. Transformation comes in many forms, at the appointed hour.
    Thinking of you and those you love.

  37. Haven’t posted for a while – just want you to know I’m still sending good thoughts and hugs to you and all your loveys, Corey.

  38. I’m sure your poor Mother must be both emotionally and physically exhausted, hopefully this rest with a cat on her lap will do her a world of good.

  39. My Melange

    Sometimes you just need a break from normal….to feel a little more energized!!! Glad she is feeling better 😉

  40. Rosemary

    Hi Corey,
    I guess she deserves a little break from normal. I always say change is bad. Hope she is feeling a lot better.

  41. Oh Corey this made me cry but I think it is tears of happiness. I do not think I am strong as your mom. I so admire her. Clarice

  42. Betty @ She’s Sew Pretty

    Oh Corey! You don’t know how this touched me. I have been so angry at my mom for giving in an not being herself. She sometimes doesn’t get dressed for two days and sits around in her robe. I usually nag her until she does and now I think I will take a step back and let her be. She was up and dressed and at work every morning for years. Maybe she is finally “retired” and tired. Heck, maybe she’ll even let the cat within two feet of her. LOL

  43. Love, love, and more love to your mother…and of course to you and your dad. “The new shape of normal” – how wise that cousin Judy. Words to remember for sure.

  44. Donna O.

    Corey- you continue to shake and humor my heart, all within one post.
    Thinking of you.

  45. Bonjour Corey, I haven’t post any comments for a long time, as I was in a land far away, and so many comments put me off, but I want you to know I have been faithfully reading your blog to know how your papa was doing, now I see that mummy is not her usual self, isn’t it a bit worrying? I hope she is getting better soon. I send you and your familly lots of love and faith.

  46. I don`t think it is strange that a womans body and mind have days that they can`t keep up anymore…Maybe this is a good sign, after all…I mean..your mother tries to stay strong as a mountain, but in the end she also can be as fragile as a leaf..That`s just human…There are too many thought spinning around and I really think she needs a rest. A good massage, a good meal, a bouquet of flowers to smell..
    I have seen it before..don`t worry my friend..she will be alright..
    You also take really good care, give your mother a hug, look her in her eyes,give her a smile. Your Love will keep you both strong!
    Friendly warm thought from far away…
    Aina xxx

  47. I’m glad that your mom is feeling better now. Every superwoman needs to hang up her cape once in a while, kick back, watch movies and leave the dishes for someone else to do. 🙂

  48. It’s so cruel when life plays such games with our lives. I’m so glad to hear that your mother is getting back to normal. I believe she deserves to leave dirty dishes in the sink…atleast for awhile.
    You, your family and most definetly your mother are in my prayers and thoughts. Can you feel the angel wings around you?

  49. oh, Corey . . . I hope everything eases for everyone.

  50. Christine

    I hope your mom is able to move beyond this depression or whatever it is..sounds like she’s just had too much and needs someone to take care of her. Sending good thoughts to you and your family 🙂

  51. Sending you love as I check in with you after several days away.
    It’s easy to feel off balance when you feel out of control with so much change around you. Keep holding on, friend, and wait for things to right themselves (or to gather strength to cope with the change).

  52. Lisa & Alfie at The Pickled Hutch

    I love that your mom broke her routine to do what she needed to do to recoup. And that you all know her so well that dishes in the sink could raise questioning eyebrows. (Unfortunately, that wouldn’t raise any eyebrows at my home!) Good for her. There is strength in letting go.
    Lisa & Alfie

  53. Just wanted to stop by again and say my well wishes for you and your family.Your Mom breaking routine makes me think of reeds bending in the wind, you know how they say they bend so they don’t break? That’s what I was reminded of when reading this post. Big smiles and warm thoughts and positive well wishes from me to you and yours.

  54. Julie G. Baxley

    Your mom is strong enough to leave dirty dishes in the sink, and I still love her! I also admire the fact she stayed in her nightgown all day long…wow!

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